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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Early Resolutions

Most folks wait until January to list their New Year resolutions, but, as you all can tell, I have been slowly working on mine for the last several months. I guess I can't call what I've come up with "resolutions" since those are usually things people intend or hope to do. I've come up with changes I've already made or am definitely making. (Matter of fact, I added one to the list after a wasted evening out: In other words, I won't be doing the family dinners out anymore.There was nothing in it for me to enjoy, so I would  have done better to go out with a friend. With a friend, I would  have had mutual conversation and something to look back on later as being pleasant. Tonight cost me money that could have been better spent and was a complete waste of time for me. If my mother were here, I think even she would tell me the same thing.)

So, other than that, here is the main list. *drum roll please* I resolve to:

  • Know that God made me for and intends good things for me no matter what the present is like.
  • Grow my faith more.
  • Stop doing anything that doesn't make me feel right. No more "go along to get along" or "grin and bear it." 
  • Start respecting myself no matter whether other people have the decency to do so or not.
  • Spend more time and attention on those in my life who add joy and love. Less time and thought on those who don't. (I'm thinking of 3 dear friends who I've neglected a little)
  • Find a way to express my creativity again. If this disease killed my writing ability, there is still something I can do. I need to find that and do it.
  • Make plans to live more happily independent from family. I've been too close to them and need to concentrate on me and my happiness. That will let me enjoy the time I do spend with them more.
  • Pray more every day. Spend real time on my spiritual life. Reading the Bible and going to church.
  • Join a support group for this disease.
  • Learn something new this year - an art or a technology.
  • Return to keeping a paper and pen journal.
  • Start a collection of stones. I might even make a hobby of collecting and polishing them. It's something I've wanted to do for years and never did.

And there are some that I know are typical: stop smoking, lose weight, etc. LOL.

I wonder what kinds of resolutions other people make. Not the ones they tell everyone about, but the ones that really mean something special to them. Hmmm.

Anyway, I am planning to be a stronger person in the coming year. I'm am already making inroads.

Here's to 2012 and the next however many years God grants me of life.
