Anyway, once I fixed the connections, I started getting accepted for products to review. The best thing to come out of that bit of inconvenience is that I discovered another site where I can find things to review. I will tell you guys more about that in another post. For now, I wanted to give you a peek at what I have coming up soon...
- Grapefruit E.O.
- Peach Kernel Oil
- A "Greek Remedy" oil
- Clove Leaf E.O.
- An E. O. blend for anxiety & stress relief
- An E.O. diffuser/humidier
- Another brand of Blackstrap Molasses
- A home gym exerciser
I'm excited about all these, and especially the oils (because you guys know I have a thing for those!). I'm trying to find some different kinds of E.O.s to review since we hear quite a lot about the usual suspects. The diffuser/humidifier has been fun to try out, and I'm looking forward to the exerciser - which is supposed to be a simple and easy to use product.
As always, I am looking around for other products to review. I've got my Wish List as far as the hair and beauty stuff goes. As far as the E.O.s, I'm thinking Black Pepper, Bergamot, Sage, etc. I'm pretty interested in another oil I've been hearing so much about (called Kukui Nut Oil). Will have to keep looking around for availability.
I really want to start doing some reviews for various cosmetics. I have trouble finding good (and affordable) makeup, and bet I'm not alone...
The last time I found a foundation I loved, I was so busy doing other things that I never really gave the product a decent review. So... Maybe I will dedicate one post a month to a lipstick, foundation, eyeliner - something.
Can't wait to get going on these products so I can get the reviews out there. If anyone knows of something that I should take a look at, please do let me know.