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Saturday, May 27, 2023

Blood Pressure Update

 When I first posted about my improved BP numbers 5 or 6 weeks ago, I was wondering how the magnesium glycinate and nitric oxide supplements would affect my labs. Well, I had my labs done last week and things were great. It's not uncommon for my creatinine levels to fluctuate. Sometimes the level gets worrying enough that the infusion nurses have to check with my doctor about whether or not to proceed with the treatment. This time, nothing.

None of my doctors seem willing to admit that the supplements have anything to do with the lowering of my blood pressure. They all chalk it up to a change in my eating habits (that ain't happened), my getting more exercise (nope), or cutting back on salt (nope again). I will be seeing yet another new rheumatologist soon and will be asking him about the supplements. 

For now, I am continuing with both the supplements and my regular BP meds. I am still drinking a minimum of 50 to 70 ounces of water daily (usually 70 ounces). I still drink about 12 ounces of coffee daily. And I am still on my pizza kick. 

My salt intake is not down. I'm not bad about having a lot of salt in my diet and I've been eating a variety of meals using the same ingredients.  My daily meals for approximately the last 6 months include homemade dough (made with a teaspoon of salt for enough dough for 6 small meals), mozzarella cheese, about 3 tablespoons of sauce, some black olives, pepperoni slices, and EVOO. If I make a small pizza, I use about 6 slices of pepperoni, a fourth cup of cheese, and 2 to 3 tablespoons of olive oil. Lately, I will have about 3 tablespoons of aioli. Sometimes, I make a loaf of garlic and mozzarella bread to eat with some butter or sauce or aioli. My BP after a pizza for lunch today was 125/64.

By the way, I am using this BP monitor - which is much better than my last one. I like that it has been reading close to what the nurses get during appointments. It also warns the user about high readings and incorrect placement of the cuff. The only thing I regret is not getting it at Walmart where my health insurance would have covered the price.

The big thing is, I guess, whether or not I feel better. The answer is, not really. The only difference is that I don't get as many headaches and my weight is dropping slightly. I still have the fatigue but my doctors say that is due to the sarcoidosis - even though having high blood pressure doesn't help. I still have days when I can't think clearly and I still occasionally have to be really careful about my balance so I don't run into walls or trip myself. 

The reason I am so happy about my blood pressure being lower is mainly because, the better my BP, the less damage to my kidneys. I have a traumatic fear of ever needing dialysis. That will never be on my bucket list.

So, yes, I am feeling optimistic about my kidney health. I still wish every day that someone will find a cure for sarcoidosis but I will take any win I get.



IMPORTANT NOTE: Understand that I am NOT offering health or any other kind of advice. I am simply relating my personal experiences. Also, I am not compensated for the products mentioned or linked to in this post. You should always consult with your medical care team before taking anything not prescribed - including supplements in powder, tablet, liquid, or any other form. Supplements are not regulated and, like anything, can have varying quality issues.