The only reason I even like knowing where readers come in from is that I'd like to sometimes post about things that might interest them instead of talking about myself all the time. Because I have the attention span of a toddler, even though I glance at my reader stats all the time, I remember those stats for about half a second. The good thing about that is, repeat visitors kind of stand out even in my memory.
It looks like I have some faithful readers out there from outside Paris, France, in Washington state and California and New York and down in Brisbane and Sydney. I get a lot of visitors from the UK. If I look closer at stats, I seem to attract the attention of more folks outside the US - at least enough for them to come back. Wonder what that means?
Blogger, Technorati, Feedjit... numbers, graphs and charts. I can give myself a major headache if i look too long at any of this stuff. What am I supposed to do with this information? No clue. I just found it interesting for about five minutes. And it made me want to know about the folks who come over and take a look at the blog. I'm so self-focused when write my posts, but, if I could talk to you guys, I'd want to know more about you.
So, all right then, I am talking to you, and I am very nosy:
- Where are you from & do you like it there or not? Why?
- Are you Android or Apple?
- What would you do if you could do anything and get paid for it?
- What's your favorite social network, if you have one? (G+, Facebook, Twitter....)
- Are you creative & how?
- Do you have a theme song? What is it?
- What's your zodiac sign?
- Are you part of a big family? Do you like that?
- What's your favorite song, book, quote...?
- What cycle of your life are you in right now? (Happy, sad, changing, learning...)
Of course, I have learned from experience that my readers tend to be shy. I get more direct emails than I do comments here and on G+. That's okay. If you do email, please remember to put the post title in the Subject line. Sometimes things go straight to my junk folder and I can't tell what's what.