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Monday, March 21, 2016

**REVIEW** Baby Bib Set by NinoStar

Since she and her cousin are the ones using these items, let's start by showing off my beautiful new grand-niece...

Sometimes, I call her "Meanie Beanie" 

... And my handsome new grand-nephew...

LOL Go ahead. Caption that expression!

(I was using the term "great" until I realized I like "grand" better!)

Both new additions to the fam are adorable. Baby LJ looks a little stubborn (he is), and Baby Sissy looks mean. We've decided that they both just have a lot of deep thoughts...

Anyway, this is the Baby Bib Set by NinoStar:

You get 5 bibs, the 12 stickers, and that cute giraffe.

When I got the baby bib set for the nieces to try on the kids, I didn't realize that all the colors are more masculine than fem. That aside, the bibs are really cute and, thank goodness, the snaps are way more secure than on most bibs. Also, the fabric is thick and absorbent enough that we aren't missing that plastic backing most bibs have. If you notice, after some washing, that plastic starts to wear and tear and feel icky.

The moms like that the snaps hold so well and that the bibs look a bit different than the usual store finds. Their favorite part of the package has to be the stickers. Every mom (especially first-time mommies like LJ's) want to mark and note everything in albums. The stickers make nice reminders of just how fast the time does fly.

I think that I like the stuffed animal most of all. I mean, if I get a say!

The animal is not very big, which makes it perfect for very little ones. Not that Sissy stays wake long enough to see hers much, I did lay it in her swing with her to see if it would catch her eye. She gave it the side eye! I think LJ is old enough to play with it more and it's small enough for his little uncoordinated hands. The feet are made of bumpy plastic and I know the kids will love gumming on them when they start teething.

 This would make a nice baby-shower gift and it's nice that there is more than just one thing included. With all the positive stuff noted, I have to say that some mothers and fathers might want something more feminine for their baby girls. The first thing Sissy's mom wanted to know was if she hadn't gotten the "Boy" set by mistake. Of course, once she put on one of the bibs, she liked everything else about it. Still, I myself would have liked something in pinks and yellows for Sissy.

The only other thing that threw us off when we got the delivery is that the product description also calls the bibs "snap on drooling cloths", so you might be looking for a separate item. No. The bibs can be used as drooling cloths. So, just know that.

The Prime price will seal the deal for a lot of gift-givers. Because the bibs are well made and so soft, you'd expect to pay a little bit more.

If you buy this and find that you aren't happy, no worries. The products are backed by a "100% money back guarantee. Return it within 90 days for a full refund with no questions asked." That's straight from the Seller.

Here are some more photos I took to show some of the detail of both the front and the soft backing.


In exchange for providing my fair and honest review, I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only review products that I have personally used and can give an opinion of.