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Friday, October 28, 2016

**Info Probe** Tumeric (for flavor, health & beauty)

Since I posted about the types and benefits of butter (and ghee), I've been thinking of some of the other easily accessible products that we could all be taking advantage of. I'm thinking mainly of food items that lots of other cultures already make use of - and that we Westerners don't.

Image result for turmericTurmeric became one of my favorite cooking powders several months back. I started adding it to my coffee and baked foods when I heard that it was supposed to be anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory. Due to the aging process (and maybe some of the meds I've been on), I needed the anti-inflammatory properties. What I didn't know about turmeric is how many other healthy benefits it can have.

Just like when I was posting the information about butter, I want to point out that it pays to look to a variety of cultures for healthy ideas. Turmeric is, I learned, used in Ayurvedic medicine for treating a number of disorders. Of course, I know very little about the religious/spiritual aspects of Ayurvedic medicine, I can appreciate the things that are beneficial to physical health.

Other than the flavor it adds to food, one of the things I like most about turmeric is the vivid yellow color of the powder. When I bake meats and veggies, I love to add the yellow turmeric with some deep red curry powder.

The yellow color is not just something to please the eyes. Apparently, the main active ingredient in turmeric is something called curcumin. The amounts of curcumin found in turmeric is small and since it's not easily absorbed by the body, some people prefer to get the curcumin in higher doses via supplements. On the other hand, curcumin is better absorbed when combined with fatty substances or black pepper. I am intrigued by the anti-oxidant (and other healthy) claims of a curcumin extract so I've ordered some. Of course, I will let you all know how that works out.
Image result
As far as non-food/uses for turmeric, you've probably already heard about using it as an eyeshadow. I think the first time I heard about that was when everyone was doing beauty hacks using cocoa and sugar and other kitchen staples. I'm careful about what I will use on my face - even natural products. I suggest that anyone planning on experimenting with this will make sure to use a lot of caution. I'm not sure if turmeric can

Just for kicks, I did a quick search for beauty tips using turmeric and... there are lots. Pinterest is, of course, loaded with various ideas and then there are all the folks selling books and products that include turmeric. As soon as I saw that turmeric can be used for hair removal, I was out. Here's just one link to give you an idea of some beauty uses. Like I said, proceed with caution.

Because I really like the Wellness Mama site, I wanted to include this link about turmeric. I was paying attention to the cautions as well as to the general info provided.

Since turmeric is mainly used for food, I am including some links for using it in the kitchen:

So, there you go. There are lots of reasons to look into using turmeric and lots of ways to do so. If anyone has any tips and/or recipes, don't be shy about sharing.


**NOTE - For anyone who, like me, wondered if curcumin was the same as cumin, the answer is no.  Maybe I ought to do my next Probe on cumin!

No-brainer DISCLAIMER: I assume you all know that I am not a doctor or any other type of medical professional. You should use your common sense and your doctor's advice when it comes to your health.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

**Info Probe** Oh,Ghee, Butter and Grass-fed Things for Food and for.. Hair???

Ghee, let's talk

If you have ever tried to clean up your nutritional habits, you've had to start reading food labels more carefully than you might have before.

Prior to going "Keto", I've never tried very hard to change my eating habits. I did try eating more vegetables (via juicing) and getting more water into my daily diet, and I have done the low-calorie thing. The most involved I've been with food labels is reading the calorie counts. 

Since I have begun eating "ketogenically", I have become really interested in food labels. Bigger than that, I am interested in the truth  of those labels. The basic idea behind a keto diet is eating low-carb. high-fat, and clean. The low-carb/high-fat part doesn't faze me, but that "clean" part? That's going to be kind of tricky.

One of the first habits I gained when I started the Keto diet was to drink "Bullet Proof Coffee" (or BPC). My BPC is coffee blended with butter and coconut oil and whole/heavy cream. It has replaced my coffee with flavored creamers. It has replaced sodas and juices. Just about the only thing I drink these days is tea with cream, BPC or Pellegrino sparkling water or flat water. No more Almond Joy Creamer or apple-orange juice blends for me. 

When I learned about BPC, I was kind of grossed out. I tried it (using sweet cream butter and coconut oil and some half and half) and was really grossed out. I had forgotten to blend the concoction - which makes ALL the difference. Then I learned that I should be using butter from grass-fed cows. I'd never before paid attention to the type of butter I was using, other than whether or not it was salted or unsalted. Who knew?

Once I got the hang of drinking butter in my coffee (and started seeing results with my weight and energy levels), I started paying more attention to the butter I was using. This is the brand of butter that I started out using in my coffee- and still use for some of my food needs. It's the one that is most readily available at our local stores (including Walmart and Costco):

I've found one other brand that is labeled as being from grass-fed cows.

As far as using butter in coffee, I guess I should point out a couple of "Why's":
  • Q - Why use butter at all (in coffee)? A - It's a great substitute for the morning "breaking of the night fast" (breakfast), and it satisfies hunger.
  • Q - Why use grass-fed butter? A - In theory, it's healthier to eat butter made from the milk of grass-fed cows. In theory. I'll be getting to more in that in a moment.
  •  Also, adding butter and coconut oil gives Keto eaters some of their desired daily fat macronutrients.
In theory, butter from the milk of grass-fed cows is supposed to be higher in antioxidants that are heart healthy. I say "in theory" because this is only true if you are getting actual grass-fed butter. Labeling is a problem with any products here in the U.S. and as a consumer, I'm learning that I have to look at food labels very closely. The information I see may not always be as straightforward as it should be. This is what the term "grass-fed" generally means (according to USDA standards):
meat obtained from cows that were raised, after weaning, on a diet of grass (and other forage, like clover) situated in pasture and, when fresh grass is unavailable, hay.
The standards were established in 2007 but wasn't used by all beef producers anyway. In January 2016, the USDA stopped using the definition since they can't do the all the on-site inspections needed to verify the standard is being met. There are other options for how the grass fed standards will be determined. (Believe it or not, I first heard of the whole issue via a Cracked Magazine article. This is why I file Cracked in my "News You Can Use" file...)

It's not enough that I have to worry about the truth and lies in labeling, but also about whether or not a food is GMO- and pesticide-free, right? The USDA has standards for that also, by the way. It's almost as if we as consumers need to take a crash course in standards and practices of the food industry before we head to the grocery store!

Now that I am a few months into the ketogenic diet, I am adjusting foods and ingredients to suit my budget and preferences. One major change I've made is to start using ghee instead of my other butter. Purity Farms is the first brand I found locally. (You can see a photo further below.)

I had multiple reasons for even trying ghee. One was that Kerry Gold has "improved" their butter and the improvements possibly involve changes that I would find unhealthy. I'm still checking that claim out and I have a small reserve of the "old" Kerry Gold butter on hand for now. The other reason I wanted to at least try using ghee was that I'd heard it was a bit denser in certain nutrients. Here's how ghee compares to butter:

Source: Dr Axe
I'm looking at the higher nutrient contents in particular. It's a bonus that the smoke point is higher for ghee, which means it's easier to cook with.

As with any other food product, consumers will want the best quality item. I found a list of things to look for in ghee. I bolded the things that matter most to me personally. The list and notes are from the same source I just linked:

  • Grass Fed (Buying ghee that is made from cows that were fed on grass rather than fed on grain (as most North American dairy producers do) is more in line with how cows in India are raised. The consensus is that cows that are fed grass produce milk that has more flavors and is more nutrient rich than cows that are fed grain. Some ghee producers don’t even don’t collect milk from the cows during the summer months when the grass is dry and isn’t as nutritious for the cows.)
  • Organic (If you are eating ghee for its health benefits it is well worth considering buying organic. Many of the most popular brands are organic.)
  • Cultured Ghee (Regular ghee does not use cultured cream and thus retains some of the casein:  Tin star is cultured and Pure Indian also offers cultured ghee. Cultured ghee has a more buttery taste. Many people prefer the taste and aroma of cultured foods. It is also made in such a way that has absolutely no casein or lactose (lab tested).)
  • Certified Casein- and Lactose-Free (Many ghee products claim to be casein and lactose free, although this does mean that there can still be trace amounts of casein and lactose. If you think that may be problematic to you Pure Indian Food Ghee does do lab tests to ensure that their ghee can be certified free of lactose and casein.)
  • Made in Small Batches (Another big selling point for many of the most popular ghee brands is that they are made in small batches. This helps with quality control, as well as keeping connected to traditional way of making ghee and to the Ayurveda way.)
  • Traditional or Ayurveda techniques being used (Many people believe that in order to make the most healthful and healing ghee, there are many things that need to go into the setting that it is made. It need to be made in a peaceful and positive environment, It is best to make Ghee on the waxing fortnights of the moon as the milk and butter are energized at this time.)
  • Price (If you want ghee that is grass fed and organic, be prepared to pay quite a lot per ounce. Since many of the most popular ghee products aren’t mass produced the cost does end up in the price tag.)
  • Shelf Life (Generally the shelf life of an opened jar is 3 months without refrigeration, and one year in the fridge.)
  • Jar Size (You can buy ghee in a number of different jar sizes. Remember when you are ordering just buy what you will finish in about three months. Ghee can be stored longer, but three months is when it tastes the freshest.)

Ghee is a traditional item in certain Asian cultures and, as you can see, it ties into the heritage and religions of the peoples. Since I am using the product strictly for health benefits, I am less concerned with some of the above-mentioned aspects. I listed all the things mentioned out of respect for the culture and heritage of the peoples who have given us the product.

Without ordering online, my access to ghee here in Alaska is pretty limited. I did find two brands to compare. Actually, I found three brands, but the third was out of my price range.

I will give the Pros and Cons of the two brands I did try.

First up, is Purity Farms. I found it for $8.09 at a local specialty market.


  • The label was very informative!
  • Smells great 
  • Has a great flavor right off the spoon and in my coffee
  • It meets a lot of the criteria I listed as preferable
  • The price was affordable for my budget ($8.09 for 7.5oz so apprx $1.08 per ounce)
  • The outer plastic wrapper obscures the product.
  • The product itself is of a hard consistency. Very hard.

This is the Deep brand

  • The consistency is what I expected & wanted
  • The product was visible around the label
  • The flavor was great in my coffee
  • The price was better than the Purity Farms brand ($9.99 for 16oz bottle or apprx $0.62 per ounce)
  • The label is not informative past basic nutrition info
  • I had to find info online and it was still incomplete
  • Also, not lactose-free...

The Deep brand is my favorite as far as the texture but, oddly, I like the flavor of the Purity Farms brand best. It's a close call between the two as far as flavor, but I could swear that the P.F. brand is more pronounced and slightly sweeter. I do have another cold, though, so I will hold judgment until I can tell for sure.

The issue of texture reminds me of my preference in coconut oils where there is a big difference between the refined and unrefined versions - regardless of any brand I've tried. I prefer the unrefined coconut oils because of the texture. It's softer and melts easily with natural body heat. With the ghee, I'm using it (mostly) in hot coffee so that isn't too big of a deal. Just personal whims.
Lactose-intolerant people would probably feel more comfortable using the Purity Farms ghee.The label is very clear about the exclusion of casein and lactose. The Deep brand's website wasn't much help because it kept rejecting the UPC code for the product. What a pain in the butt that I need to input that code just to get more product info! Lame, lame, lame. So, I emailed the company.

So, no, the Deep brand wouldn't work well for someone trying to avoid the lactose. The GMO issue is iffy. (I still like it and since it's a brand I can find locally, I will use it until I finish it and order another brand online. Dangit.)

Neither brand gives enough information on their labels, by the way. I think that, for some people, their choice will come down to flavors and textures.

Now, let's talk hair...?

I'm not sure how anyone else might feel about using ghee and/or butter and coconut oil in their cofee. I do know that lots of people use coconut oil for their hair and skin. Guess what? Ghee and butter are used by some people for that same thing.
Here in my town, ghee is considered "ethnic" and is usually located with the Indian foods in stores. I find it a bit delightful that the Indian and Ethiopian cultures met up to create food and beauty uses for something as common as butter.
I was actually just searching for information about ghee when I first saw articles talking about how Ethiopians use butter to style and treat their hair. When I looked further into the subject, I learned Niter kibbeh - a seasoned clarified butter that Ethiopians cook with. (You guys know that I will be looking for some of that to use in my cooking!) What I wanted to know about though was using butter for the hair.
The first piece of info I found was by an Ethiopian hair stylist talking about the Kibeh (or Kibae) treatment for hair. This apparently entails applying an "Ethiopian hair butter cream" whip to the hair then doing a 20-30 steam treatment. 
Since I really couldn't find any type of "hair butter cream" anywhere else, I'm not sure if all of them are made the same way. Here is a purchasing link for the one just mentioned. (Please note that I am not being compensated in any way for sharing that link. I had not even heard of the salon until writing this post.)  There are recipes all over for making your own homemade ghee and clarifed butter. I'm lazy and will continue buying mine for now! Here is one recipe.
There are also other ways to use ghee for hair and skin beauty:
  • This article lists several uses & mentions mixtures that can be made by adding milks and other products. (I did try this on my skin. It's does seem richer and more moisturizing than the thinner coconut oil.I used mine after a warm showerd. The smell was stronger and a bit off-putting while I had my torso, neck and face slathered. Instead of rinsing, I used a warm towel dotted with a couple of drops of food grade orange oil to wipe away the excess. Have to say that my skin felt marvelous! The orange oil took away the butter smell.
  • More uses listed here. That ghee can be used for eczema is interesting to me. With my poor immune system, I've been dealing with small patches of eczema on my feet. I'm going to check with my dermatologist about using the ghee & I will let you guys know the results.)
  • One of the most interesting links I found was one discussing using an Ayurvedic remedy called Shata dhauta ghrita used for soothing burns, scars and other bothersome skin irritations. The recipe is simple: ghee and water, but it requires some mixing procedures. (I also noticed that there is a suggestion for a particular brand of ghee.)
  • Since I mentioned using ghee for the hair, I thought it would be nice to see how that worked for others. One blogger likes the results she got. Another user listed the pros and cons of her experience.
Since I was already using ghee and coconut oil in my coffee, I decided to make things easier for myself. I took an empty jar and mixed some ghee with coconut oil and turmeric powder. You guys might remember my talking a long while back about adding a touch of turmeric to my coffee. It's a habit I have kept up while drinking BPC. Now that I am using the butter on my skin and hair, I will need another empty jar to mix coconut oil and ghee.

If any of you are using ghee for your skin and hair, please share your recipes.


DISCLAIMER: I assume you all know that I am not a doctor or any other type of medical professional. You should use your common sense and your doctor's advice when it comes to your health.

Monday, October 24, 2016

**REVIEW** Mink Lashes

There is something very sexy about nice lashes. Actually, I think the first thing most people notice about someone's face is their smile and/or their eyes. I recently got to see how adding more lashes can oomph up someone's look. These are the lashes I'm talking about:

These are lashes from Tricky Hair Extensions. The glam is serious with these because, get this, they are made of 100% mink fur. Yes, mink. I felt sparkly and dressed up just saying that!

I used my niece Gabrielle as a model for a couple of reasons. One: she is beautiful bare-faced (and I wanted Before photos of her eyes). Two: the girl has beautiful eyes and can really rock some makeup.  (Also, she has that youthful, glow-y skin.)

Since Gabby had almost no complaints about the lashes - just that she had to work a bit to comb them into her desired shape once they were on - I will just let the photos speak for the product.

#1 - Gabby's bare lashes. As you can see, I wasn't lying about the pretty shape of my niece's eyes. Where I am a lipstick person, Gabby likes to dress up her eyes and she will match her eyeshadow to whatever outfit she is wearing. This is a big reason that I wanted her as my model!

#2 - She said that getting them on wasn't difficult. She did have to trim the outer edge to fit her lid length. She said that she had to separate some of the lashes because they tangled a bit. Don't forget, these lashes are really lush and full.

 #3 As you can see,  the chick has some pretty eyes (and eyebrows). She wanted to show a contrast of lash on/lash off...

 #4 - She noted that curling the lashes defined the shape better for her upturned oval eye shape. The lashes are not difficult to work with for anyone who has ever worn other lashes. 

#5 - The finished look up close. The lashes are very lush!

#6 - All finished with the rest of her eye makeup. IMO, Gabby's eyes look very defined and great even though she went lighter on her eye makeup.

#7 - She wanted to show how nice the lashes look in full on sunlight. I think she's working the glam well.

Notice that these lashes are lush and sexy but not too much for day wear. They give Gabby's eyes a nice bit of pop and she can still look professional at work - and she does have a professional and semi-conservative career.

Thanks to Gabby for being my model. She likes the lashes a lot and loves the extra dress up for her eyes. Thanks to Tricky Hair for letting us try these lashes. In addition to 3D mink lashes, Tricky Hair sells clip-in hair extensions. Visit their site and take a look around.


Disclosure: I received one or more of the products at a discount or no charge in exchange for doing a fair and honest review.

Friday, October 14, 2016

ChiroDoc Coccyx Cushion

Because I spend so much time in my chair writing (too much time, actually), I was glad to try out this seat cushion when it was offered:

That is the ChiroDoc Coccyx Seat Cushion. This is what mine looked like when I unboxed it:

I have tried two other cushions before. One worked so well, I gave it to my sister to use in her wheelchair seat. The other cushion was a disappointment. In spite of the price which, at $32 and change is average for something decent, the quality was low. I think that cushion lasted a full week before it had to be fluffed every couple of hours. It was never really very comfortable after the initial 24-hour testing period anyway. That one went to the garbage.

The chair that I use when writing is old. I'm kind of attached to it though. I feel like I need to finish the two projects I'm working on before I can get rid of it. Besides, chairs are not cheap. My current chair still functions in every way - it can be raised and lowered and the back can be adjusted - it's just no longer very nice to my butt. If I don't use some kind of padding, I can just about feel the metal supports leaving marks on my tail. I've been using some of those cheap decorative pillows made for outdoor furniture. This new cushion came in on the 5th and I just about hurt myself ripping the box open.

Before I go on, let me tell you what the product page for this item told  me to expect:

  • That it's designed to fit the shape of the butt
  • That it relieves lower back pain
  • That it will improve posture
  • That it never goes flat,
  • and can be used anywhere (ex: for traveling)
  • That the covering is hypoallergenic and dust mite resistant
Okay. That's their take. Here's mine:

I can tell you that it does fit my butt. It's shaped the way most seat cushions are - to fit human contours. I can't attest to the back pain relief because I don't have that problem. I also don't think it does anything for my posture. That would take my cooperation. When I am sitting and writing, I usually slouch back with one leg propped up on something. (Do not judge me.) 

For this post, I wanted to test how well the cushion would hold up under a lot of use. For three days, I clocked my time spent sitting to write. Thursday through Saturday, I put a total of 15.5 hours in at the computer. Friday was my longest time (6.5 hours) and I have to tell you, my behind felt better than it usually does after long writing sessions.

Without something padding this old chair seat, my butt usually starts getting numb after two or three hours. Some kind of cushioning only  helps a bit. Sitting on this cushion was nice. I still needed to get up and move around every couple of hours, but I think that's only natural. It was the comfort I got while  sitting that made such a difference. I will have to come back and update down the road but, so far, this memory foam does seem to bounce back nicely.

So, yeah, I can give a thumbs up to the comfort factor. As far as how well this cushion would travel, it's not at all heavy (just over 1 pound), but it will take up some room in your carry-on. The measurements: 17.7 x 13.7 x 2.8 inches. That's not huge and I suppose, you could fold the cushion, but I travel with as little hand-baggage as possible.

The covering is removable in case you're like me and will want to launder it. I don't plan on sharing my cushion with anyone but this little dirt goblin here:

I don't know about all 4-year-olds, but DJ is truly a bundle of energy and dirt. He's like a dirt magnet and, of course, he likes to invade Auntie's bedroom and, of course, he usually goes straight to the tiny corner I use as a writing area. Of course.

Probably, I will be washing the cushion at least once every few weeks. 

Like I said, if I need to, I will come back and update this post but, as of now, I will rate this cushion as 5 out of 5 stars.


DISCLOSURE: I received the item(s) either at a discount or no cost in exchange for sharing my opinion.

Friday, October 07, 2016

**REVIEW** Cartoon Piggy Bank ATM

This is the "Cartoon Piggy Bank" sold on Amazon by Jhua.

It's cute, right? I wouldn't call it a "piggy bank" though. The shape is all wrong, and the image isn't even of a pig... 

I think I see a panda....


Okay, so it's not a traditional "piggy bank", but it is a neat little bank. It is, in my opinion, suitable for kids and adults. The packaging labels the bank as being for "Ages 3+" but the features are nice for anyone:
  • It's set up like a little ATM
  • Works with a password
  • Takes both bills and coins
  • Voice prompts user when entering password correctly or incorrectly
  • Lights flash when entering passwords (red for incorrect & green for correct)
  • Beeping reminders when door left open
  • Comes with preset password (can be changed by user)
The unit is plastic and not very heavy (when empty) but it is sturdy.  

I think that kids (okay, and adults) will like using this just because of the ATM-like features. The password might deter snooping siblings and little visitors.


One of the corners screws was missing on the unit I got. Not a huge deal because the other 3 screws are nice and tight, but... I'm sure that if I contact the Seller, they will be happy to send me a replacement, but that's a lot of hassle since I see no reason to ever be removing that entire backplate.

This comes with decent instructions but I did get a little annoyed because of a misprint. What is the most important thing when buying something like this for a kid? Batteries, right? Well, at first glance, the back of the box shows the battery compartment and labels the 3 battery slots with "AAA". The note to the side of this illustration indicates "AA" batteries. By the way, the correct answer is... "AA" size batteries.

You're going to need AA batteries, folks

Other than the problem of thinking I already the correct batteries on hand (and having to run out and get the right ones), I really like this little bank. I plan to give it to my nephew for either his December birthday or Christmas.

You will notice in my disclosure that I got this item at no cost in order to do a review. That's really good because as I write this post the Amazon price is $26.88. That's a little bit steep for something I would get a three-year-old, but I'd get it for someone 6+. DJ will be getting this review sample when he is five. He's a really smart 5 though!

How'd it work?

Watch as I demonstrate the bank. (You should be able to view the video as soon as it's finished uploading!)

To sum up, this is a good gift item and the features are really nice - they are even something of a learning tool for young ones. Just be aware that you will need to get your own "AA" batteries - not "AAA" - before you can use it. This bank is pretty useless without batteries.

You can find the item here on Amazon. 


DISCLOSURE: I received one or more of the items mentioned at a discount or no cost in exchange for doing a fair and unbiased review. Because of changes n their policy, I can no longer review these Amazon items on Amazon, but that's where they can be purchased.

Tuesday, October 04, 2016

Open Letter to Amazon About the Policy Change

Dear Amazon:

For a big and influential company, you sure didn't use your smarts this time. About 10 minutes after I received a morning delivery of Amazon items to review, I saw the online news about the policy change on product reviews.

My first thought was how to deal with the stuff I have yet to review. My next thought was this:

                         Amazon Policy Change = Good Idea. Great Idea.
                         Implementation of the Change = Lazy & loophole-laden

No doubt about it, there are some cheating, lying and totally untrustworthy reviewers out there. I'm just hurt that you, Amazon, choose to paint me with the same brush as those cheats. I'm also a little suspicious of your motives now that I know you plan to use only your system (Vine) of choosing reviewers. And that is in spite of the fact that I think I meet the criteria of being chosen to participate in Vine.

A policy change was needed, but one better and smarter. You, Amazon, surely have the money for that. With this policy you've chosen, you are only penalizing the honest sellers and reviewers and opening a wider door for the cheats.

Do you think that cheating sellers won't find a way around this new system of yours? 

Do you think cheating reviewers won't work with those cheating sellers?

Since I'm not one of the cheats, I probably will be part of the group that loses out. Yes, I like getting free and discounted stuff. Of course, I do. Almost anyone does. That doesn't mean that will steal or lie or cheat to get it. Doing product reviews was the one HONEST way I found to get free stuff that I like.

If you look at my reviewing record, Amazon, you might notice that one of my reviews (a freebie) was the reason a product was taken off sale. You might also notice that I go back and do updates. Often. If I like a product at first, but then have problems with it, I make sure to let other community members know about it.  Same goes for products I down-rated at first, then later liked 

As a member of a site for reviewers, I've even questioned the behavior of some sellers. The site moderators always handled the problem. This is another reason, by the way, that I think you might consider working with some of there outside sites. Keep things honest, but not keep things to yourself. I'm just saying.

You do get the final word though. You are the boss. Fine. I'm sure that other companies - like Walmart - or sites - like Overstock - will pick up the slack you leave. Or, like I mentioned before, cheating people will find a way around your new policy.

It's such a shame that you didn't put more thought into your policy changes. I wish you had. Then again, I also wish you would take a look at your crazy Prime membership pricing. 

I hope that you sort this policy out so that it will be fair to fair people and punishing to dishonest people. In the meantime, I will be awaiting an invitation to Vine.
