It's been almost 4 weeks since I got this Ninja Creami. I have until the 17th of this month (August) to decide whether or not to return it. Even though I initially thought I'd definitely keep it, I did look at my budget and waffle a bit. Now I'm leaning toward keeping it. And since my scattered brain just now remembered that I have not yet posted the initial review so here you go. Now I can link to the method I use to determine whether or not to keep an appliance...
Is the Creami a Keep It or a Sleep It? I'm really, really leaning toward keeping it. I do use this think at least twice a week. And I did get it at one of the best prices of the year. So, yeah, I'm probably keeping it. The only reason I would send it back at this point is if I suddenly found something better and cheaper. (I looked at machines like this one but... I'm turning into a Ninja fan.)
In just under 4 weeks, I have made pint after pint of non- or low-dairy ice cream, sorbet, and gelato. I have only had one real dud. One of my base mixes was off somehow and my product came out like powder. All the re-spinning in the world did not help. I gave up on that one and rinsed a couple of buck's worth of ingredients down the disposal.
If you have looked into getting a Creami, you have no doubt wondered or heard about how loud the machine runs. It scared me the first time I ran it but, as I mentioned in the initial post, I keep mine on a thick cloth pad and this is what it sounds like:
I have to say that I really do enjoy being able to make gelato customized to my tastes and health needs. The first time I made one, I bypassed eggs and used cornstarch instead. It was okay. Not amazing, not bad, just okay. Then I found a recipe using eggs without any cooking. Perfect. Even minus the custard base, that gelato was pretty dang smacking, if I say so myself. One day, I will go ahead a do a custard base, just because.
Mainly, I have been using macadamia milk but I've started using cashew milk and adding some coconut cream to it in place of heavy cream. (At the end of this post, I will tell you something embarrassing.) I have to say that I prefer using cashew milk. It's much creamier and, if I whip or froth it, it get super-thick and makes for a better ice cream base. Of course, I found out a few months ago that I am slightly allergic to cashew milk. I can eat cashews until I'm broke but the milk? If I drink more than a couple of cups, it makes my skin itch. Hives? Is that what that is? Anyway. Funny that cashew nuts and store-bought cashew milk ice cream don't bother me one bit.
By the way, this is how thick cashew milk froths up for use in my coffee...
One thing I have not played around with is adding things beyond a little chocolate syrup. I keep intending to thaw some blueberries to toss in but I always forget. I do have some canned pineapple (one of the CKD-safe fruits) that I'm going to stir into the next batch of ice cream. Years ago, I heard on one of the Food Network shows about garlic ice cream. I do love me some garlic so... maybe???
So, after a few weeks, I can definitely speak on a couple of frustrations with the Creami. For one thing, it can be tricky to make the just-right batch of the base when using dairy substitutes. Even with all this practice, I still have to watch every measurement carefully to avoid getting ice crystals or a slushy result. Also, products made in the Creami melt very quickly. I am going to look into solutions for that. because I don't often have anyone to share the desserts with, I have to re-freeze leftovers. It's not horrible but it's not ideal.
Another thing is that I have to remember to date-mark my pints. It takes a minimum of 24 hours of freezing before you can run a batch in the machine. Now that I have 3 of the pint and lid sets, I keep batches in rotation. If I forget to mark them, I have no idea when I put them in so I have to leave them at least a few hours more. Anyway.
Over the past few weeks, I've remembered to take photos of some of the processes and results - missteps and all.
There was one batch that barely filled up the pint. After the fact, I realized that, once again, I'd screwed up on the measurement. I now know not to try talking on the phone while I'm measuring.
Adding a little bit of chocolate syrup was genius. I didn't add it until after the ice cream was served. The Creami can be picky about things you add when using the machine...
This was my first batch of soft serve. Soft by accident. I have no idea what I did to this base but... It was pretty tasty. My neighbor complains that I need to add more sugar and fat. Uh, girlfriend, go get your own machine and do
your thing.
My first really good batch |
So, yeah. I do like having this machine. In a while, after I see the dentist, I'm going to be doing soft foods for a while. So... ice cream anyone?
This next week, I am going to try a garlic recipe that I found. I'm kind of mad that I'm so dairy-restricted. Otherwise, I'd use this lady's recipe all the damn time to make this no-churn ice cream. Her batch looks scrumptious!
Later today, I am going to make some ice cream using cream of coconut. Why? Well, about that embarrassing thing I promised to tell... I've been using cashew milk and a tiny bit of table cream whipped to substitute for heavy cream. I broke down though and decided to try using coconut cream (I've used coconut milk and it's delicious). When I went to the Walmart site to order the coconut cream, I saw that it was ridiculously pricey. The cheapest can (just about 14 ounces) is $4.38. For one can. So, of course, I kept scrolling. I spotted the price of $2.34 and the words "coconut" and "cream" and added a can to my cart. Well, when I opened the can, I knew I'd messed up. Here's a For Dummies tip: coconut cream and cream of coconut are two totally different things. And they are not interchangeable in recipes...
What I got |
What I have |
What I NEED |
If my mother were here, my name for the day would be "idiot" while she "blessed my heart"...
I will get the cream of coconut and give the recipe a whirl. In the meantime, I am still loving the Creami. Mostly.