**UPDATE** (Added a postscript with links at the end of the post)
Let me repeat that with some emphasis: Manuka honey is the cha-ruth!
I have been hit with this whatever-the-recent-crud-is that's gone around Iowa. I had a new cough (after finally recovering from the other never-ending one earlier this year) that is still hanging on. Apparently, I have something called a mucus plug (which I thought was only for pregnant women!) and a viral situation. So...
With all the coughing and spitting out disgusting mucus, I was absolutely worn out - rung out, is more like it. There were days I could only get up long enough to say my prayers, take my meds with a bit of food and have some coffee. The coughing kept me awake most of time so I was mostly napping instead of getting any stretch of time asleep.
I'm whining but a couple of my neighbors were dealing with the same thing.
I still have the cough but it seems to be dying down. For the last few weeks, I have been on a steady rotation of Mucinex DM and Dayquil/Nyquil. Finally, I remembered that I had a little bit of Manuka honey left. There was maybe a teaspoon and a half to be scraped from the 15+ jar and a tablespoon from the 10+ jar.
Now, here is where I prove what I've said about Manuka being expensive but worth it. I got the 15+ in May 2021. It is a $36 7.9oz jar. The 10+, which I got in April 2018 was $25 (I'm sure it was a lightening deal).
The honey is so old that, I swear, it was a job just to get the lids off!
I have used both jars to fill up little lip tubes like these...
I add in a little stingless bee honey |
...to have in my purse. I use the honey to stop a cold sore from starting (applied at the first itch, I will never have to deal with the blister) and to treat minor cuts and burns. I sometimes add the honey to tea when I feel beat up by my weekly injection. And you see how much I have left. It does not take much to deal with most things.
So when I remembered I had a bit of honey left, I raided the pantry. I put a dollop of both types in my mouth and let it melt down with some lukewarm tea. You might want to think I am lying when I say that my throat felt a little better (from all the coughing) within an hour. I am still coughing but, still.
In light of the recent election and the talk of raising tariffs (which I don't think will be restricted to China), I checked Amazon for the current price of Steen's. I saw that it's currently almost $50 for a 7.9oz jar of 20+. And that is with a deal...
The nieces and nephews had already started asking what I'd want for Christmas. I told one niece that I had the Steen's in my cart and she got it for me.
You can bet I will be taking a little bit of Manuka every day as soon as I get it. As I said, the first doses made my throat feel better and so much less irritated. I might be delusional, but I swear the coughing is better.
I never even think about giving medical advice (and you'd be stupid to take any from me!), but I love being able to use a honey for some things. There is proven (and documented) evidence of Manuka being a "medicinal honey" This is a nice write-up to peruse.
Anyway, this is the first time in a long minute that I've had the energy to write a new post instead of digging up one from my stash! Hopefully, I will be back to post more soon.
P.S.: I forgot to add links to other posts I've made about Manuka and healing honeys: