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Saturday, January 03, 2015

**REVIEW** Seaweed Complex Lotion (with Blue Green Algae)

To tell you why I wanted to try this lotion, I have to explain that I became fascinated with blue-green algae first as a nutritional supplement. That's because I heard that the algae might boost the immune system. I also saw mention of its energizing effects, among other interesting things. However, since I never got around to checking with my own doctors about this, I never tried it as a supplement.  

When I saw that this Seaweed Complex Lotion contained blue-green algae and "ocean minerals" (which sound like the same thing, right?), I wondered if the ingredients would be as good for my outside as claimed for my insides. I still don't know much about the nutritional properties, but I can tell you that I am loving what these ingredients are doing for my skin.

By the way, I like Foxbrim as a brand. I've tried many of their products and have never once had any problem with customer service, questions being answered, or anything - regardless of  however I have reviewed their products.

While I don't think that I would use this regularly as a body lotion (it's a bit too pricey for that), I do know that it works better than a few of my facial creams as a moisturizer. For one thing, the texture is perfect for the face.There's no "slick" feeling to it (which also means there is no sheen or shine left behind), and the lotion really blends right into the skin. That sounds weird because I'm trying hard to explain what I mean. When you apply the lotion, it doesn't rub or glide all over your face. It goes on and you can massage it for a few seconds before it's absorbed completely.

Another thing I'll saw about the texture of this lotion is that it's best to apply it in small dabs. Because it does absorb fairly rapidly, I am finding that it's best to apply in small patches - instead of just slathering it on. The moisturizing properties are so good (and this absorbs fast), that it's a waste to use more than you have to. 

Now. As for the smell. (And you all knew I'd get around to this.) I love it. Maybe because of the mention of blue-green algae and "ocean minerals", I detect a really nice "blue" scent that reminds me of those fragrances that mention "cool" and "ocean" and "blue". It's not strong, but it does linger a bit. I find it pleasant so I'm not bothered by it. I just wanted to mention it.

The bottle is nicely sized for use as a facial lotion (and the label directions are to use a dime-sized amount), but I can't justify using this for body care. At the current (moderate, sale) price, I would use it occasionally as a body lotion but, at the non-sale price, I couldn't justify that. The bottle is 1.7 ounces, which works for using dime-sized amounts at a time. (I personally used about 2 dime-sized amounts to treat my face. I applied those amounts by finger-dabbing spots of cream all around my dry spots before rubbing in.)

I like that I can tell the difference in the way my skin feels before and after applying. It leaves my face feeling nice to touch. My favorite thing about this lotion is that I can immediately apply any of my makeup over it. When I used a little, tiny bit of this behind my knee (to test it as a body lotion), the results were just okay. That could be because that part of my skin is drier than my face or (and this is what I'm thinking) I was too stingy to apply enough lotion on my leg... 

I'm going to do more reading up on how blue-green algae benefits the skin but, in the meantime, here are the claims specifically for this product:
  • Age spots fade while filling in existing wrinkles. 
  • Boost collagen production. 
  • Restore firmness and youth to skin elasticity. 
  • Leave your skin clear, smooth and glowing.
  • Restorative and healing agents from ocean 
  • Perfect for all skin types. 
And, as for what the respective ingredients offer (their description, my linkage):
The answer from nature... Ocean Mineral Lotion includes:
+ Phytochemicals - Effectively prevents premature aging of the skin.
+ Polysaccharides - Essential building block for skin repair and renewal.
+ Organic Spirulina (Blue Green Algae) - Reduce skin inflammation while boosting antioxidants and defending against free radicals.
+ Hyaluronic Acid - Unmatched natural moisturizer for plump and smooth skin
Last (and always most important), Foxbrim guarantees a full refund of your money if you are not happy for any reason.


I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

Friday, January 02, 2015

**REVIEW** Organic Rosehip Oil by Valentia

When you think about using natural products - either for health, beauty or nutritional purposes - you start to think of some of those products as staples. Just like you have basic cooking ingredients, you will start to collect basic health and skincare items. Rosehip oil belongs in that collection.

And when you talk about rosehip oil, you have to talk about quality. I pick this one:
A little goes a looong way

I've done a few posts on Rosehip oil and I'm learning more and more about its benefits. This particular Organic Rosehip Oil by Valentia Skin Care is of the best quality that I've tried so far. That't the good news. Some more good news are highlights of the benefits:
  • Has naturally occurring antioxidants promote healthy cell development (think: help for lines, wrinkling and early aging)
  • The essential fatty acids may reduce appearance of scars and burns and improve damage from acne and other skin issues
  • Hydrates the skin to keep it soft
  • Great for hair and fingernails (and cuticles)
I like this oil so much that I am using it despite the fact that.... I can't stand the smell.
      In general, rosehip oil has a very distinct odor that you're either going to like or hate. Personally, I just don't like the extremely powerful earthy smell. I have read the opinions of other people who really love the scent. Either way, no worries because the scent does not last long. 

      With other brands I tried, I had a hard time even using the oil because of the scent of it. I was determined to use this one because I like it so much more. I think there is a difference if production and, possibly, quality. The absorption for this one is wonderful. At first, I didn't want to use it anywhere near my face (read: nose), but after using it on my nails and feet, I was pretty impressed. 

      Because I wanted to give this a full review (and because I will do a lot for the readers of my blog), I dived in and, smell be damned, tried using this in every way I could think of:  
      • Fingernails. I have only done one hot oil or "glove" treatment so far, but I have applied the oil directly to my nails and cuticles more than once. This works really well if done after using polish remover. It's really quick and easy to rub in a little of this oil on your nails every day. I think I could see a big difference (in shine and feel) after about a week.
      • Hands. If applied (very sparingly) about half an hour before I'm going to be out in the cold, I don't get as much drying - either from my gloves or the weather. I don't like to use too much unless I'm going to have time to massage the oil in really well. 
      • Body. Using it underneath my usual lotion is great. Some of my body lotions are not as moisturizing as others and using the oil with them seems to "boost" their usefulness. Beats tossing out thin lotions. 
      • Knees and elbows. I don't worry about skimping here. I massage in a lot of the oil and let it rest while I moisturize the rest of my body. My elbows are especially dry and just drink this up. After about 2 months us using various rosehip oils (the latest being this one), I am seeing a lot of improvement in the look and feel of my elbows. Before, they used to always feel dry and a little scaly at the end of a day.
      • Feet. I'm working on my feet. That's one of my goals for this new year - to get these dawgs back into sandal-wearing shape. I'm using the rosehip oil at least once a day. This helps because I am regularly using various tools and creams to get rid of calluses.
      • As a makeup remover. I use various oils for this. With the rosehip, I like to apply and let the oil rest for a while (sometimes for 15 minutes or more) to remove any heavy foundation. When I have the heavier makeup off, I will use just 2 or 3 drops of rosehip to massage the "dry" part of my combo skin. It sbsorbs really quick. (And that smell goes away fairly fast!)
      • Hair. I can't use a lot of this on my hair, but I do like rubbing just a couple drops in my palm and smoothing over my hair if I'm going to be tying on a scarf for the day. It helps keep my hair from matting too badly.
      • Booster. The oil is really nice for boosting my other face creams and skin care products. I have a ton of face creams that aren't moisturizing enough. I've already rescued two jars by adding just a little more than one full drop of rosehip. Makes a huge difference. 
      I saw somewhere online where a user suggested applying a bit of rosehip oil on your eyelashes to get them thick and healthy. I haven't tried that one yet because I forgot about it until I was writing this post. If I try that, I'll hopefully remember to let you know how it goes.

      By the way, this bottle is smaller than some of the other brands I've tried, but I have to tell you that a little goes a long way. I use by drops and I don't think that I've had to use more than 3 drops for any application. Sometimes, I just touch the end of the dropper to whatever area I'm treating. 

      Bottom line is, rosehip oil is versatile. I have to hand it to Valentia for producing one of such good quality. And, yes, there are some that don't work as well. I'm going to be adding this one to my "favorites" list of rosehip oil. 


      I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

      Thursday, January 01, 2015

      **REVIEW** Reach it Grab it by Calibre

      This is one of those products that I didn't test myself. In this case, it was my sister who needed exactly this:

      No, not the light or the fan, but this:

      It's the Reach It Grab It Reacher. Other than her slide-transfer board (which is invaluable), this is one of the handiest items my sister now has.

      Transfer board

      You can see why she needed the Reach It Grab It and you can see how it works. And I don't even have to go into a lot of details to tell you any more than that. It's not the first "reacher" device she's had, but it is the sturdiest. The one she had before this one was so hollow and poorly made that it snapped apart one day and we can't even figure out why.

      I can cover the Pluses of this pretty quickly:

      • The grip is as comfortable as promised. My sister has poor hand strength and she doesn't struggle with this one.
      • Picks up even the smallest items (not something that similar devices can do...)
      • The grabbing "claws" are non-slip and sis doesn't have to worry about objects sliding out of them. (That has happened with other devices.)
      • The swivel head is really nice - especially when you use the device to reach for almost everything and everywhere. My sister can use hers around the bedroom, kitchen and even in the shower. 

      Things like that may not seem too important until you depend on a device to do things that the rest of us take for granted. My sister loves this device because she is so independent. I love it because she loves it. (By the way, I have borrowed it to fish things from under furniture. Just because I can be kind of lazy!)

      Calibre Products guarantees you'll be satisfied with this product or you get your money back. By the way, I see that this Seller has a perfect rating on Amazon.



      I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

      Wednesday, December 31, 2014

      **REVIEW** Nutritional Yeast Flakes (by Sari Foods) ****UPDATED****

      What if I told you about an edible product that:
      And, wait. What if I also told you that adding this product to your diet might help:
      • Fight aging, promote cellular repair, and guard against free radicals
      • Curb appetite and promote natural and healthy weight loss
      • Boost immune system, energy levels and overall sense of well-being
      • Increase memory, clarity and mental function; eliminate brain fog
      • Improve sleep; reduce insomnia, depression and ongoing fatigue
      • Balance hormones, improve mood and reduce feelings of irritability
      • Reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke and some cancers
      Since this was the first I was hearing of nutritional yeast, I wanted to check out some information. When I saw how it's "often high in B-12" (and could potentially cause some calcium deficiency), I wanted to know more about it. I am still reading what doctors have to say about nutritional yeast flakes, but at least one of them has a positive take.

      But back to the flakes I am getting to try out.

      Okay, so first thing that you could say is that I copied all of that right off the back of the package of the product. I did, yes. This package:

      This is Nutritional Yeast Flakes from Sari Foods. It's the first time I've heard of what I think must be a real "wonder food", but I wanted to give it a try. Let's face it, if the flakes do even half what the packaging claims, it's worth trying out, right?

      I noticed two things right off when I saw the package. First, it was "Ancient Egyptian Superfood", then it was "P.S.: Tastes like cheese!"


      By the way, this is what the flakes look like:

      Ingredients: Large nutritional yeast flakes (deactivated, dried yeast. Free of Candida Albicans.
      They are flaky (obviously) and a little bit powdery. (Once I opened the package, I ended up storing the flakes in a plastic baggie because the original package seal was loose and prone to spilling.)

      Once I got over my irritation with the package's seal, I looked around for something to try the flakes on. Usually, I try stuff by adding it to my coffee but, since I'm not interested in cheese-flavored coffee, I needed to go a different route.

      First, I just dipped a finger into the flakes for a little raw taste test. And, um... No. There was a cheese-like flavor, but "like" yeast-flavored Cheese Puffs dust. Ick.

      So, I moved on to adding the flakes to food. What better food to add something "cheese-like flavored" to than a burrito? Amma rite? Obviously. This way, the flakes weren't half-bad. Usually, for my version of the home-made burrito, I take a flour tortilla, add some seasoned ground beef (or taco meat), lettuce, tomatoes and a quarter to not-quite-half-a-cup of cheese. Just roll that bad boy up and get busy. This time, I used only a sprinkle of cheese and added roughly a tablespoon of the yeast flakes.

      The verdict: Not bad. Not bad at all. I could get used to eating the flakes on the right food - which is great because I'll be get rid of some fatty stuff and (hopefully) benefiting from the flakes.

      So far, all I've found to use it on is the burritos (and I love) those burritos. I think the trick is to use the flakes on any food that is bland and needs some added bang, or on foods that are well-seasoned and compatible with the cheese-like flavor. I have a holiday visitor who made the excellent suggestion for using the flakes on some homemade kale chips. That got me to thinking that the flakes would also be delicious when sprinkled on popcorn (similar to the way I use Parmesan cheese).

      However you decide to use them (and there are plenty of recipes floating around), the flakes are worth checking out. Sari Foods will also email you an ebook of recipes for the yeast flakes and their other products.


      I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I
      only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

      UPDATE: One of my regular (a favorite) blog readers had something to say about nutritional yeast that I want to share with you. The following are her comments/experiences (BTW: Thanks, dollface!)
      I love this you have to be very careful what you choose to put it on...but overall it is delicious and it does taste like cheese especially when used on top of pasta dishes. it is very beneficial to a nursing mother it certainly helps increase your milk supply. I used brewers yeast, ground flax and natural oats to help with my milk supply with J. but the Brewers yeast was the most beneficial! One time while I was nursing I got a flu so terrible I was dehydrated and had to go in for fluids. I was so worried about my milk supply and we were running low on the stored bottles we had. I ate Brewers yeast on 2 meals in one day and the next day it was like everything was back to normal I even had extra. Brewers yeast is just another name for this.

      Tuesday, December 30, 2014

      **REVIEW** Simple Health Yacon Syrup

      This is not the first Yacon syrup that I've tried, and I will start off by saying that it's certainly not my favorite. It's a taste issue.

      I love the benefits of Yacon syrup, so let's get to those first, as listed on the product description for Simple Health's Yacon Syrup:
      • Vegan
      • Gluten Free
      • non-GMO with no Fillers, no Binders and No Artificial Ingredients
      • No blood sugar spikes, as it is low GI and high in FOS, so it does not elevate blood sugar levels and helps regulate insulin levels. 
      • Diabetes friendly
      • Naturally boosts metabolism
      • Aid weight loss because it's very low in calories and reduces cravings
      • Reduces constipation and digestive distress
      • Yacon Syrup is high in soluble fiber, which will leave you feeling relieved, light and energized.
      • Increases immunity and brain function, decreases inflammation, as it is high in prebiotics, which help stimulate good bacteria in the gut, and it is also known to increase absorption of dietary minerals
      • Our Yacon Syrup is naturally grown and ethically sourced, with no added preservatives
      If you only get half these results, that's worth giving Yacon syrup a try. My problem with this particular one is that it's just not as nicely flavored as others I've tried. There's not a bad flavor, but I picked up a distinctive tang or wine-like flavor that didn't compliment certain foods. Also, I didn't like it in my coffee - which is most important to me. The other syrups I used had a mellower flavor - more maple than wine - and mixed well with everything that I use honey or raw sugar on. With this one, I needed to use it on things that covered the syrup's flavor. I was able to use it in some oatmeal and that was a little better.

      Because its taste is where I had issues with this one, let me say that I think it's a matter of preference. I had one person try this one against another Y. Syrup and they said they didn't detect much of a difference. All I can say is that I did. If I am going to use something consistently, I need to like it. I'm sorry to say that this is not one that I myself would prefer.

      Since the new year is rushing toward us, using Yacon syrup might be one way to meet those health and weight-loss resolutions. I have recommended Yacon syrup to a family member who is having sugar issues, and I will continue using Y. syrup for my own health goals.

      Simple Health has some recipes you can try and, if you aren't happy with the syrup, they offer a 30-day money-back guarantee.


      I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

      Monday, December 29, 2014

      **REVIEW** Pure Body Naturals Peppermint Oil

      Since I was able to use and review Pure Body's Lemon Oil (and am loving it), I noticed when they posted another product. At first, I wondered if I'd be able to find any use for a big bottle of Peppermint Oil -

      Pure Body's Peppermint Oil. Nice, big bottle, just like their Lemon Oil. 4 ounces might not sound like a lot, but this stuff is so concentrated that I'll be good for a while.

      Of course, I did find a way to use the Peppermint Oil. There are about 3 million of us here in the house for the holidays, and... Okay - there are really only 13 of us that have been hanging out under one roof but, still. What happens when 1 person out of 13 catches a nasty cold? That 1 person plays tag and passes their cold around to the rest of us. That's what happens.

      By Day 4 of our family festivities, I think it was 3 of us who were down for the count. Enter me. And my magic Peppermint Oil. And a q-tip.

      oil & q-tip


      a stuffed up sniffer

      That really helped get the sick folks around here breathing better. Then, because we were taught by my Mama to do hot liquids for a cold, when my turn came around, I put my oil to use again. Since I already had the Lemon Oil, I added a drop of it with a drop of Peppermint Oil into my tea. 

      I love this oil. Both of them, actually - the Lemon and Peppermint.

      I was so busy finding uses for the oil on my own that it wasn't until yesterday that I got around to paying attention to the other many different uses. Pure Body's list includes:
      • Quick Relief from Stress
      • Migraines
      • Headaches & Anxiety
      • Helps Treats Indigestion, Nausea, Diarrhea, Heartburn, IBS and More
      • Delivers Fresh Minty Scent & Aroma For House, Home & Office 
      • Also Serves as great repellent to SPIDERS, MICE, FLEAS & ANTS
        If I check other sources, I find more:
        • As a fragrance in soaps & cosmetics
        • As a flavoring in foods & beverages
        And the oil MIGHT  help with:
        • Bacterial overgrowth of the small intestine
        • Gas
        • Colds
        • Coughs
        • Inflammation of the mouth and throat
        • Sinus and respiratory infections
        • Menstrual problems
        • Liver and gallbladder problems
        Of course, you have to use some common sense before you go off using any product. Also, I did see somewhere (probably online) a warning that some essential oils can break down the rubber in the stoppers they come with. To remedy that, I replace the stopper with the screw-on cap when I'm not using the oils.

        By the way, I just mixed some of the 2 oils together for a hot tea. Getting some double benefits in the fight against whatever this nasty cold/virus is that I have.

        A couple of final notes: This product is suitable for vegans/vegetarians, and Pure Body offers a Lifetime Money-Back promise if you are unhappy for any reason. I guess you could beat that with a stick, but I don't think you'll want to.


        I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

        Sunday, December 28, 2014

        **REVIEW** Angry Orange Pet Odor Eliminator

        I originally wanted to test this product because we happen to have 2 small (indoor) dogs and 2 cats. What I ended doing was testing it on a tougher kind of odor: vomit and diarrhea.

        First though, despite the name, I used the Angry Orange  Pet Odor Eliminator as a sort of room fragrance - for after cooking and after having a houseful of folk sleeping off their crazy celebratory night on the town. In other words, I had a bunch of drunk people spread throughout the house for a weekend. Drunk people tend to cook large quantities of food, then leave all the leftovers out overnight until they sober up. Drunk people also emit a lot of subtle smells for some reason. It's not like they're all normally stinky folk or anything, but... LOL

        Simple bottle. Powerful stuff.
        By the way:
        GRAS = Generally Recognized As Safe

        Anyway, I was walking through the house with a spritzing bottle of diluted Angry Orange. When the drunks (and the rest of us) woke up in the morning, we got to breathe in the amazingly fresh orange fragrance instead of, well, the alternative.

        And, about the scent: this stuff is wonderful. It's not harsh or chem-smelling at all. It's softer than most rooms sprays I've ever used, but the scent lasts. That was the first thing I liked. And, when the initial fragrance does abate, you're left with an absence of all that was stinking up the air.

        I've been trying to think of ways to describe the fragrance - because it's not just the "regular" orange scent you get with most air fresheners. It's more like fresh-peeled oranges and I want to say there is a honey-ish undertone. The scent is very soothing and refreshing. It's just nice. Really nice, no exaggeration.

        While I was so pleased with the fragrance that I was spritzing it around my room every morning, regardless of what was in the air, the big test is what convinced me of the odor elimination power. So let's get back to that.

        If you have children, you know that when they get sick, things can really go sideways. Not major sick - just the usual colds and viruses that turn those little bodies into huge repositories of ick. And sometimes that "ick" comes out in nasty ways.

        In my case, I had the chance to clean vomit and diarrhea of towels that draped the seat of my car. I thought I might have to take the ride in to be professionally cleaned. Since I had towels protecting the seats and floors, the main problem was the smell. Enter Angry Orange.

        Of course, I cleaned out all the towels, but that smell was hanging in the interior of my car so bad that it was impossible to ignore. I have a spritzer bottle that emits a real fine mist, but it only holds 10 ounces. The suggested dilution is 2 ounces of Angry Orange concentrate to 32 ounces of water. I was in a hurry so I used about a quarter of an ounce of concentrate to 8 ounces of water. Then I sprayed the affected areas of the car and prepared to wait. But there was no need to wait. I had to go back out to the car not 10 minutes after I sprayed and.... Wow. My car smelled better than it ever has. No kidding. Matter of fact, I am now keeping another spritzer bottle in the car just so I can periodically spray and enjoy the fragrance.

        So, I'm kind of hooked on this stuff. First, I just like the smell. Second, D.J. is only 3. I'm sure I will get plenty of chances to use the Angry Orange as an odor eliminator! In the meantime, I plan to keep using it around the house, in place of the canned air fresheners we usually buy.

        Lots of uses for Angry Orange, including:
        • to remove all types of Pet odor and stains including dog urine , cat urine, litter box odors
        • as a pet odor yard spray
        • a pet odor remover from concrete
        • removes odor from hard wood floors, tile & carpets 
        • for cleaning sinks, toilets , tubs & showers etc.
        • works on stainless steel 
        • to clean grills
        • to freshen garbage cans 
        The concentrate makes four 32-oz bottles to use and it takes only a couple of sprays to just add a nice fresh scent to the air (or to eliminate serious odor). That's more cost effective than buying lots of air sprays and other scenting products that, in my opinion, don't work as well or last as long. Plus, I cannot emphasize how good this scent is.

        Finally, and always an important factor: product is backed with a 100% money-back guarantee.


        I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I
        only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

        Saturday, December 27, 2014

        **REVIEW** Havens Arc Organic Argan Oil

        When I first got into oils for skin and hair care, I didn't pay much attention to argan oil. I don't know why. Maybe I thought the other oils were sexier-sounding or the benefits for them were just trending harder. (Then, of course, there was my run-in with an argan conditioner that was horrible. Turns out that was just a bad batch of something from a brand that otherwise has great products...)

        Anyway, I have since come to appreciate the benefits of a good argan oil. You can add it to your lotions and body butters for a little extra oomph.  Also, I live in a cold climate and I like the idea of nourishing my skin and hair with oil. This Organic Argan Oil by Havens Arc is a quality one. What I like about this one is that it's fast absorbing and I am able to use it on my hair while still damp from washing. I get a lot of moisture retention (which I definitely need with this "natural" hair choice I've made!) without any weighty greasiness.

        4 oz bottle size (with a dropper/stopper)

        Simple Ingredients List
        Notice that Havens Arc Argan Oil is described as:
        Extra virgin Grade I - 100% Pure, Certified Organic, Cold-Pressed, Unrefined and All Natural Argan Oil. No fillers, binders or artificial ingredients.
        The company explains that they produce their oil in small batches to ensure the quality of the product. And, before I go any further, let me mention that they offer a "Lifetime Money-Back Guarantee", regardless of where you purchase the product. I don't think that you're going to be asking for a refund though. This really is good quality argan oil and, even though it's produced in small batches, the 4oz bottle size is great. I needed a good size because I've found a few ways to use it.

        First, this argan oil turns out to be an amazing hand and cuticle treatment. What I did was rubbed on quite a bit of the oil all over my hands (making sure to soak my cuticles with it), put on a pair of latex gloves, then ran warm water over my gloved hands for a few minutes. I didn't let the water get too hot, but I had it as warm as was comfortable. Afterwards, I left the gloves on for about half an hour to 45 minutes. Then I removed the gloves and massaged the oil into my nails and cuticles, waited a couple minutes, then blotted the residue.  The results were nice. My hands and nails were moisturized and softer. After I used a little hand lotion (to sort of seal in the oil), my hands retained the effects for hours and hours.

        For my hair care, I don't like a lot of product build-up - especially of anything oily. Still, I need to keep my hair and scalp nourished so I get less breakage. Also, softer hair is prettier and easier to style, in my opinion. This oil is "light" enough that it doesn't weigh down my hair while adding needed moisture. Actually, I used it (sparingly) as a sealant after washing and noticed that my hair didn't lose its softness as fast as it dried. I did use other products on top of the oil, but I think the oil helped overall. I'm going to see how it works as far as helping keep down the amount of breakage I get.

        The other way that I used this argan oil is as a lip treatment. I don't know why, but I have to exfoliate my lips all the time (maybe because of the cold and chapping kind of weather we are having???) I made a scrub by dabbing some of the oil on my my lips - heavily - then dipping my finger into some sugar and (gently) massaging the mixture around. (Someone once suggested adding honey to any lip scrub, but I didn't try that with the oil.) The results were amazing! When I rinsed away the sugar and rubbed in the remaining oil residue, I didn't need balm or anything. Also, instead of blotting my lips afterward, I just kept massaging until the oil was almost completely absorbed.

        If you use it as a facial treatment, keep in mind that it is an oil. There will be a bit of a sheen on your skin until you rub it in well and let it rest. I recommend blotting well before applying makeup.

        I will have to keep using it for a while to see if I get the hair growth and nail strengthening benefits but, for now, I do like what it does as a moisturizer and softening agent.


        I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

        Wednesday, December 24, 2014

        Wishing You All A Very Merry Christmas

        Hope your celebrations are wonderful & uplifting. Enjoy whatever it is you have planned. I will see you guys when I see you guys...



        (that beautiful image is from here. Thanks to the artist!)

        Monday, December 22, 2014

        Tru Moroccan Conditioner Review

        **NOTE TO READERS: I already covered the review for this product here but the post had to be separated for sponsor's verification purposes**

        You have no idea what my hair has been through lately. I don't even think you want to know...

        Right now, I am struggling with a change in medication (plus, I've been on vacay to a different climate and am back here with the cold), and my hair is not happy. It's been kind of dry and kind of dull. Actually, it's been all kinds of dry and somewhat dull - which is, I guess, a natural thing for dry hair.

        Anyway, I am giving this shampoo a tryout:

        It'sTru  Moroccan Argan Oil Shampoo & Conditioner for dry hair. My hair must have put in a call and these guys answered. Guess what? I like the results. A lot. To be honest, I've only used the shampoo once and the conditioner twice, but they tested well on this arid bush on my head.

        The shampoo has a nice smell (herbal?) but isn't perfumey. The consistency is thicker than my current product. I guess it has the thickness of a good syrup, if that makes sense. The conditioner is luxuriously thick - almost cream-like in texture. The scent is much fainter than the shampoo's.
        The conditioner is THICK
        Unless I use a good shampoo and conditioner, I get that "crunch" of dryness after washing. To test the shampoo, I let my hair air dry before re-wetting and conditioning. By itself, the shampoo is not super-moisturizing to "natural" (kinky/curly) hair, but it does not strip it. Used with the conditioner, the results were really good. I got moisture without my hair being weighted down. Unfortunately, I have let my hair get in such a state that I am going to have to do some more conditioning before I heal the damage I've caused.

        I did use the conditioner again (without shampooing) and I loved how intense a treatment I got without using heat or even leaving the product in for more than a few minutes. I was in a rush, so I just put the conditioner on and tied a plastic shopping bag over my hair for long enough to brush my teeth. I did a cool water rinse and let my hair air dry. Normally, I immediately spritz on a lot of StaSofFro (or rub in a little straight glycerin), but I wanted to see how my hair would look without it. While my hair stayed very soft for a few hours, it did eventually dry out. Way out. Again though, I think that this is because I've damaged my hair.

        Bottom line, this shampoo and conditioner duo did wonders for my super-damaged hair. I am going to keep using it until I get this mane back in shape. I can tell that, had I used this when I had my normally dry/slightly damaged hair, I would have gotten amazing results. As it is, the results are still pretty outstanding. I'm surprised that it took so long for my hair to get "crunchy" after a conditioning treatment and no backup product.

        To give you an idea of the damage I've done to my hair in recent weeks. I not only went from a cold/dry climate to a warm/dry one (with different water), I also applied a harsh chemical. Usually, I use a kiddie-strength texturizer to soften and define my natural curl pattern. When my local supply was out, I used a product I was unfamiliar with. It was supposed to be a "curl softener" but it felt more like a mild relaxer. Oh boy. So... I lost a lot of my natural curl and volume, plus my hair feels really stripped.

        I'm going to keep using these products and will try to remember to do an update on my hair soon. For now, understand that there is a reason I'm going to keep using this shampoo and conditioner: they are doing their job. I need them. I must get my hair back into shape, hopefully, in time for Christmas. Some of my out-of-state family is coming and I don't want to look frightful...

        The ingredients in these Tru Moroccan products seem to be just what I need.

        • 100% Organic Argan Oil
        • Organic Herbal Infusion 
        • Organic Aloe Kosher Vegetable Glycerin
        • Wheat Germ Oil
        • Vitamin B5
        • Organic Asparagus
        • Organic Cilantro
        • Organic Geranium
        • Apricot Kernel Oil 
        • Organic Rosemary 
        • Jojoba
        • Olive Oil 
        • Rose Hip Oil
        • Tea Tree Oil
        • Ethylhexyl Glycerin
        • Phenoxyethanol
        • 100 % Organic Argan Oil
        • Organic Herbal Infusion
        • Organic Aloe
        • Jojoba Seed Oil
        • Organic Sesame Seed Oil
        • Organic Avocado Oil
        • Organic Olive Fruit Oil
        • Organic Evening Primrose Oil
        • Organic Linseed Seed Oil
        • Organic Coconut Oil
        • Organic Shea Butter
        • Organic Starflower Seed Oil
        • Pro-Vitamin B5
        • Kosher Vegetable Glycerin (Plant Derived)
        • Palm Oil
        • Oatmeal
        • Citric Acid (Naturally Derived)
        The 2 ingredients that surprised me were the Cilantro (in the shampoo) and the Starflower - also known as Borage -  (in the conditioner), so I looked them up. That's what those links are about.

        Finally, for those who want to know, the shampoo and conditioner are made in the U.S. in an FDA Certified Facility. (For those who care, I will be checking into and blogging about what exactly it means to be an "FDA Certified Facility".)


        I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

        **REVIEW** Pure Body Naturals Organic Argan Oil

        Let me just say right up front that I'm pretty impressed with Pure Body Naturals. No surprise that I really like the other product I've gotten from them to try out.

        Of course, argan oil  generally is getting to be quite popular for its uses in hair care and beauty routines. In some places, it's even used in and on food. I didn't know that before. When I opted to try out this Organic Argan Oil by Pure Body Naturals I was most interested in the products moisturizing properties for hair, face, skin and nails - as it's promoted for.

        I do like using oils in my beauty routine and this one worked really, really well on my dry fingernails and hands. It worked much better than any cuticle oil I've ever tried. For my hair, it was just a little bit too heavy. I have naturally kinky/curly hair and when I used this as a leave-in oil, it weighed down the curls.

        It was a wonderful skin moisturizer (especially after a warm bath) so, after about a week, I started to re-think the way I could use it for my hair. Instead of trying to put it into my dry (or semi-damp) hair as a leave-in, I used it as a rinse-out conditioning treatment. And... SCORE! I think I mentioned recently how I have damaged my hair into stubborn dryness... Well, this oil really helped add some moisture and shine that lasted after my hair was dry from the rinse. It also worked as a hair softener. I was pretty pleased with that.

        The argan oil has omega 3s that are so good for the skin. For facial use, the oil worked well (in my case) as a makeup remover. It's much cheaper than the makeup-removing oils that you can buy at the drugstores, and it worked so much better. Since I was wiping it off using my usual baby wipes, my skin retained enough of the oil for a moisturizing effect without the heaviness I got just using the oil as a leave-on treatment. Just like with my hair, it was too heavy for me unless I used it moderately.

        If you have a different skin type (or even a skin issue, such as eczema) you might want to work out your own ways of using the oil to get the benefits. I can tell you that I do like using it on my legs and the backs of my thighs - especially when I'm going to be wearing hosiery - to keep my skin from drying out and feeling abused.

        I did use the oil as an overnight facial moisturizer. I applied it sparingly and, by morning when I washed (baby-wiped) my face, my skin felt soothed and ready for my daytime face cream. I also plan to try it as an after-treatment when I use my konjac sponge. By the way, I did notice that, if you do want to wear it as a daytime moisturizer, you may want to blot well before applying matte makeup.

        Since this bottle is so big (4oz), I am going to be using some of the oil to mix and use with some of the stronger essential oils I'm trying out. I'm going to love having a Sweet Orange-scented/argan mix for my after-bath moisturizing...

        Once again, I have to give Pure Body Naturals credit for standing behind their product with a Lifetime 100% money-back guarantee. Simple, direct, and good.


        I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

        **REVIEW** Tru Moroccan Argan Oil Shampoo & Conditioner for Dry Hair

        You have no idea what my hair has been through lately. I don't even think you want to know...

        Right now, I am struggling with a change in medication (plus, I've been on vacay to a different climate and am back here with the cold), and my hair is not happy. It's been kind of dry and kind of dull. Actually, it's been all kinds of dry and somewhat dull - which is, I guess, a natural thing for dry hair.

        Anyway, I am giving this shampoo a tryout:

        It'sTru  Moroccan Argan Oil Shampoo & Conditioner for dry hair. My hair must have put in a call and these guys answered. Guess what? I like the results. A lot. To be honest, I've only used the shampoo once and the conditioner twice, but they tested well on this arid bush on my head.

        The shampoo has a nice smell (herbal?) but isn't perfumey. The consistency is thicker than my current product. I guess it has the thickness of a good syrup, if that makes sense. The conditioner is luxuriously thick - almost cream-like in texture. The scent is much fainter than the shampoo's.
        The conditioner is THICK
        Unless I use a good shampoo and conditioner, I get that "crunch" of dryness after washing. To test the shampoo, I let my hair air dry before re-wetting and conditioning. By itself, the shampoo is not super-moisturizing to "natural" (kinky/curly) hair, but it does not strip it. Used with the conditioner, the results were really good. I got moisture without my hair being weighted down. Unfortunately, I have let my hair get in such a state that I am going to have to do some more conditioning before I heal the damage I've caused.

        I did use the conditioner again (without shampooing) and I loved how intense a treatment I got without using heat or even leaving the product in for more than a few minutes. I was in a rush, so I just put the conditioner on and tied a plastic shopping bag over my hair for long enough to brush my teeth. I did a cool water rinse and let my hair air dry. Normally, I immediately spritz on a lot of StaSofFro (or rub in a little straight glycerin), but I wanted to see how my hair would look without it. While my hair stayed very soft for a few hours, it did eventually dry out. Way out. Again though, I think that this is because I've damaged my hair.

        Bottom line, this shampoo and conditioner duo did wonders for my super-damaged hair. I am going to keep using it until I get this mane back in shape. I can tell that, had I used this when I had my normally dry/slightly damaged hair, I would have gotten amazing results. As it is, the results are still pretty outstanding. I'm surprised that it took so long for my hair to get "crunchy" after a conditioning treatment and no backup product.

        To give you an idea of the damage I've done to my hair in recent weeks. I not only went from a cold/dry climate to a warm/dry one (with different water), I also applied a harsh chemical. Usually, I use a kiddie-strength texturizer to soften and define my natural curl pattern. When my local supply was out, I used a product I was unfamiliar with. It was supposed to be a "curl softener" but it felt more like a mild relaxer. Oh boy. So... I lost a lot of my natural curl and volume, plus my hair feels really stripped.

        I'm going to keep using these products and will try to remember to do an update on my hair soon. For now, understand that there is a reason I'm going to keep using this shampoo and conditioner: they are doing their job. I need them. I must get my hair back into shape, hopefully, in time for Christmas. Some of my out-of-state family is coming and I don't want to look frightful...

        The ingredients in these Tru Moroccan products seem to be just what I need.

        • 100% Organic Argan Oil
        • Organic Herbal Infusion 
        • Organic Aloe Kosher Vegetable Glycerin
        • Wheat Germ Oil
        • Vitamin B5
        • Organic Asparagus
        • Organic Cilantro
        • Organic Geranium
        • Apricot Kernel Oil 
        • Organic Rosemary 
        • Jojoba
        • Olive Oil 
        • Rose Hip Oil
        • Tea Tree Oil
        • Ethylhexyl Glycerin
        • Phenoxyethanol
        • 100 % Organic Argan Oil
        • Organic Herbal Infusion
        • Organic Aloe
        • Jojoba Seed Oil
        • Organic Sesame Seed Oil
        • Organic Avocado Oil
        • Organic Olive Fruit Oil
        • Organic Evening Primrose Oil
        • Organic Linseed Seed Oil
        • Organic Coconut Oil
        • Organic Shea Butter
        • Organic Starflower Seed Oil
        • Pro-Vitamin B5
        • Kosher Vegetable Glycerin (Plant Derived)
        • Palm Oil
        • Oatmeal
        • Citric Acid (Naturally Derived)
        The 2 ingredients that surprised me were the Cilantro (in the shampoo) and the Starflower - also known as Borage -  (in the conditioner), so I looked them up. That's what those links are about.

        Finally, for those who want to know, the shampoo and conditioner are made in the U.S. in an FDA Certified Facility. (For those who care, I will be checking into and blogging about what exactly it means to be an "FDA Certified Facility".)


        I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

        **REVIEW** Living Natural Yacon Syrup

        In my quest to eat healthier, live healthier and stay in shape, I've tried making small changes in my life. One of the changes was trying to get away from so much processed sugar. I talked about this before. And then again. One of my favorite substitutes for white sugar is raw or brown sugar. A favorite  substitute for those sugars is Yacon syrup. I've tried others and now I've had the chance to try Living Natural's  Yacon Syrup.

        Yacon syrup has lots of benefits over the usual sweeteners a lot of us use. For me, the taste is the biggest positive. There is non of that metallic, artificial tinge or aftertaste.

        Living Natural's Yacon has an exceptionally nice taste because, to me at least, the molasses type flavor was a little more pronounced that in other syrups I've tried. The texture was a little different also - almost grainier-looking but not actually grainy at all.

        This is Living Natural Brand Yacon

        To compare a difference of textures, this is a photo what another brand of Yacon syrup I use:

        This one is darker & a tiny bit thicker
        As for quality and taste, both syrups I have tried are nice. The Natural Life syrup is (to me) slightly sweeter while the other one has a more wine-like undertone. The main thing is the benefits of using them as an alternative to sugar. Some info straight from the product page:
        • 100% natural with no additives or sweeteners and is extracted purely from the roots of the Yacon plant (Smallanthus Sonchifolius)
        • high amount of fructooligosaccharides. This natural soluble fiber has been shown to reduce symptoms of constipation and improve metabolism.
        • high in antioxidants and potassium and studies have shown it increases the levels of 'friendly' bacteria in the digestive system
        From my own use over the months of Yacon syrup, I can tell you that using it on a regular basis did decrease my sugar cravings. (I have not used white table sugar in a few years, but I don't even use my brown or raw sugar in my coffee now except on an occasional basis.) When I started using Yacon syrup some time back, I was still coming down off my prednisone weight of (I shudder to even type this) 204 lbs. I am down to the 160's and would be doing better if I had not gone back on a steady diet of bread in the past couple of weeks... Also, it helps if you actually use the Yacon on a regular basis.

        The suggestion is to use Yacon in beverages and I have grown to like the taste of it in my coffee. This time, I also tried adding a little bit to some rice (plain white rice with butter) and to some oatmeal. The taste was interesting and pleasant, but I had to experiment with how much to add to get the right amount of sweetness. (I ended up using about half a dinner spoon full.) Because Yacon has a distinctive taste, I got a sort of molasses-flavored treat with my oatmeal. I have to say that I like using this particular brand in my warm/hot food where I use the other brand in my coffees and some of my teas. I think it's going to come down to preference. Personally, I want to keep a variety around for my different uses.

        I'd also like to add (as I usually do) something about customer service. The product page has a nice message:
        When you order today, you're protected by our 100% quality and satisfaction guarantee together with our focus on exceptional customer service!
        Finally, I will say this about using Yacon syrup: Any one of us who is trying to revise our diet and lifestyle to be healthy know that big changes come from lots of small efforts. Using an alternative to white sugar is one of the best changes I've made. Lord knows, I'm not giving up sweets if I can help it. Using Yacon syrup is a good way to make a single but important effort. Did that make sense? I hope so!

        I will suggest to fellow healthy minded people that if you take one part of your daily diet that costs you the most calories from sugar, then use Yacon (or some other sweetener alternative) instead.


        I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

        Sunday, December 21, 2014

        ****REVIEW*** Living Natural's Yacon Syrup

        Since Living Natural's Yacon Syrup is not the first that I have tried, I was able to compare flavor and texture. It is a great-tasting Yacon syrup though, which is good because I know that taste varies among different brands and producers. This one has a really rich texture and flavor that I enjoy. One of the other brand of Yacon syrups (which I also liked) was the texture of table syrup and had a very mild flavor. This one has a different look (slightly lighter in color and sort of grainy-looking, even though it doesn't feel grainy) and the molasses-like flavor was more distinctive. I like using this one when I want to add a richer flavor to my beverages (okay, coffee). I like it best in hot coffee than any other drink although I have used it in hot and cold teas.

        Living Natural brand
        compared to...
        ...The other brand I like
        What I wonder, now that I have tried 3 different brands of Yacon syrup, is whether - brand to brand - they all have a difference in taste and texture. In general, like Yacon syrup for the benefits of using it instead of other sweeteners, but taste is important too. With the Living Natural brand Yacon syrup I have not been disappointed.

        I had my sister try this one in her coffee and she actually liked it (even though she is a Splenda user). One of the reasons I think she did like this one more than the first syrup she tried with me (and that I really liked a lot) is because of the stronger flavoring.

        There's a reason I want to get my friends and family to try Yacon syrup. Some of the benefits that I have heard of are:
        • Yacon root is a natural source of sweetener
        • In most cases, fewer in calories and more nutritious
        • Yacon syrup contains Fructooligosaccharide (or FOS)
        • There are indications that Yacon reduces blood glucose levels & weight loss
        • Has a good flavor & lacks the unpleasant after-taste of artificial sweeteners
        When my sister first tried Yacon syrup, she commented that she "could get used to it". And getting used to anything new is the main thing. If, like my sister, you have used artificial products -or table sugar, honey, and/or other sweeteners - you will need to get used to Yacon syrup. 

        A third brand of syrup I tried was not as much to my liking. It had too strong of a flavor (almost with a wine-like aftertaste) that some people might not mind. This Living Natural syrup is probably my favorite. Unlike some of the other sugar alternatives I've used, Yacon syrup has been easy to get used to though. I did have to learn how much to use and when to use it. For instance, I had been trying Yacon syrup for a while before I started using it regularly on my hot cereals. My sugar use is mainly in coffee, so that's where I started out. 

        Now that I am used to the taste and coloring of the Yacon syrup, I wish there were more products made using it as the primary sweetener.


        I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.