Apple s | Protects your heart | Prevents constipation | Blocks diarrhea | Improves lung capacity | Cushions joints |
Apricots | Combats cancer | Controls blood pressure | Saves your eyesight | Shields against Alzheimer's | Slows aging process |
Artichokes | Aids digestion | Lowers cholesterol | Protects your heart | Stabilizes blood sugar | Guards against liver disease |
Avocados | Battles diabetes | Lowers cholesterol | Helps stops strokes | Controls blood pressure | Smoothes skin |
Bananas | Protects your heart | Quiets a cough | Strengthens bones | Controls blood pressure | Blocks diarrhea |
Beans | Prevents constipation | Helps haemorrhoids | Lowers cholesterol | Combats cancer | Stabilizes blood sugar |
Beets | Controls blood pressure | Combats cancer | Strengthens bones | Protects your heart | Aids weight loss |
Blueberries | Combats cancer | Protects your heart | Stabilizes blood sugar | Boosts memory | Prevents constipation |
Broccoli | Strengthens bones | Saves eyesight | Combats cancer | Protects your heart | Controls blood pressure |
Cabbage | Combats cancer | Prevents constipation | Promotes weight loss | Protects your heart | Helps haemorrhoids |
Cantaloupe | Saves eyesight | Controls blood pressure | Lowers cholesterol | Combats cancer | Supports immune system |
Carrots | Saves eyesight | Protects your heart | Prevents constipation | Combats cancer | Promotes weight loss |
Cauliflower | Protects against Prostate Cancer | Combats Breast Cancer | Strengthens bones | Banishes bruises | Guards against heart disease |
Cherries | Protects your heart | Combats Cancer | Ends insomnia | Slows aging process | Shields against Alzheimer's |
Chestnuts | Promotes weight loss | Protects your heart | Lowers cholesterol | Combats Cancer | Controls blood pressure |
Chili peppers | Aids digestion | Soothes sore throat | Clears sinuses | Combats Cancer | Boosts immune system |
Figs | Promotes weight loss | Helps stops strokes | Lowers cholesterol | Combats Cancer | Controls blood pressure |
Fish | Protects your heart | Boosts memory | Protects your heart | Combats Cancer | Supports immune system |
Flax | Aids digestion | Battles diabetes | Protects your heart | Improves mental health | Boosts immune system |
Garlic | Lowers cholesterol | Controls blood pressure | Combats cancer | Kills bacteria | Fights fungus |
Grapefruit | Protects against heart attacks | Promotes Weight loss | Helps stops strokes | Combats Prostate Cancer | Lowers cholesterol |
Grapes | Saves eyesight | Conquers kidney stones | Combats cancer | Enhances blood flow | Protects your heart |
Green tea | Combats cancer | Protects your heart | Helps stops strokes | Promotes Weight loss | Kills bacteria |
Honey | Heals wounds | Aids digestion | Guards against ulcers | Increases energy | Fights allergies |
Lemons | Combats cancer | Protects your heart | Controls blood pressure | Smoothes skin | Stops scurvy |
Limes | Combats cancer | Protects your heart | Controls blood pressure | Smoothes skin | Stops scurvy |
Mangoes | Combats cancer | Boosts memory | Regulates thyroid | Aids digestion | Shields against Alzheimer's |
Mushrooms | Controls blood pressure | Lowers cholesterol | Kills bacteria | Combats cancer | Strengthens bones |
Oats | Lowers cholesterol | Combats cancer | Battles diabetes | Prevents constipation | Smoothes skin |
Olive oil | Protects your heart | Promotes Weight loss | Combats cancer | Battles diabetes | Smoothes skin |
Onions | Reduce risk of heart attack | Combats cancer | Kills bacteria | Lowers cholesterol | Fights fungus |
Oranges | Supports immune systems | Combats cancer | Protects your heart | Straightens respiration | |
Peaches | Prevents constipation | Combats cancer | Helps stops strokes | Aids digestion | Helps haemorrhoids |
Peanuts | Protects against heart disease | Promotes Weight loss | Combats Prostate Cancer | Lowers cholesterol | Aggravates Diverticulitis |
Pineapple | Strengthens bones | Relieves colds | Aids digestion | Dissolves warts | Blocks diarrhoea |
Prunes | Slows aging process | Prevents constipation | Boosts memory | Lowers cholesterol | Protects against heart disease |
Rice | Protects your heart | Battles diabetes | Conquers kidney stones | Combats cancer | Helps stops strokes |
Strawberries | Combats cancer | Protects your heart | Boosts memory | Calms stress | |
Sweet potatoes | Saves your eyesight | Lifts mood | Combats cancer | Strengthens bones | |
Tomatoes | Protects prostate | Combats cancer | Lowers cholesterol | Protects your heart | |
Walnuts | Lowers cholesterol | Combats cancer | Boosts memory | Lifts mood | Protects against heart disease |
Water | Promotes Weight loss | Combats cancer | Conquers kidney stones | Smoothes skin | |
Watermelon | Protects prostate | Promotes Weight loss | Lowers cholesterol | Helps stops strokes | Controls blood pressure |
Wheat germ | Combats Colon Cancer | Prevents constipation | Lowers cholesterol | Helps stops strokes | Improves digestion |
Wheat bran | Combats Colon Cancer | Prevents constipation | Lowers cholesterol | Helps stops strokes | Improves digestion |
Yogurt | Guards against ulcers | Strengthens bones | Lowers cholesterol | Supports immune systems | Aids digestion |
Friday, August 20, 2010
Health Chart
My Auntie J sent this to my email. I am a BIG believer in the health benefits of the right foods. Enjoy, please!
Wednesday, August 04, 2010
Life-long Learning (links)
*****originally published 8//10 - I have not (yet) updated any links or info because I would like to hear from some of you first. Have any wonderful links to add to this list? If you do, please post them via comments here or on Google Plus. Someone was looking for this kind of info & I think we could all appreciate it. Thanks!*****
I don't usually do this: post info here that belongs on my other blog. But...
I don't usually do this: post info here that belongs on my other blog. But...
I know that some people who read this blog don't always check out my World Wide Wow blog (that's a new name for it, btw!), and I want to do some shameless plugging for it, so I am posting some self-ed and career links here. If you are into life-long learning or need to refresh or up your skills, these links are for you. Enjoy!
- Learn Well - This one charges only for C.E. credits (in other words, you can learn free & only pay if you want/need credits). Nice, huh? Covers C.E. courses for RNs, Mft, LCSWs, MFCCs, Pharmacists, Dental Health Workers and others. (Don't get discouraged, keep reading the post for more links!)
- O.E.R. (Open Educational Resources) - Here's how they explain their site: "In a brave new world of learning, OER content is made free to use or share, and in some cases, to change and share again, made possible through licensing, so that both teachers and learners can share what they know." There are various subjects (Arts, Business, Humanities, Math & Stats, Science & Tech, Social Science) and different "grade" levels. Please explore.
- E-Learning Center - They offer free courses for those interested in learning HTML, A+, MCSE, Excel and Office. (I see they also have many other courses listed on the homepage - for pay?) Check it out.
- English as a Second Language - is just exactly what the site is about. From the links on the page, I see there are "listen and speak" tools, podcasts and all sorts of goodies. Really cool & should be helpful to those interested.
- Free Ed - Nice site & covers LOTS of subjects. (Minor gripe: lots of ads make the site difficult to deal with, but, hey, it IS free, so...)
- Wanna Learn - good site, lots of topics. A little meandering since you have to find a subject, then wade through more links to narrow things down. But, again, it's free! LOL
- Open Learning Initiative - Whew! Can be a little intimidating at first glance, but please give it a shot. (First link I spotted was to a course in "Engineering Statics." I thought it was a typo! ROFL. Shows what I know.... There's a course in something called "Computational Discrete Mathematics" O...kay then... I guess if you understand that then you are smart enough to appreciate that it's free.
- - for those who aren't ready for computational discrete mathematics... LOL (like ME!)
- Wikiversity - Well, we all know how I just love anything "wiki-like!" This is the spot to choose your language preference. When I got to the English page, I noticed that there are supposed to be close to 13,000 learning resources. Wow.
- Creative Commons - I'm not sure how to describe this resource, so here's their take: "Creative Commons is a nonprofit corporation dedicated to making it easier for people to share and build upon the work of others, consistent with the rules of copyright." I do know that it's free and what really caught my eye is that they have MIT Open courseware available. Somebody has got to love that!
- G.C.F. Learn Free (Goodwill Community Foundation) - described as "your free learning source." The offerings listed on its homepage are for Everyday Life, Math & Money, Computer Training and Work & Career. Cool.
I think that may be enough for now (if not overload!), and I really hope you take a look at the full list on World Wide Wow. (I update that blog often as I can, but I think I'm going to have to take a free tutorial so that I can make it look nice and be a little more user-friendly. If anyone wants to volunteer to help a sistah out...!) Also, if you are looking for specific links on something, contact me & we'll see what we can do for ya.
Friday, July 30, 2010
Strange & Beatiful Streets. Strange & Beautiful Life
Got these pics in an emal from my Aunt Johnnie. Usually, she sends me all the funny mails that end up on my blog, Lotta Laughs. This time, though, I was deeply moved by the pics, Each one matches a mood I've had. Wanted to share them...
This looks so peaceful, doesn't it? It's a place I'd like to be when I've gotten all stressed out. Just calming.
I had to smile a little when I saw this one. It reminds me of the last three and a half years of my life: made up of Ups and Downs. And while it looks a little lonely (like me), there is still a reminder of beauty (like in my life)...
Hmm... Traveling in uncertainty? Uncertain but covered??? A little lonely.
Just wow. Hopeful times ahead? And a nice trip to get there? Yeah.
There's a message here but, like so much of life, it's going to have to be studied to be understood
I'd want to take a walk through here when I have things to contemplate
Feeling a little like this at the moment: cold, alone, long way to go...
Scary. Like you have to get through it (no matter how scary it is) if you want to get to where you're meant to be
No words for this one
LOL... I feel like this when I am in "peacemaker" mode. Trying to be a buffer.
Twisty-turny. Annoying, even though you can see your way ahead
Another lonely-but-hopeful one. God is truly an amazing artist.
This is gonna be me AFTER all the changes I'm making. Shining, beautiful, daring - AMAZING!!!
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
I watched this video the other day over at an excellent site called Top Documentary Films. (If you like the site as much as I do, subscribe to their feed, look them up on Twitter and Facebook and, if you can, support them!) I am using Google Video to do the embed here, so you can also check that out.
Before you watch try to think of what your own ideas are about the subject of infinity. After I watched the video, I did some thinking of my own.
I am no mathematician (truth be told, I am struggling recently with a set of high school maths I'm doing remedial study in!) BUT - on the subject of infinity:
Infinity - if defined/illustrated by a circle- and if lines within that circle represent further infinity, then you cannot limit infinity in any way (which I thought was the point everyone assumed before I watched the video).
I guess because scientists are always expanding on theories, some of them got to the point where they decided infinity just might be limited (not infinite?) after all. Simple as I am, I still hold that infinity is infinite.
Imagine the circle I mentioned, filled with lines until there is (to us) more more room to add lines. That would mean (I am guessing) to people that infinity is limited. In my way of thinking, though, I see that even with the circle virtually blacked out with lines, infinity is not affected. We cannot limit the fine-ness of whatever instrument is used to add more lines to our circle.
Because we (mortals) are limited by the idea of the instrument that could add more lines to the circle, we have trouble imagining (or acknowledging) such an instrument.
As a Christian with a firm belief in God as the Creator of all things, I don't think I want to torture myself trying to imagine the instrument used to add more lines. God is not limited by our limitation to understand, visualize or acknowledge. The whole idea of infinity, to me, is: God is not limited. God is infinity.
"Dangerous Knowledge" (pt1 of 2)
"Dangerous Knowledge" (pt2 of 2)
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Nic-free (or trying to be!)
Here I go.... Gonna try kicking this nasty old smoking habit of mine.
I quit once before, but I want this to be a lifetime quit (as in, adding time to my life!), and I kinda wanted to do it before I hit the 5-0 mark next year.
Here's the thing: I picked possibly the WORST time ever to quit. Right when I have all the stress in the world going on in my body. I am job hunting, trying to self-study for the SPHR cert., and I just have the usual insane, unconventional, God-is-the-only-One-in-control life!!! LOL
But. I am really going to give this a shot. Right now I am using the patch. Of course, I got the wrong ones (7mg instead of 14), so I am wearing TWO of these bad boys until I can replenish the supply...
It's been around 12 years since I tried quitting. Now that I am on the wagon again, I am remembering some of the symptoms I have & it's so not fun. I get incredibly thirsty - for juice and tea more than for soda - and I want to keep something intense on my tastebuds. One of my niece's hit Walmart with me & I picked up some sparkling tea, Fuze, Jello and yogurt. And, oh yeah, gum. I will need lots and lots of gum.
Other than having a case of the weirdo snackies, I also have this strange headache. It's one of those headaches you get when you have been sleeping hard and wake up just parched. Know what I mean? Well, that's the kind I have, except I didn't have to sleep to get it. It's just there, like a nagging irritation that just won't go away.
Am I cranky? Ummm... maybe a little bit. I have been just trying to keep the cranky parts to myself. Mostly, I feel a little on edge and tense. Hopefully these symptoms will only hang around briefly. I am worried about it affecting my ability to concentrate and study. Oh boy.
I went ahead and installed this really cool app on my phone. It's called Smoker Statistics. I am giving them a shout out here because they have a Blogger blog & I think the app is amazing. (Hi there!!!) Very, very cool & motivational as heck. You plug in some info about your habit, cost, quit date, etc., and it will track progress. Reminds you (in hours/minutes) how long you've been quit for, what you've saved and even general info on the effects on your body. If you like, you can even tweet your stats.
Now that I am kicking the habit, I am really glad that I bought that peppermint oil the other week. I had gotten it for a sore tooth, but that's all better & now I can use the oil to help with these headaches and concentration.
Anyway, I just wanted to share with you guys the fact that I am trying to quit the habit. Keep me in your prayers & if I am ever cranky with any of you, PLEASE let me know. Just tell me to jack the attitude down a notch! LOL
Next post: All about some self-ed info I found this week, AND some links to free tv and such.
P.S.: Here are a couple of vids for encouragement in case you are trying to quit. I notice that there is a lot of confusing information between all the brochures/vids, etc that I've checked out... BUT, basically, the information is generally good news. At any rate, no smoker smokes because they think it's GOOD for them. It's just a tough habit...
This vid is very motivating...
This one, well, it's a little "dry," but ..
I quit once before, but I want this to be a lifetime quit (as in, adding time to my life!), and I kinda wanted to do it before I hit the 5-0 mark next year.
Here's the thing: I picked possibly the WORST time ever to quit. Right when I have all the stress in the world going on in my body. I am job hunting, trying to self-study for the SPHR cert., and I just have the usual insane, unconventional, God-is-the-only-One-in-control life!!! LOL
But. I am really going to give this a shot. Right now I am using the patch. Of course, I got the wrong ones (7mg instead of 14), so I am wearing TWO of these bad boys until I can replenish the supply...
It's been around 12 years since I tried quitting. Now that I am on the wagon again, I am remembering some of the symptoms I have & it's so not fun. I get incredibly thirsty - for juice and tea more than for soda - and I want to keep something intense on my tastebuds. One of my niece's hit Walmart with me & I picked up some sparkling tea, Fuze, Jello and yogurt. And, oh yeah, gum. I will need lots and lots of gum.
Other than having a case of the weirdo snackies, I also have this strange headache. It's one of those headaches you get when you have been sleeping hard and wake up just parched. Know what I mean? Well, that's the kind I have, except I didn't have to sleep to get it. It's just there, like a nagging irritation that just won't go away.
Am I cranky? Ummm... maybe a little bit. I have been just trying to keep the cranky parts to myself. Mostly, I feel a little on edge and tense. Hopefully these symptoms will only hang around briefly. I am worried about it affecting my ability to concentrate and study. Oh boy.
I went ahead and installed this really cool app on my phone. It's called Smoker Statistics. I am giving them a shout out here because they have a Blogger blog & I think the app is amazing. (Hi there!!!) Very, very cool & motivational as heck. You plug in some info about your habit, cost, quit date, etc., and it will track progress. Reminds you (in hours/minutes) how long you've been quit for, what you've saved and even general info on the effects on your body. If you like, you can even tweet your stats.
Now that I am kicking the habit, I am really glad that I bought that peppermint oil the other week. I had gotten it for a sore tooth, but that's all better & now I can use the oil to help with these headaches and concentration.
Anyway, I just wanted to share with you guys the fact that I am trying to quit the habit. Keep me in your prayers & if I am ever cranky with any of you, PLEASE let me know. Just tell me to jack the attitude down a notch! LOL
Next post: All about some self-ed info I found this week, AND some links to free tv and such.
P.S.: Here are a couple of vids for encouragement in case you are trying to quit. I notice that there is a lot of confusing information between all the brochures/vids, etc that I've checked out... BUT, basically, the information is generally good news. At any rate, no smoker smokes because they think it's GOOD for them. It's just a tough habit...
This vid is very motivating...
This one, well, it's a little "dry," but ..
Thursday, July 22, 2010
I Need To Laugh!
There is something twisted in my personality that makes strange things funny to me. I have a thing about people falling, I know, I know... just not nice of me at all, but check out this vid. (My personal favorite: the girl at the 1:05 mark, trying to bust a "Risky Business" move. Hilarious!!!)
This one here is one of 3 of my favorite bad-singer vids... It's so wrong of me, but it's still funny every time I see it. LOL (It's an example of little kids mimicking instead of being sincere.)
And... my second fave bad-singer vid (I can't decide what's funniest: the guy trying to be serious or the guy who just gave up and rolled!):
Last of all, "Oh-mazing Grace." Well, his heart was in the right place. I think. Nah, I kinda think the brother was feeling something else...
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UPDATE (latest) The company did reach out to me. They not only solved the issue but was unaware of the customer service problem I was h...
I was taking my sis around a few days ago to run errands. We hit up the Target, Walmart, a hair shop, etc. It was a nice day and we just wan...
Vaping, like smoking, is for adults only. If you are NOT of legal age , this post has nothing for you! If you are a non-smoker, please don...