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Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Shalimar (the fragrance) Has a Brother & I Love Him

Shalimar perfume was once my scent. Not just the perfume, but even the EDT and the lotions smelled amazing on my body. Shalimar, my sweet Shalimar... I owned it, rocked it, and wore it so well that I should have been a Guerlain spokeswoman.

Then, hormones.

When I turned the age corner from 35 to 36 or 37, I noticed my Shalimar didn't smell quite the same. Actually, it smelled just as wonderful as always - for about two hours. Then, nothing. Always before then, it was at the 2-hour mark that the fragrance was starting to work a third-level of magic. Those undernotes in the potion would go from spicy and start to get mellower and kind of smoky.

By the time, I hit 40, I had to give up on Shalimar. The perfume still worked for me. Mostly. Thing is, the perfume is pricier than I could splurge on that often.

I played with some other scents, trying to find any one of them that made me feel the way Shalimar once had. And, believe me, with fragrance, it is so much about the feeling. When I wore Shalimar, I felt beautiful and sexy. I felt empowered by my own femininity. That may sound strange, but it's true. No matter what clothes I wore or how I styled my hair and makeup, I just didn't feel completely "finished" until I dabbed on, spritzed on, or smoothed on my Shalimar.

The first other fragrance I kind-of-sort-of loved after Shalimar was Dior's Dune. I really liked it a lot, but it didn't take away my grief over Shalimar.

Then I met Flori Robert's Gold fragrance. Oh, mercy. It's as if the heavens opened up and breathed out golden sunshine. Once again, I felt like I had found my soul's aroma. That latest for about 2 years and then, I will be damned if Gold was no more.

What is it about wonderful things like the perfect fragrance or a really good makeup product? Is there a demon of the vanities that decides when to slap us with reality by discontinuing something we love?


Everyone knows what they feel like when something they love is discontiued.

Image result for when your favorite makeup is discontinued

Since then, I have never had a "signature scent". I like Viva la Juicy (a lot), Donna Karan's Cashmere, Kenzo's Flowers, and another Gold scent that I lost my tester tube of so I don't know who brands it. I like a lot of scents, but I have never been in love with one again since Shalimar and Flori Robert's Gold. I became perfume celibate.

Then, I was reading about how a lot of femme scents have matching Homme scents (and, no I don't care if I just mangled that all up). I started to wonder if Shalimar had a matching "brother" scent. And, here, folks, is where life gets weird...

This is apparently the brother scent of Shalimar:

Habit Rouge by Guerlain for Men
I even like the bottle

That is Habit Rouge. Which happens to have been the favorite scent of one of my biggest celebrity crushes ever. This man:

Makes me sweat.

OK, that's when he was young and so were we. He still had that charisma when he got a bit older.


The saddest thing is, he never lived to reach middle age with the rest of us.

Still, you know a man is hot when he's been gone from this earth for something like 20 years and women still swoon at the mention of his name. Just take a look at the teenagers on Tumblr who crush on the man.


Go ahead. Swoon a little. I'll wait.

Anyway, I heard about the fragrance matching Shalimar a while before I learned my late crush had favored it. And it smells ah-may-zing.

Now, I will wear a fragrance meant for men. Fahrenheit is a favorite of mine, but only because I like the way it smells, period. I love Habit Rouge because of the way it smells on me. Isn't it just crazy the power scents and smells hold over us? They evoke all kinds of emotions and memories.

If you ever wanted a fragrance that compliments Shalimar, Habit Rouge is the one.


Saturday, August 13, 2016

Bulletproof Coffee & Egg Fasting (UPDATE)

***UPDATE*** So... I was supposed to be starting the fast yesterday. Guess what? Had a baby shower to attend. Ended up being at the party for over 4 hours. We had a really good time, and I barely ate anything (and skipped the cake, thank you very much), but I missed almost all my egg meals. Starting the fast over today.

Okay, folks. I'm really excited about the results that I'm seeing on this low-carb regimen. Here is what my weight loss numbers look like since I got the hang of this:

August 1st to 9th - down 4lbs
August 9th to 13th - down another 2lbs
So... 6 pounds in 13 days. Not including the couple pounds lost and re-gained somewhere in that time.

I slid off the wagon on the 10th thru today so I'm not sure how I went down another 2lbs in that time frame! I'm not just climbing back on, but jumping back on the wagon with an egg fast. I hope to do the fast for 4 to 5 days, but y'all know me. I might give up before then. However, I started off well this morning.

There are several places online that discuss/describe egg fasting- like here,  here, and here  (Kaylah's video) - and I have come up with the following for mine:

  • A minimum of 6 & a maximum of 10 eggs per day - boiled, scrambled, sunnyside, or however.
  • With each egg eaten, also have 1 Tbls of healthy fat (unsalted butter, organic coconut oil, etc) - OR 1oz of full-fat cheese.
  • 6oz of full-fat cheese should be eaten each day - either with the eggs or solo. (If you need too break the no food3 hours before bed rule, make sure to save a bit of that cheese to snack on.)
  • You can have up to 1 can of diet soda per day. (I prefer having 2 cans of mineral water with a squirt of flavored water enhancer.)
  • Very helpful if you can avoid low carb sweeteners, fiber, hot sauce (man!), fresh herbs, condiments - or at least keep the total to under 5g per day. I think this is for carb restriction (?)
  • Try to increase potassium, magnesium, and Vitamin C during meals. (I take a multi-vitamin and use a magnesium oil spray.)
Some meal ideas that were given are:
Get to know about your nutritional needs while on the keto diet! | Ruled Me:
  • Egg yolks with sugar-free mayo
  • Eggs scrambled in coconut oil
  • Eggs devilled with cheese
  • Boiled egg with warm with butter (this is my favorite because it's easiest)
I love eggs, but eating so many a day for so many days in a row... Boring! Still, I'm going to look at this like a challenge.
The part of this diet that I like (and that I think I added) is to nurse a "bulletproof coffee" all day. When I give the recipe I found for this coffee you will see why I don't think it's something I could (or should) do on a regular basis. It's perfect for the eggs fast days though because I'm avoiding most other beverages than water. Here's the recipe I cobbled from more than one source, including this one:
  • 2 cups black, unflavored coffee
  • 2 Tbls unsalted butter (I don't have the recommended "grass fed" type. I don't think.)
  • 2 Tbls Organic Coconut Oil (or something called MCT)
  • 1 Tbls heavy cream (if you want)
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1/8 tsp cinnamon (I use Ceylon cinnamon)
  • Emulsify all this in a blender (I use a stick blender)
I add a 1/2 tsp of cacao powder and half a packet of Truvia. Because, me.

Let me tell you, I thought that this sounded SO gross. I do like a little bit of coconut oil in my coffee, but butter? Ugh, right? Well, it's not bad. Matter of fact, one of the reasons I don't use coconut oil more often in my coffee is that I have to be in the mood for the oily taste. Now I know the magic of emulsification. I don't feel any of the oil in my mouth. At all. The vanilla and cacao powder really deepen the flavor to the point that I could do without the sweetener. If I wanted to. Ha!
So that is the egg fast plan I'm attempting. Of course, I'm not a medical (or any other type of health) professional, so I'm only sharing my experiences with you - not advice.
Image result for bulletproof coffee
mine looks similar

By the way, I found an article about reasons not to drink bulletproof coffee. Wikipedia helps me understand the concept of  bulletproof or "brain fuel" coffee. By the way, in some cases, I should be typing Bulletproof Coffee. This stuff has become a brand, an industry, and a pretty trendy thing.

I will be checking in to show how the weight is going. It's going to go up or down. Let's hope or down!


I got all the information about the fasts and the coffee from too many sources to cite, but I credit I Breathe, I'm Hungry for a super cool blog name and the starting point for most of the information I have. Also, Healthdaddy  and Authority Nutrition are a couple of my go-to sources. 

Friday, August 12, 2016

**REVIEW** CeraVe Body Wash & Moisturizing Cream

This post is actually a "Reveal and Review" because, once again, I'm sharing extra personal details.

I'm reviewing two products since I recently had to try them. Doctor's orders.

I don't know if I'd mentioned here anything about a rash I developed on my inner ankles and in small spots on my hands. I initially treated my ankles (which were the most affected) with some raw honey. The honey made the rash look better and it took away the awful itching, but when I saw my doctor, he referred me to a dermatologist. Good thing, too. Turns out I have eczema.

This is what the spots on my hands did look like.

Not just a case of needing moisture. I was using oils and creams galore.

There are lots of reasons people develop eczema. Allergies other environmental issues, and I don't know what all else. In my case, the culprit is my compromised immune system. So, yeah, thank again, sarcoid.

The good news is, eczema is not contagious. Also, it is very treatable.

The dermatologist I saw prescribed a corticosteroid ointment. I almost passed out from fear when I heard the part "steroid" part. I recovered when I heard "topical" and" cream - not oral, injectable, or anything to do that will put another pound of weight on my behind.

The other part of my treatment for the eczema is to use three OTC products: a soothing cleanser and two moisturizers. The CeraVe products are the ones I'm posting about today.

Here's the reason I wanted to do a review on these items: they are awesome.  The cleanser is something that I love for how gentle it is. I never use soaps on my face, but this is one I will make an exception for.If I had known how good the moisturizer is, I'd have been using it on my feet always!

First, let's look at the Pros for the moisturizer:

  • Of course, it is highly moisturizing but what I like most is that it's not sticky, stinky, or slimy. 
  • The moisturizing effects last much longer than most lotions or creams - as long as you don't wash your hands. This is not something that continues protecting after washing.
  • The price is not as bad as I expected, especially being recommended by my dermatologist and actually working as well as it does. Amazon currently has the 16oz jar for under $13. That's about what I paid for a 12oz container at Walmart. Now I know.
  • A little bit goes a long way so I won't run through a supply too quickly. I tend to over-do it with applications of oils and lotion and other potions. With this one, I've learned to start light and add more as needed. It really does take about a dime-sized drop to take care of just my hands.
  • There's not waiting for the product to soak in before handling papers or fabrics. For as moisturizing as the cream is, that was a surprise.
As for the cleanser, I had one problem with the bottle design. The soap is very, very thin and watery. The first time I opened the cap to use some, almost a tablespoon's worth ran out and into the sink. Even when I am careful with the pouring, it's still hard to control how much dispenses. I think the bottle needs a suction control to help with the thin product texture. What I've started doing is covering the opening with my hand to control the flow of the soap. I don't like that solution because I could be contaminating the entire bottle every time I use the soap. 

The best thing about the soap is how well it cleans in spite of being so mild. On the other hand, as thin as the soap is, I don't think it's going to last me as long as the moisturizer is. Also, the cleanser is more expensive over $17 for a 10oz bottle at the store (though just over $14 on Amazon). 

Basically, I love the moisturizer and think it's worth every cent. The cleanser is a good product but needs a better bottle design to help prevent waste - especially for what it costs.

The rash on my ankles has not cleared up yet but is looking SO much better. The minor spots of breakout on my hands are almost unnoticeable as long as I keep them moisturized. 

You all know that I'm a big advocate for all things natural. My coconut and palm oils were not working well on the rash and that was no surprise to the dermatologist. I will have to look up more info why that is. I did not try my other oils (kukui, emu, etc.) because I didn't know what I was dealing with as a skin condition. As far as I knew, I might have been having a reaction to one of my natural oils. (I wasn't, but I'm glad I was cautious.)

need a manicure, but much better

I learned a lesson or two in this experience. For one thing, I've always been vain about my skin and tend to brag about the care I take with it. Well, there are some things that you just can't avoid no matter how careful you are. Instead of self-treating with my usual oils and other products, I should have contacted my doctors the first second that I noticed a problem. 

I also learned that even good things can be harmful in certain cases. Because of my weak immune system, I tend to be cautious of germs. I must wash my hands fifteen or more times a day - with antibacterial soap - and I am a nut for the GermX and other protectants. Guess what? I've been advised to leave both types of products alone until this eczema clears up. So, yeah, I should have just checked with the docs first. My bad.

Now that I have tried these products, I can say that I would like using the moisturizer no matter what. I can't say the same for the cleanser, even though I like it. It's too pricey and I'm going to run through the bottle too quickly. Bad combo.

Next post, I will be telling you about the third OTC product the doc has me using. Until then,


Monday, August 08, 2016

A Visual Journey *UPDATE*

I went through and found more old (and some hilarious) photos. These are mainly for my fam.

That's me & my Mama, Miss Tootsie.
Don't remember who the baby is.

That's me being so "fast" & grown. With my hand on my back, as
my mother would say. Some of the other kids are the Rouzans. Still friends today.

That's my big brother, Chuck, looking like a black member of  Duran Duran.
So handsome & still is.
Me in background. And I still tag around him when I can!

Me with my little brother, Darrell & his dog, Scott.
He loved that dog.

My daddy. I'm the female "George".

Image result for years that ask questions and years that answer

I was talking with a good friend the other day. We are both making a lot of life changes and shooting for big futures - yes, even at my 55 and her 57 years. She said something interesting about how different everyone's life journey can be. Ours have certainly not followed normal paths!

So, I'm looking back on my years that ask questions and years that answer. The only thing any of them have in common are their echoes.

I've been up, I've been down. I've flown First Class, Coach, and Standby. My world has been full to bursting with joy, then plunged into a darkness close to Hell. I've been healthy, fine, arrogant, beautiful, desired and too full of myself. I've been broken and abused and discarded and forsaken and forgotten and vilified and sick unto death. I've had friends and enemies and people who simply never noticed.

I am blessed because I've lived a life and, God willing, I will make the most of the years I have left.


**UPDATE** The Book *is* Coming (Really!)

Because I announced having finished my first short story collection, I thought I should explain why there has been a delay in the Amazon release.

First, let me say that I truly appreciate the existence of CreateSpace for self-publishing creatives. It's really a beautiful thing.


There is a bit of a learning curve for first-time users.

I'm a slow learner.

Actually, I'm proud of myself for having gotten as far in the process as I have. I have on my bookshelf a first proof copy of  Love and Madness.

The cover looks better than this photo shows...
I'm holding back on publishing because I am adding to the book. I don't feel right releasing it with only the stories I'd included in the proof. Also, I have completed a few more stories that fit the mood of Love and Madness and really want them as part of it.

One thing that I find tedious about CreateSpace is using their templates. Of course, that's a better option than not using them. Unless there is a fairy who will fix the margins and  any other formatting. (If any of you are friends with such a being, please schedule me an introduction.)

I read the forums, so I know I'm not the only writer who has problems with formatting and cover issues. Now that I have finished additional stories for the book, I am having to start from scratch with the template. Once that's done, Love and Madness will be hitting the market. Trust me, I will be shouting the news from every rooftop I can.

For now, keep me in your prayers. If I don't finish this first book soon I will either be losing all the rest of my mind or taking up drinking as a serious pursuit.

In the meantime,


Sunday, August 07, 2016

Low Carb Check-in (and a **REVIEW** of Atkins Snack Bar)

So, it's Day 3 (if I am counting full days & not the one where I cheated like Tiger Woods) and I was able to get into a top that I bought months ago, and I was able to get into my cute boots. Yay.

Odd thing is, I'm losing inches but I don't see a bit decrease in pounds. Matter of fact, depending on which time of day I step on the scale, I might be a bit UP in weight from the last time.

Good news is, I've decided not to worry about the pounds showing on the scale as much as I look at how my clothing fits. Also, how I feel is a big indicator of positive results. The most positive result so far: I'm not as crashed-out and tired feeling. Last night I worked on the book for more than 3 hours at a sitting, That has not happened in a while because I either get sleepy or muddled and have to stop working.

I've gotten into a better groove with my eating patterns. I'm not just scarfing down eggs or chops like it's a command performance. I had to learn to eat when I'm hungry. That sounds crazy, because everyone knows to eat when they are hungry. Right? Maybe not. As my body adjusts to this diet, I'm finding that I'm not hungry as often as I used to be. I've had to break the habit of eating food (or snacks) just because they are there, Basically, I'm learning to listen to my true hunger and, for any snacks, I'm pacing myself.

I already told you that I love, love, love this flavor of Market Pantry brand water enhancer:

I actually thought about trying another flavor, but I'm going to stick with what I know! Plus, these are only around $2.65 at the regular price and I'm sure there's going to be a sale every now and then.  My niece and a couple of my friends really like the Crystal Light powders. I wasn't crazy about Crystal Light because of the fake/acidic aftertaste.  (If anyone has tried the Dasani ones, let me know what you think about those.)

One thing that I will be re-stocking is that Viva Labs Organic Cacao Powder that I reviewed not long ago. It has become a favorite substitute for creamer when I need to add flavor to my coffee.  In addition to the yummy taste (which, by the way, is great for boosting those cheap and weak-tasting coffees), cacao powder is good for the body in general. I've been worried about my sarc for the last several months and am doing everything I can to boost my immune system. (Now I will have to do a review of the powder!)

I take the pure cacao (left)
and add it to coffee creamer powder (right)
Okay, that all covers the check-in part of this post. Let's move on to the REVIEW of the Atkins Bars,
which are now a favorite snack of mine - even though I think they're kind of pricey. Or maybe not. I just re-checked my receipt and see that I paid $6.29 for a box of 5 bars. So, not too bad, I guess. I should look for them at Costco or Sam's to see if there is a price-break.

I was only tempted by the name of these. That photo doesn't exactly make the mouth water, does it?

It looks like a lie

Most sugar-free or low-sugar have a weird texture, an odd metallic undertaste, or they just make you want to spit them out and scrape your tongue free of any residue.

To start by telling the truth, I never expect a low-carb, low-sugar "snack" to taste good. My sister, a brother, and my mother were all diabetic dialysis patients. You better bet that I've tasted my share of "high protein", low-sugar bars, shakes, candies, etc.

It's a good thing I got to the stage of opening up the wrapper. I was really encouraged by the look of the actual bar. I have to suggest Atkins changes that wrapper which almost scared me into buying a Snickers instead.

is that malted milk in the center???
I loathe malted milk!

This low-carb treat is almost as good as a Snickers. Mostly. it reminds me of a large version of those little round "turtle" candies but with less carmel.
World Famous Gourmet Milk Chocolate Pecan Turtles 16 Oz Gift Tin
These are turtle candies

This is the Atkins

No malted milk anywhere in there, praise Jesus.

The chocolate is surprisingly smooth and, well, chocolate-y. Sometimes, "healthy" chocolate has a waxy texture. I was sitting in my car in the parking lot of the store when I had my first bite and, boy, this one hit the tongue like a good, messy chocolate, just the way I like it. After eating nothing but eggs, chops, and neckbones for a few days, this was such a welcome treat. I'm sure that anyone seeing me right then wanted to suggest that my chocolate and I go get a room.

Now, there is a bit of a salty undertaste that I didn't notice the first time I ate one of these. I guess I was so excited about snacking on something involving chocolate and nuts to notice. My tongue was too happy with the chocolate to taste any salt. And the saltiness is not very pronounced or unpleasant. As a matter of fact, just like most chocolate lovers know, the saltiness sort of  intensified the chocolate flavor

So, yes, in my book, this bar is a winner.
