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Saturday, December 07, 2024

Let Us Make America *America* Again.

 Look, I don't want the America of the past with all the slavery and unchecked terror for some of us. I want the America of before Trump and MAGA.

Let's get back to just not liking our politicians, but not being terrified of them. I want to get back to just knowing that a president or politician would dare be less than presidential or at least adult-like.

I don't to live in an America where members of the president's cabinet are weaponized against those they don't agree with.

I want to go back to an America where at least the president and all his men and women were ashamed of lying. I want the politicians of old who knew that they should not (and could not) do certain things - because most of us as children were taught that certain things are wrong, hurtful, impolite, not gracious, not wholesome, or not good for everyone else.

I don't want this America where the president is literally a felon. Where his henchmen are just as bad as he is. I want an America where the president was surrounded with people who kept him somewhat in check. 

I don't want the mean, churlish and big-headed kid for president. I want the Sheriff of Mayberry kind of president: calm, collected, and understanding of the people he serves. I don't want a villain in charge, and certainly not one who has Tony Stark whispering in his ear and slipping money to him.

I recently posted on a platform about how I miss waking up to a calm America. We had our problems, God know, but we were not waking up in astonishment of how easily someone could put cracks in the walls of Democracy. 

The last president I was most irritated with was Reagan. I felt he was more showmen than anything. I thought that he reminisced about the days when people of certain classes and races "knew their place". But I respected the office he held. Any dirt he did, he knew to do it in the dark. Because, back then, there was shame and accountability (to a degree).

I will never tell the lie that America was always "great" in her morals and justice, but I can say that America was growing and maturing. We had just hit the stage of young adulthood of knowing how to mediate and govern for more than one class or race. Then entered Trump.

Actually, I think this started with the Tea Party people. It continued, quietly and seething like underground lava. Now, all hell has erupted, and we have a man-child about to hold the seat of power. And he's got a cast of strange and ominous characters around him. And a rich and dangerous hype man ready to play his part to the fullest.

As a Christian, I am not afraid. I'm anxious and always a little bit angry. I'm just not ready for another 4 years of chaos, discord, and storms of every kind.

I want to get back to the America where I voted for someone, you voted for someone else and, when a person was elected, you and I just kept living our lives. I don't like this time of friendships shattering, and even marriages being stressed... 

Last of all, I want to say something to my Christian brothers and sisters. If you ever wondered, as I have, how someone could come on the world stage and have the power to delude and seduce people against their own good, now you know.



P.S. I am not calling anyone the Antichrist. I am not trying to incite anything other than discussions and deep thinking. Like some of you, I know that no matter who sits in high offices, we serve a King.