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Showing posts with label CKD and supplements. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CKD and supplements. Show all posts

Saturday, March 22, 2025

**CKD** Things I Will Be Asking My Docs About

 I've gotten better about taking care of my health this past 8 or 9 months. I've also been hearing about a lot of supplements and other sources that might help slow the progression of my CKD. Of course, I won't be dabbling with anything until I ask my doctors, but I do have questions and here are some:

  1. Is Nicotinamide something that I could be taking? I've heard that it might or might not be helpful in lowering creatine levels and/or promoting better GFR. I wonder if there is any harm in giving the supplement a shot. It is also supposed to be good for other things. (I only have "peek" access to some of the info - like this - and don't understand it anyway.)
  2. What about N-acetyl cysteine (NAC)? I've heard about some of its potential benefits, but I don't know if it's safe for me with the other medications I take. If it's not helpful for CKD, is it helpful for anything else in my situation?
  3. Saffron is supposed to be a good antioxidant - among other benefits. I also have seen info showing potential benefits for renal issues. This blurb from a National Library of Medicine page has me hopeful: "It seems that saffron supplementation had no significant effect on Cr as a renal function factor. However, BUN reduction was significant in the saffron group compared to placebo." Notice my emphasis. I also remember some hearsay from people in the East Indian and Mediterranean communities back in Anchorage that saffron is a medicinal herb for them.
  4. What are some other herbs and spices that I can use in my food that might also benefit my kidney function? I already heed the warnings about what I can't have - turmeric and too much cacao are the two that surprised me...
So, yeah, I have quite a few questions. The frustrating thing is that I think I have asked about some of these before with other doctors. I can't remember though because my doctors keep leaving me! This time I am going to have my notebook ready.

What really frightens me these days is that, with the current White House administration, I might lose some (or all?) of my care. What if I'm out here having to fend for myself with ONLY herbs and supplements. It's a very real possibility, I think.

Anyway, make sure that you are not taking any of the information in this post as advice - other than telling you to always consult with your care team before you try anything! Please stay as healthy as you can and, if nothing else, be peaceful.
