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Showing posts with label Intermittent Fasting. keto. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Intermittent Fasting. keto. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 07, 2018

Intermittent Fasting (and KetoFast)

This is how I started my review of KetoFast:
Some people are having a lot of success with the keto diet. I lost about 10 pounds the first 2 months I was on it. Then I hit a donut and fell off the wagon. I'm kidding. I fell off because I didn't have any support and my cooking space was limited. I have no excuse now because I joined a Facebook group that is super supportive and I have a full kitchen all to myself.
Not long after writing that, I checked my urine with a keto stick and saw that there was a slightly noticeable result. I ran over and updated my Amazon review. The next day I used another keto stick and... nada - as in not a result at all.  I'm going back over to update the Amazon review when I finish this post. ~sigh~

I'm not giving up on the KetoFast though. I haven't used it enough to give it a fair chance. Also, I'm sure that pigging out on pasta didn't help the second results.

Again, as I admitted in that other post, I haven't exactly been back on the keto wagon. To be honest, I don't think I can full-time keto. I think I can do alternate days of keto. And that's where this intermittent fasting comes in. But first, a little history.

Before my sister passed, she was in the hospital for a couple of weeks and, of course, I stayed right there with her. I was about 185 pounds when she was admitted. When we had her funeral, I weighed in at around 145.  I know this because all my pants were hanging off my hips and I had to dig in the closet for a smaller size. Within a month, I had put back on all the lost pounds and they brought friends. I topped at 200 pounds. I know why. I was depressed and eating to fill the emptiness that came with the loss of my sister. And I didn't really even care about how overweight and uncomfortable I was.

I tell you all that to tell you why I am trying Daily Intermittent Fasting - specifically the 16-hour fasting routine. I think I can handle this, guys.

DIM is basically what I was accidentally doing while my sister was in the hospital. I wasn't even exercising. I would have a coffee in the morning with maybe a vending machine pastry. Lunch was one of those plastic-wrapped burgers (also from vending) or a burger and fries or chips from the cafeteria. The rest of the time, I was drinking coffee or nibbling on chips. By 6 or 7 o'clock in the evening, I was so bored that I would just doze off. The cafeteria shut down at a certain time and I'd be sick of the vending machines. Pretty much, after 7 or 8 p.m. I was shut down for the night.

I started the DIM routine last night by not eating anything after 8. It wasn't too bad because I'm not awful about nighttime snacking. If I get hungry at night, I don't exactly snack - I heat up a meal. And because I can't count on when I will have energy enough, I tend to cook something for the whole week. Usually, spaghetti.

Because I want to practice keto at least part of the time, this is the plan I decided to alternate from day to day.

Keto Day - 2 meals; at least 32oz of water; and restrict myself to 2 cups of tea/coffee (instead of my usual 5 to 6 cups). One of the 2 meals will be keto-friendly.

Non-Keto Day - 1 keto-friendly meal and a small keto-friendly snack; 64 oz of water and all the tea/coffee I want during eating hours.

I like this graphic that I snagged from Pinterest.

“There’s a difference between interest and commitment. When you’re interested in doing something, you do it only when circumstances permit. When you’re committed to something, you accept no excuses, only results.” ~Unknown

This is the only the second day for me and I don't plan to start the keto-alternating until next week.  First, I have to get used to the fasting itself.

Yesterday, I did fine waking up not starving but it was really hard not to have my morning tea or coffee. I cannot drink black coffee at all and drinking plain tea was almost as bad. I did get one cup of plain black tea down though because I hear it's great for the metabolism.

I'm not a breakfast eater, which is why I chose the 9-1 fasting period. I read that it's best to pick what works with your routine. For instance, my niece is a breakfast eater because she can't handle her pre-work gym time without it.

On this second day of the IF routine, I did better about getting through the morning without tea or coffee. I did drink a LOT of water though. By one o'clock, I was really ready for some food and the fasting made me appreciate the meaning of breakfast or "breaking fast". All I had was a cup of tea and some toast and, man, wheat toast never tasted so good!

I love this next graphic just for motivation and positive reinforcement:

Yeah, it's too small to read. So go over to the source site to check it out.

Anyway, I will be updating about my progress with the IF routine as I go along. By the way, I got my start by using the calendar and information over at the 3 Day Military Diet Menu site. There is a lot of information there so do check it out.
