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Showing posts with label getting old. Show all posts
Showing posts with label getting old. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Middle-Aged My Foot!

 I might not remember it years from now but I can tell you today the exact moment I became officially "old". 

I thought that moment was a while back when my back started hurting for no reason I could tell. Then I thought it was when I started to need a nap in the middle of the day - or after I did anything that required the smallest amount of energy. But no. Those weren't the moments.

The moment I became officially old was when I was sitting in a chair watching a Bible study video. It was about 6:03 PM when I sat down (I noticed the microwave clock on the way out of the kitchen with my bowl of popcorn). The video was one of a series I've been watching for a few weeks and I was really excited to get back to it.

I had my popcorn, some water, my notepad, and the Bible app pulled up on my phone. I was ready. The video started and I settled in to watch.

When I woke up, it was almost 10 o'clock. YouTube wanted to know if I was "still watching". I had a crick in my neck from the way I had slumped sideways. The notebook had slid off my lap onto the floor, Popcorn and water were stale. Best "nap ever."

Going to sleep like that wasn't the real sign of my age. It was the fact that I was still ready for more sleep. I could barely summon the energy to put the popcorn away. 

When I told my best friend (who is suffering from the early stages of dementia) about this, she wasn't surprised. She had the nerve to tell me that I am "middle-aged". Back in the days before her dementia, she would have soothed me with lies. The dementia is hard on both of us because my sister-girl has lost all will for editing her remarks.

But, really, I am not "middle-aged". If 60 is middle-aged, we'd be living until 120, right? 

Middle age for a woman today has got to be somewhere around 40. The life expectancy for the average woman in the States is 80-ish. Throw in my family health background and I was middle-aged around the time I turned 30.

If I add in factors like my family health, my own health issues, and all the medications I am on, I think I will be blessed to make it to 65 or 70. Because God is good. Realistically, I am almost on the first of my octogenarian legs right now.

So, I guess I am blessed to still be sitting upright. Pretty soon, I will have to get dentures, thanks to the medications and bone loss. The best thing I have going for my physical body right now is my hair. Somehow, the medications have not affected that. I think the prednisone I was on way back when boosted my hair growth.

But I am not as concerned with this mortal body as I am with the eternal one that is waiting.

"For while we are in this tent, we groan and are burdened, because we do not wish to be unclothed but to be clothed with our heavenly dwelling, so that what is mortal may be swallowed up by life." 2 Corinthians 5:4

I couldn't always say that. Thank God I can now because I.... ~z z z z z~

