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Showing posts with label should I do a big chop. Show all posts
Showing posts with label should I do a big chop. Show all posts

Saturday, July 02, 2022

To Cut or Not To Cut (Hair, That Is) UPDATE

 I am writing this post on my birthday. I will post it when I decide whether or not to cut my hair. That might be when I finish writing it.

This morning, I freaked out one of my neighbors when she saw my full, uncurled, untamed, unabashed afro. I got up early to mess with my hair when I realized I'd need to take out the garbage because of the holiday pickup schedule. Well, if you could have seen the look on that sweet little lady's face...

She has only ever seen me with my hair tamed with products or naturally wavy or twisted into spiral curls. This freaking Angela Davis afro made her stutter.

I have often been amazed myself the few times I have iron-straightened my hair or blown it out with a dryer. I just don't like putting heat in my hair. And I'm lazy. It's easier to wash my hair and twist-style it or slap on some products and let it dry into its own curl pattern. SO much easier. 

Still, I have been thinking about making my hair care routine even easier. If I cut it short enough, I can just style it by wetting in and rubbing in some good curl cream. On the other hand, if I don't cut it short enough, I will have to work harder to style it. Such a dilemma.

So I am sitting here, holding my scissors, knowing that once I start cutting, I'm going to have to commit. That or turn a crazy half-cut 'fro into a new look.

Years ago, when I wore my hair relaxed, I got a bad batch of product and had to get my hair cut so short you could see my thoughts. I mean, I had to go to a barber. That's because I knew a barber could do a really short cut better than I could. (I've almost always been my own hairstylist. I don't trust anyone else.) I had left work with a medium bob cut and went back on Monday looking like my daddy. SO much like my daddy. The last time I chopped my hair was back in 2015 after my sister passed. I went to visit my niece in Dallas and she put in some braids before I left for home again. But that short style wasn't really that bad.

I haven't been this thin in a while!

Of course, back when I got the barber cut I was under 100 pounds wet and on a full stomach. Of course, I looked like my taller, thinner daddy. These days though, I'm packing enough middle-age weight that I will still look like a woman even rocking a razor-short cut. But let's not get carried away here...

If I do go short-short, I might as well do something to highlight all this grey that's been playing peek-a-boo. 

This is so stressful. And why? It's just hair. 

Maybe I'm reluctant to do a big chop because I'm worried my hair won't grow back. This methotrexate I'm on has been kind so far - to my hair, that is. I haven't had a lot of thinning except for my eyebrows, and I've been on this nasty medicine for a long time. A lady in an online support group told me that she started losing her hair almost within a month of starting methotrexate. Maybe the folic acid I take helps? Prednisone on the other hand... My hair and skin were never more glorious when I was fat and dosed up on something like 60mg of that demon drug.

 I'd rather be bald, thanks.
But my double chin is cute as can be!

So, I am still sitting here, holding the scissors. Thinking. And looking for styling ideas. I do see some cute styles on this page but they are all too young-looking - or overly colorful - for my tastes.

Maybe I will just start with a really deep trim? That will make my hair look healthier, I suppose. Also, think of the money I will save on hair products.


Nope. No cut for today. I will do a bit of a trim and see how I feel after that. But I am definitely thinking of going greyer.




I went ahead and cut my hair. I figured what the hey. Plus, I could almost hear my best friend saying something like, "Go ahead, tusta girl. It's only hair."

I might go a bit shorter

I tried to brighten this to show the gray on the sides... 

I actually like it shorter. I noticed that my sides are where I am greyest and I like that too.

On a more serious note, when my SIL and I were looking at these pics, we noticed something else. My right eye opens wider when I am looking upwards and I can actually feel a difference. The left eye is more hooded at the corners. 

When I first got sick with this sarcoidosis, I looked stroked out because of the difference in one side of my face. I cannot remember for anything which side that was. My SIL and I think I will need to get in touch with my doctors to ask about this because she said that she has not noticed this before now. 

Oh, goodie. It looks like my 61st year is going to be as fun as my 50th!

Keep me in your prayers and I will post again if I do any more hair "trimming".

The Next Day...

I did a little more trimming and this time I was committed to the shortness!
I look grumpy but oh well

I like this final (?) cut. I need to get a better curl/shine cream though. Also...


Just kidding. I like the cut and caring for it will be easier. It's too humid here for all that naturally kinky-curly hair. Short and kinky-curly is the game for a while.