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Monday, February 27, 2023

Finally Used Bentonite Clay (on My 4C Hair)

 After hearing about Bentonite clay for at least 5 or 6 years, I finally broke down and tried it on my hair. I didn't get the Aztec brand I see in many natural hair videos. It was around $0.93/ounce while this clay from Harris Yareli cost me 40.30/ounce. I got a 2-pound bag for less than 10 bucks while the Aztec brand was almost 15 dollars for a 1-pound jar.

Some info about Bentonite clay:

  • The powder forms when volcanic ash ages. 
  • It’s named after Fort Benton, WY, which has a lot of it - but it's found all over the world.
  • It’s also known as Montmorillonite clay after a region in France with a large deposit.
  • You may hear it called calcium bentonite clay.
(Thank you, WebMD)

The Aztec brand labels itself as "Natural calcium Bentonite (green) clay" while the Harris brand is labeled as "100% Pure Calcium Bentonite - "volcanically derived" (which made me think it was special!)

Anyway. I have long heard about the Maximum Moisturization Method (MMM) aka Maximum Hydration Method (MHM). I personally am much too lazy to go through all those steps. Also, other than the tiny bit in my Royal Oils shampoo and conditioner, I am not a fan of using apple cider vinegar in my hair. And, for another thing, I wanted a method that I could stick with and use 1 or twice a month or as needed. If it gets complicated, I will bail

So I washed my hair with a clarifying shampoo, rinsed really well, and let my hair get totally saturated with water before I applied the clay mixture in the shower. The mixture was about 1/3 cup of clay powder, enough warm water to get it to the consistency of a thin pancake batter (it was pretty thin), and about a half tablespoon of EVOO.

I made sure to coat all my wet hair with the mixture - root to tip. Then I continued with my shower. I didn't let the clay get dry before I rinsed it completely out with lots of cool water. I then used just a bit of my Royal Oil conditioner. 

After patting my hair so that the water wasn't running down my face and back, I used my Kinky Curky Knot Today leave-in detangler.


I could tell after rinsing out the clay that my hair did feel somehow different. I felt super-clean - almost too clean if that makes sense. That's why I used a little rinse-out conditioner. After that, my hair was so soft that I was kind of amazed. However, it was still wet so that was not a good test for me.

As I was applying the Knot Today, I kept being thrilled with how healthy my hair felt. My hair was super-soft but it didn't feel fragile or over-conditioned. Weird. But it was still wet. (By the way, I will never again be without that glorious Knot Today!)

It took maybe an hour - or a little more - for my hair to be completely dry. And it was still really, really soft. Not as soft as when it was damp, but nowhere near the Sahara-like dryness I usually have before applying products. After 2 hours, I did have to apply more softening products but, again, my hair was not as dry as usual after a fresh wash. 

I did read up beforehand on using Bentonite clay and how it works for low-porosity hair. I saw somewhere that I might have to use the clay more than once before my hair starts showing long-term improvement. Of course, I will have to then use it periodically to keep my hair retaining moisture. I am fine with that. Next time I might even use a plastic cap and let the clay stay on my hair for 15 or 20 minutes. I saw that suggested on Loving Kinky Curls. I can't wait until I get to the point where my DIY goat milk conditioning mask works even better.

One surprising thing that I learned from Loving Kinky Curls is that Bentonite clay might not be good (and might even damage) high-porosity hair. Natural Club suggests more than one way to easily test your hair. Or you could ask your hairdresser for advice. No matter how you choose to do it, people, do test the porosity of your hair before you go wild with Bentonite clay! I'm just saying...

Now I have wrapped up my hair for the night so I can get some rest. Don't want to lose any of this luscious moisture! (BTW - I will add photos of my hair to this post after I touch up my gray hairs! LOL)


Update on "Sunscreen Is Necessary"

After I wrote the post about sunscreen, I wanted to do an update. The update is long enough for this separate post. So, here goes...

My Equate sunscreen is SPF 50. The Neutrogena Invisible Daily Defense is SPF 60+. I love both of those because they don't leave a white cast and are both broad-spectrum products. The Neutrogena Ultra Sheer Dry Touch (which I returned because of the white cast) is SPF 70 and also broad-spectrum. I did have questions.

Which is better? Does a higher SPF number make a difference?

Apparently, there isn't much difference in protection once you get past SPF 50. I say "apparently" because that's the info I get when I check around online. I found some decent sources that have me thinking. 

This is from a WebMD article: "SPF is not a consumer-friendly number," says Florida dermatologist James M. Spencer, MD. "It is logical for someone to think that an SPF of 30 is twice as good as an SPF of 15 and so on. But that is not how it works."

(source imprint on the photo)

Basically, according to the article, a higher SPF only blocks slightly more UVB rays but none will give 100% protection. On the other hand (according to a second source in the article), a higher SPF may (my emphasis again) protect against long-term skin damage.

That was a little confusing to me. Personally, I am concerned about both the immediate and long-term damage. From what I read, SPF 30 seems to be the sweet spot - if you reapply every 2 hours.

So, after reading a few more articles, I was no less confused. One thing that all the various sources seem to agree on is: reapplication is key. Sunscreen doesn't last for hours and hours. And that's good to know.

I wear sunscreen daily but I rarely reapply it! That's going to be my new habit. I figure I can reapply my sunscreen at least 3 times a day (more if I am going to be outside): morning, noon, and late afternoon. I can aim for every 2 hours but... let's be real, I sometimes forget to take my meds on time - and that's only twice a day!

Another source I read warned against being complacent in using a high-SPF sunscreen. It also explained the 2 different types of rays we need protection against - UVB and UVA. (I am pleased to say that I've always used a broad-spectrum product.) I didn't really know what I was doing but just lucked out. 

According to The Skin Cancer Foundation:

  • Ultraviolet A (UVA) has a longer wavelength. It is associated with skin aging.
  • Ultraviolet B (UVB) has a shorter wavelength. It is associated with skin burning.
When I read that, I flashed back to the days when some of my friends would literally coat themselves with oil and lay out in the sun for hours. Yikes! I wish I knew then what I know now. I would have warned them.

Actually, there are three types of UV light. You can see here why we worry more about 2 of them though:
The sun emits 3 kinds of UV light: Long wavelength (UVA), medium wavelength (UVB), and short-wavelength (UVC). The shorter the wavelength, the stronger the light. Fortunately, UVC radiation (powerful enough to kill humans instantly) is absorbed by our atmosphere and never reaches earth. However, as the ozone layer slowly depletes from environmental pollution, there is an increase in the penetrations of UVA and UVB, resulting in earlier and more aggressive skin damage.


At any rate, please wear your sunscreen. I mentioned having a family member who learned the hard way how dangerous it is not to. I suggest checking out the Skin Cancer Foundation page. Also, here is an interesting read I found from a dermatology center "FAQs Our Dermatologists Receive About Skin Cancer and Prevention".

By the way, I'm going to have to stop using my beloved Equate sunscreen. There is no expiration date on any of the bottles. Sunscreen does expire (who knew?). In general terms, you should expect the product to last up to 2 or maybe 3 years. I don't want to guess though. The Neutrogena products have expiration dates stamped onto the end tips of the tubes. 

 I actually called the Walmart helpline to ask about this. The rep (Payton) couldn't tell me if there was a way to know the expiry date by anything on the bottle. So, yeah. Bye-bye to the Equate. Now I'm going to be looking for something comparable in such a nice large tube that I can coat my body with. EVERY 2 FREAKING HOURS!!! I have reached out to Walmart with a direct message on Twitter & might have to do a public tweet asking. I'll let you know something when I know something.



Saturday, February 25, 2023

Sunscreen Is Necessary (Regardless of Skin Color)

(See my update to this post here. It discusses SPF numbers and the various types of UV light.)

"Black people don't need sunscreen because we don't tan."

"Black people's melanin protects them from sun damage."

"Black don't crack."

"Black people ~ insert more myths here~..."

False, false, false, and... false!"

We all need sunscreen not just when we can see the sun but as long as the sun exists. As far as I know, the sun is still up there.

If you aren't worried about the health effects of sun damage, let me appeal to your vanity. This is a popular photo I saw. Apparently, it's the picture of a man who drove a truck for 28 years. The more damaged side of his face is the was exposed to the window (and the sun). 

By the way, I am not making light of this man's skin situation. I do think that it's a good reminder of why we need to protect our skin from the sun. Regardless of the look of the damage, just imagine the health issues this could cause. (I hope he doesn't have health issues. I never heard the full story behind the photo.)

Black people, white people, brown, red, yellow, tan, olive... All people have skin. The sun can damage unprotected skin. Not just in the summer and not just in the heat. I lived most of my life in a place where the sun goes AWOL for most of the year and I was taught to wear sunscreen. Year-round. If you have skin, you need sunscreen.

The problem is finding a good and effective sunscreen and, for people of certain skin shades, finding one that doesn't turn you into one of my favorite songs, aka "A Whiter Shade of Pale".

There are sunscreens made by and for people of color, yes. Most of them are out of my price range. I would like to be able to go into Walmart or Target or some other budget-friendly retailer and find sunscreen. That's usually a fail.

I've always worn sunscreen but recently realized that not every sunscreen is as protective as I might need. My go-to sunscreen has been this kind:

I've stuck with this one ever since I moved here to the Midwest (where winters are dry) because it ticks a lot of boxes, as they say. It is:

  • Affordable
  • Broad spectrum
  • High SPF (50)
  • Affordable - actually it's downright cheap (it bears repeating!)
  • Non-drying (it's a lotion & is quite moisturizing)
  • Water-resistant
  • Fragrance-free
  • Doesn't irritate my skin (I actually like the way it feels on my face)
  • Does NOT leave a white cast - not even a faint one
This is on my upper leg. ZERO white cast. 
Almost more important than not leaving a white cast, this stuff is very affordable. I think the last time I bought it, I paid less than 4 bucks for the 8-ounce bottle. I use it on my body daily and on my face, if I am going out. I am going to start using it on my face more often.

I love the Equate sunscreen but because I use it as a body protection lotion, I was looking at the different sunscreens made especially for the face. Well, that became a nightmare.

I bought some Neutrogena "sheer" sunscreen and ended up getting a refund from Amazon because it made me look like the Zuckerberg meme.
Okay, it wasn't that bad but... there was a definite white cast - just enough to make me look ashy. If I wore foundation, I could use that sunscreen but I'm not going to start wearing makeup every day just for that.

When I searched online for sunscreens made "for dark skin", I found quite a few. Most of them were out of my price range. 

So, I am going to stick with this Equate brand. By the way, I found one site that puts Equate brand sunscreen right up there with pricey ones like La Roche-Posay's 25-dollar Anthelios 60 Melt-In Sunscreen Milk.  Even Consumer Reports (for what it's worth) puts Equate and LRP on the same list. A New York Times Wirecutter review put the 2 brands on the same list. La Roche Posay is a favorite brand among French Pharmacy addicts. And y'all know I'm on the French Pharmacy kick.

Now, for anyone looking for sunscreen specifically for deep "shaded" skin colors, there are a couple of lists I found.
If you wear foundation makeup, I think you can probably use many of the sunscreens that leave a bit of a cast. I'm not sure if the sunscreen would affect the makeup shade though.

For now, I am happy with my Equate sunscreen. Amazon is sending me some Neutrogena Invisible Daily Defense Fragrance-Free Sunscreen Lotion to replace the Neutrogena Ultra Sheer. That's nice of them because there was a no-return on the original item. I have some hope for the replacement since it is, like my Equate, a "lotion". We'll see.

Whatever you choose for sunscreen, do wear it. Wear it every day - rain, sun, snow, or shine. I rarely recommend things because I'm no expert but... if you want to try a sunscreen that rubs in clear on even really dark skin, take a look at the Equate Babe Broad Spectrum. I checked as I was typing this and see that it is (online) still under $5.00. My 8-ounce jar lasts me as long as any other lotion and I apply this once in the morning and once at night. If I go outside, I always apply it to my face and I will do an extra application if I'm going to be out on walks. 


P.S.: On a personal note, one of my SILs had a scare several years ago. She grew up in the age of oil tanning. She grew up in sunny California. When she was in her 40's (I think it was), her lesion (carcinoma?) was detected early enough. She became a stanch sunscreen user. 

Friday, February 24, 2023

Am I “Left” or “Right”?

Right-wing, Left-ring, Red, Blue, Socialist, Conservative, which are you?

Sorry, I just made that up after getting frustrated while reading the daily news.

As a Christian, I am always a bit put off when I hear other Christians refer to politics and citizens as being "leftist" or "conservative" (rightist). 

There are too many right-leaning people who don't represent my views any more than those on the left side of politics. I'm not very involved in politics in general but based on the right being "blue" and the left being "red", I have to say that I am clear.

I don't like the hate that has taken over the reigning Republicans. I don't like the Democrats who are oh so woke that they seem lost in dreamland. I'm a Bible-believing Christian who doesn't believe we should "take this nation back for Christ". This nation - this entire world - is not Christ's kingdom - not yet. Until Christ's return, this is just the world - sinful, fallen, broken, and finite.

I'm against sin but I am not in control of other people who choose to sin. I can share the gospel with them, pray for them, and encourage them not to sin but God gave us free will. I don't want laws that approve of and protect sin but... God gave us free will. Man can make all the laws he wants, someone will break them.

Politicians have free will, citizens have free will - we all have free will. Some of us will sin without shame or repentance. That's the world. 

People do horrible, hateful, mean, and despicable things without remorse - some of those people even call themselves Christians. That's the world.

There are Christians who feel more passionate about their nationalism than about their Lord and Savior. That's the world.

There are Christians who fall into sin on a daily basis - but they repent and feel remorse.

I'm not on the left and I'm not on the right. I like to think of myself (a bit poetically) as being protected under the cover of the Cross of Jesus. I am "saved". Every day I wake up and rely on the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit to love me, protect me, forgive me, and keep me. Every day.

So, to use a term from all the memes: Can we normalize being Christ-centered Christians? 



Thursday, February 23, 2023

**REVIEW** CeraVe Healing Ointment

 This won't be a long review. I just wanted to point out what a great product this is.

I got my first jar of CeraVe Healing Ointment from a dermatologist in Anchorage more than 5 years ago. It was meant to be used for my psoriasis breakouts and it does help. However, I learned that the ointment also makes a great daily treatment for dry skin in general. And it makes one of the best night creams for my face during the super-dry winter months here in Iowa.

The active ingredient is petrolatum (46.5%) but it's not as greasy as Vaseline, in my opinion. I cannot use Vaseline on my face as more than a wipe-off type of cleanser or makeup remover. When I leave it on my face, it irritates my skin. The CeraVe ointment doesn't have that effect.

In addition to using the ointment as an overnight mask when my skin is extra dry, I also use it to moisturize my feet. I will apply the ointment and then put socks on for an hour or so until it's all absorbed. I use the ointment as an after-shower treatment on my dry but still-damp skin. I have even used it on my scalp in a pinch when I am out of my regular hairdressing product.

What I like most about using the ointment on my face is that it eventually absorbs so that I don't have an oil slick on my skin. I have used it after using hyaluronic acid serum or in addition to face cream. That might sound overboard but the air in Northern Iowa gets extremely dry during the winter. I have to run a humidifier constantly just to keep the apartment air feeling balanced. Weirdly, the summer months are so humid that I run 3 small dehumidifiers that I have placed around the apartment. Crazy, right?

There's a reason that I'm only just now talking about the ointment after using it for the whole 6 years I've lived in Iowa. Recently, I was considering buying a moisturizer to use as an overnight treatment. The product is one that I got in a subscription box a long while back. When I thought of buying a bottle to use at night, I got the shock of my life when I saw the price.

The product is a melting moisture mask from Dermalogica. It's excellent stuff. I mean, it's really good. However, it costs almost $41 per ounce. No lie. 

I have an app on my phone called Price Cruncher and it showed me that the Dermalogica mask is  372.28% more expensive than the CeraVe cream. That's wild.

But the price wasn't the only reason to choose the CeraVe over the Dermalogica. I'm pretty sure that if I wanted the mask badly enough, one of my brothers would get it for me. But... the truth is, the Cerave works better. Or I should say that the effects I get from the CeraVe last longer.

When I got the Dermalogica, I didn't realize how pricey it was. Thankfully, I never used it on a daily basis - just when my skin was extra dry. By the way, if you have some and think that the can is empty, chances are, it's not. I have been able to coax use after use from what I thought was an empty can. All I do is pump-pump-pump the dispenser and little worms of the cream will come out. That can have been "empty" for weeks! And one benefit to the product is that it takes very little to treat the entire face.

10 pumps of "empty" can

The bottom line is that, if you can easily afford the Dermalogica, get it. It's something that can be used around the clock and it certainly is worth every bit of the positive hype. The CeraVe is something that I use on my face only during the driest weather or as an overnight treatment. 

Would I buy the Dermalogica (in addition to the CeraVe) if I could afford it? Probably. It would be nice to have a mask that works so well that I could wear winter and summer.

Another good thing about the CeraVe is that it comes in a variety of sizes so you can get a small tube to try it out or a larger jar once you fall in love. The Dermalogica is a one-size/one-price deal. I wish I could remember which subscription box that I got it from because I want to write them a thank you note!

For now, I am in love with the CeraVe. I put just a little on my face when I go to bed. When I wake up in the morning, my skin feels so soft and supple that I keep touching my face. 



NOTE: The CeraVe is also available from Walmart and other stores. If you ever get any, make sure to compare prices everywhere. I'm going to be getting a purse-sized tube soon.

Disclaimer: I am not paid or compensated in any way for the products I review. Prior to 2018, I did receive some items 9at a discount or free of charge) in lieu of doing a review. However, since then, every single thing I review is bought and paid for with my own money, personal (non-sponsored) gift cards, and/or gifted to me from family and friends and not in return for doing a review. Nothing is sponsored.

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Dr. Dray

 As much of a product junkie as I have always been - hair products, beauty products, gadgets - you notice I'm not big on following social media "influencers". It's nothing personal against any specific influencers but I don't trust anyone on social media who makes their primary income from hyping products. 

But I have become a "fan" of a dermatologist on YouTube. She is Dr. Dray, a board-certified dermatologist. (This is her YouTube channel.)

Listen, I pick up so much information from watching Dr. Dray. Just a few days ago, I was considering getting a certain type of product because everyone and their cousin always talks about how great it is. It's not a bad product but, after considering what Dr. Dray had to say, I realized that it's not something I would like so much. 

My favorite Dr. Dray videos are the ones where she goes into stores to look at various products - sunscreens, moisturizers, makeup, etc. She discusses the ingredients and what they are commonly used for. And she doesn't just cover the high-end, bougie stuff; she will go into a Target or Dollar Tree or - and this was my recent favorite - a store in France where she discussed some common "French pharmacy" products. (Remember how I've recently been all about Euro-made skincare?)

I like that this lady has a good sense of humor and that she can explain stuff so well to the layman. For instance, I've been buying and using sunscreen for years (that's good!) without understanding anything about "long UVA rays" What? You better bet I'm going to be watching for that in the future. I've only ever looked at the SPF levels and whether or not the stuff would make me look like I'm wearing the wrong shade of foundation.

Happily, according to a lot of the Dr. Dray videos I've watched, I'm doing a lot of the right things - even if I could be doing them better. I have always put on antiperspirants and deodorants at bedtime; I'm wearing sunscreen and I'm using appropriate products in my cleansing routine (mostly) and I'm keeping it pretty simple.

Some of what I plan to do better after watching Dr. Dray are:

  • Looking more carefully at sunscreen labels.
  • Being more consistent in my skincare routine I don't always pay as much attention to my torso as I do my face & I can be a bit slapdash at all of it.
  • Rinsing after using the micellar water I recently started using. 
  • Watching out for fragrances in products.
As I said, the sunscreen and "long ray" issue is something I was totally ignorant about. After all those years of living in Anchorage, I thought I was the black sunscreen queen! 

I went back and looked at my shopping history online and started to notice something. Many of the face moisturizers that didn't work out for me usually had to do with them using fragrance or an ingredient that irritates my skin (lanolin and some others just don't work for me).

Another thing that I appreciate about Dr. Dray is that she is up-front and honest in her videos (and text information underneath them) about any sponsorships. I mean, I don't begrudge anyone monetizing their social media but I hate when they try to hide it or be sneaky about it.

Can you tell how much I like watching Dr. Dray's videos? I became aware of her channel at just the right time - when I became determined to stop being such a product junkie. I'm trying to assemble a range of products that work and stick with them.

She has a lot of videos. Here are some of my favorites of hers or ones that I have on a Watchlist:
So, yeah, I have a person on social media that I feel is putting out honest and useful information about personal care products. And not that I have a big online presence but, for anyone reading this, I do recommend checking out Dr. Dray. I bet you will learn something.


Tuesday, February 14, 2023

**REVIEW** NUXE Rêve de Miel Ultra Nourishing Lip Balm

 Okay, folks. I slid out of my K-beauty phase right into a French Pharmacy obsession. 

First, there was the Embryolisse cream for my face. Then I tried the Ebryolisse lip balm (I sent that back), and now there is this - and I will not be sending it back!

I love, love, love this lip balm (or "blam", as my fingers keep typing...). It's the NUXE brand Rêve de Miel Ultra Nourishing Lip Balm.

Now, here's the thing, this is not the cheapest balm. It was $19 but went on discount for $15 (still not cheap - not for, hehheh moi) but I used some of my Amazon Shopper Panel (ASP) funds and ordered one. I loved it so much that I used some more of my precious ASP rewards to immediately order another - just in case it sells out or the price goes back up. (And I usually try to keep my ASP rewards balance at a certain level before I spend more.) This was too good to pass up though.

Most balms soothe or moisturize my lips for up to an hour before I am having to reapply them. I did have one lip treatment that worked really well and was cheaper than this one but I ran through one jar in less than a few weeks. With this one, an itsy-bitsy dab is all it takes to keep my lips soft and chap-free for at least 6 hours (yes, I went ahead and timed it).

Not only does this one keep my lips moisturized but it is seeming to heal them. I think that it's one of my medications that causes my skin and lips to be so dry. I handle the skin problem easily enough but my lips get to the point of scaling up, cracking, and feeling like something that slithered out of the desert. And I've had many basic balms that help - short-term. Other than the one lip treatment I was running through too quickly, this is the first one that works this well.

Never mind that I had to look up how the heck to pronounce the name (shut up!), I fell in love with this the first time I applied it. (BTW, it's pronounced as nooxa rev da- mel, and "reve de miel" means "honey dream" in English.)

Again, I'm impressed by the ingredients. I could actually pronounce most of them. LOL!

Another thing I like about this is that it's invisible. I don't see it or feel it until I rub my lips together. Doing that, I just feel a sort of light and creamy texture. There is very little smell but what I do smell is really pleasant and reminds me of warm sugar donuts (?) or maybe cinnamon cereal milk. Weird, right?

As I mentioned, I tried the Embryolisse blam  (good heavens!!!) balm and it was okay. But just okay. That surprised me because I like the face cream so much. The balm wore off really quickly and, honestly, was no better than (and maybe not as good as) the Nivea I've used ($8.35 for a pack of 4)

Since I got this balm, I won't be buying any more of my previous beloved favorite (Jack Black) as this one is a hundred times better and is, per ounce, actually a bit cheaper. 

I think that other than how well this works, the main thing that's won me over is that I don't have to take it out to use and reuse it all throughout the day. The other day, I went to an appointment and didn't even notice that I'd forgotten to put it in my purse. It didn't matter because my lips remained moisturized the entire time. 

Now I won't be rushing to buy and try some of the other NUXE products I've noticed. I learned my lesson with the Ebryolisse balm. I might put the NUXE skin butter balm on my Camel price-watch list though.

By the way, I've mentioned that I use the money I get from the Amazon Shopper Panel app to buy little goodies like this balm and some of the other beauty products I can't normally afford since I can't use the rewards anywhere else. I do not know if I've ever linked to the app (as I did earlier in this post). I use ASP on Android  and here is how much I've earned - $10 at a time - over a couple of years:

You might have to get on a waiting list because it's a really popular app, but it is worth the wait. You are sharing information by uploading receipts (I don't care because I have no privacy left!) from anywhere but Amazon. You can accumulate as rewards as you want before spending. I choose to get mine paid into an Amazon gift card balance and parcel the amounts out for certain purchases. You can also choose to donate your earned rewards to certain charitable organizations. I selfishly keep mine and between this and a couple of other rewards apps, I rarely spend my own money to buy the "wanna try it" beauty products I review here. You're welcome.



Tuesday, February 07, 2023

***Experiment*** 'Washing' My Hair With Oil

 Okay, before I start this, let me admit that I think the idea of "washing" your hair with oil sounds a bit weird. However, I will try almost anything once if it might help soften, moisturize, and add sheen to my dull-looking hair. Let's just get right into it.

I did the oil wash - massaging in the oil/shampoo mixture for about 5 minutes while in the shower. I made sure to work on the scalp, roots, and ends of my hair. (I did forget to warm the oil as some folks suggest doing. Oh well...)

This is what I used for the oil wash:

No matter how I tried mixing these, they separated - of course?  (~sigh~ Yes, I do know better, I just brain-slipped!)  I ended up pouring the oil into a separate cup &  putting the oil in my hair first, then the shampoo. 

nope, nope, nope

just bubbled a bit...

This is my dirty hair prior to the oil-washing (you can see why I wanted to try this washing method!):

Time for a dye job.

This is my towel-dried hair afterward - with no other products added:

These are the products I used after the towel-drying:

This is my hair after all the products except for the VERB Ghost Oil:

This is my hair after the Ghost Oil. (I wanted to wait until my hair was bone dry before trying the Ghost Oil. I've tried it before on wet hair & it just... ghosted my hair! LOL!)

By the way, the VERB Ghost Oil did not do much for my hair in the way of shine but, oh baby, did it pump up the softness! All the softness from washing with oil was gone the minute my hair was totally dry. (I've told you all before how easily my hair dries out.) I applied the VERB ghost oil (the serum/liquid version, not the dry), once my hair dried out after the shower and... the stuff is amazing for softening 4C hair. I'm still not sure if it's amazing enough to pay 10 bucks an ounce for but, if you've got the dollars, I'd say go for it. It's so good that I might have to admit that it is worth 10 bucks an ounce.

My thoughts on oil-washing?

  • It was not as messy as I feared. Maybe because I used sunflower oil? I didn't feel like I had a coating of oil on my hair while I was "washing" it.
  • The good: I didn't see a big difference after oil washing but my hair did feel much softer than it normally does. The bad: The softness only lasted until my hair was completely dry.
  • Oil washing is not something I'd want to do on a regular basis but more like a special conditioning treatment. I'm sure it did more for my scalp than it did for my hair.
  • I worried that the oil might have repelled some of my after-care products. I'm not sure though.
  • I might do a sort of warm-oil treatment by soaking my wet hair with oil and a conditioner and wearing a heat cap for 10 minutes. I've never been a fan of hot-oil treatments. Maybe I should become one.
  • And, finally, I'm realizing that my hair color is the problem. I have dark brown hair that is dusty/sandy tending-toward-auburn (hashtag: just like my mama!). And because - unlike my mom who had naturally red and straight hair, as some black folks do - my hair is not only this color but also very kinky-coily. I don't think the light reflects the same way on my hair.
Anyway. That is how my test of oil-washing my hair went. It's not worth the trouble. I need my sunflower oil for cooking!


Friday, February 03, 2023

Great Website for The Roots Naturelle Products (free shipping)

 This is gonna be a quickie. I found a new place to buy my Roots Naturelle products. The site is called Black Panther Strong (don't be hating on the name, folks!) and I was really impressed after ordering the hard-to-find (at a good price) Bouncy Curls Hydrating Creme.

Number One, the shipping is free - on all orders. Let's just applaud that from a business. When is the last time you saw free shipping without a bunch of restrictions and small print walk-backs?

Number Two, the packaging and shipping were awesome. I ordered (and was able to pay via PayPal) and received tracking information for my package which arrived 4 days later. Shut. Up. That's almost better than a lot of Amazon orders these days...

When I opened my package, I was surprised and pleased to see that a sample of another product was included. The sample was not simply tossed in like "Here ya go!"; it was in a plastic bag so nice that I'm going to re-purpose it.

I have shopped a lot of online sites for my hair products and this is the first time that I felt so valued and respected as a customer. It's as if good service, good pricing, and pride in product presentation are so rare that I was shocked. All that should be standard but it's not. And this is a family-owned business - so that's another positive point in my book. The family also runs this site carrying The Roots Naturelle products and a larger variety of items.

I am now going to be getting as many of my hair products as I can from this site and I wanted to pass along the link for anyone else.



P.S.: I've reviewed Bouncy Curls back in 2015 but that was when I got the product free via Tomoson so I won't re-post. Instead, I will do an updated review. For one thing, my hair is different now. For another thing, I got that product free of charge and I no longer do those types of reviews. 

Thursday, February 02, 2023

My 5-Star Product List

After reviewing items for years,  I am finally compiling a list of products that I love, love, love. The best way to do this was to make an Amazon list that I could link to - not for you to buy from Amazon, but for you to see the list. Always shop around for the best prices. I purchased some items from Walmart, Target, mom-and-pop shops, and beauty supply stores.

NOTE: I am NOT an Amazon affiliate and I DO NOT get any compensation if you click on the link or buy any of the products. 

The things on the list are items that I have been using for a long time (at least a year and as long as 5 years). There is one exception and that is the Embryolisse cream that I recently reviewed (and it's so good I added it right away!).

There is one thing that I could not add because I did buy it from Amazon and it is no longer available there. It is the  Next-Shine VS6610 Vacuum Sealer Machine. I wanted to share it because I've had mine for over 5 years and, after using it at least once a week, it's still popping along like new. Comparing it to an expensive fancy machine that I was given (one that never worked and was returned), the Next-Shine kicked butt. I got it on a lightning deal for a great price. So, yeah.

Once again, I am only sharing this list because I find it fun to tell you about things I like. I don't get paid or compensated in any way if you click on any links here. That goes for all the reviews I do.

This is the link to my "FreeBeing's 5-Star Items" Amazon Idea List. This is the link to my Amazon profile so you can see my other lists if you'd like.

