(I just realized that I didn't publish this back in Sept or Oct of 2023 so... here it is.)
This is one of those products that has been hyped hard - and for years. I think I first saw this about 7 years ago. I never bought any because I have other creams and balms that I love. However, when I had about 12 dollars left on a gift card that was expiring, I decided to use it on this.
tiny jar |
For the tiny 1.5oz jar, the price I paid (with tax) was almost $15. That is a little bit insane.
For some reason, I didn't pay attention to the size of the jar and some other details when I ordered this. Other than the price, the writing on the jar is a little bit creepy for someone who is not a pagan... (The backstory of the brand is really weird, just in case you think I'm being silly!)
Just reading a tiny snippet of the backstory got a little weird for my Christian self. Weird, or funny...
"The Story of Egyptian Magic begins in 1986 at a Chicago Diner when an elderly man approached Westley Howard (The name Mr. ImHotepAmonRa was then known as)..."
Then I took a good look at the front of the jar...(There are reasons some of us don't mess with a lot of popular symbols.)
I'm pretty sure a Wiccan wouldn't be thrilled using holy water |
What the Beelzebub Crowley is that all about? 🤨 I'm not trying to buy a jar of something whipped up by the dark arts. 🤣I was just wanting to see what all the hype was about a product with some basic and interesting natural ingredients.
Anyway... After I finished getting over the symbolism and general weirdness, I opened it up to take a look. If nothing dark and wicked flew out, I would give the product a try.
What this looks like is a slightly yellow-tinged version of any petroleum jelly or CeraVe ointment I've used. Some reviewers say that there is a smell of beeswax but I got zero scent from it. The texture is more solid than pet jelly and I had to scrape some out with my nail. However, it quickly warms with body heat.
I do have psoriasis that pops up in the form of dry and scaly patches of skin on my palms and ankles. Usually, the symptoms are mild and I just get super-consistent with OTC ointments (currently CeraVe). If the symptoms are worse or prolonged, I go all in with a prescription cream followed up with OTC ointments. Lately, I've had some mild flare-ups on my palms.
With my psoriasis showing out for the past couple of days, I decided to try this cream. I applied it pretty sparingly (considering the cost) and gave it about ten minutes to soak in. It only took about 3 or 4 minutes to absorb. I guess my skin was drier than I thought!
It hadn't taken but a tiny bit to treat the dry patches on my palms so I decided to see how the cream would work on my face. The absorption took a bit longer than it had for my palms but not a full 10 minutes. In about 7 minutes, I could tell that my face was softer and not oily in the least.
Is this good? It seems so. It did help with the dry patches on my palms. It worked as good as the CeraVe and in about the same amount of time. It also was similar to CeraVe on my face. Maybe this cream was a tiny bit more moisturizing overall. It absorbed much faster than CeraVe.
The price of this is the deal breaker. While I like the effects just slightly better than CeraVe, this cream is just too pricey to use as often as I would need to. I will probably never buy more of this. A few other users in their reviews swear that the long-term use of this cream did wonders for their faces. That's kind of the same for any good ointment. Consistent use is the key.
Yes, I do prefer the ingredients in this over anything else I've used so far but, still, that price...Once I used this jar almost all up, I decided it was definitely not worth the price. I have Nivea which works better and if I need something a little more healing for my psoriasis breakouts, I can use the CeraVe Ointment. Both of those products are worth their prices.
I guess I don't have to worry about the backstory of this product. Not at that price and size.