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Monday, September 02, 2024

Say It Ain’t So, Lavazza! (UPDATE)


My eBay purchases were all duds. I had to return them. The sellers did the same thing the Amazon seller did: substituted that icky Italian Roast for the Gran Selzione. Trying to be slick like Rick...

Apparently, there is no Gran Selzione to be had anywhere - unless those 90 dollar bags on eBay are the real deal, and I don't love any coffee that much!

 I feel as if I have lost a good friend. I haven't, thankfully, but I just learned that Lavazza is discontinuing their Gran Selzione roast. I had hoped that I was just hearing rumors but... I got confirmation straight from someone in customer service for Lavazza. 

In case you missed it, this is the heartbreaking part:

Such sad news...

I'm not a coffee snob but I do have my preferences. I like a very dark roast with a bit of sweetness and notes of chocolate and a smooth flavor.

If you go looking for the flavor description of Gran Selzione, you usually run across something like this:

chocolate, intense, chocolate &
out of stock!
That describes Gran Selzione perfectly. You know what it does not describe? The Italian Roast that Lavazza has "swapped" in... I know because I got 3 free bags of that stuff courtesy of Amazon (a seller sent me the Italian because they ran out of Gran Selzione. The nerve!) I even got a free bag of the Italian Extra Dark. I haven't tried that one yet.

The Italian Roast is not horrible but it comes nowhere near the flavor of Gran Selzione. It is about as much like Gran Selzione as some influencers are like the photos they post. Come on, now!

 It is so unlike Gran Selzione that I gave away 2 of the free bags. I'd already opened one bag so I tried adding a little bit of Dutch chocolate powder to see if that helped. Did it? Not really.

A "hint" so subtle, I can't even taste it...
I was so miserable that my brother was laughing at me for taking it personally. (I was over here practically singing "Nothing Compares 2 U"!) He did make the great suggestion that I get over to eBay pronto and order some Gran Selzione before prices go up. That was some good looking out, bro! And yes, I was able to get a few bags without blowing my budget. But now, I have to find an affordable replacement for when I run out.

I'm over here being mad at whoever at Lavazza made this stupid decision. But I'm going to dry my eyes and take a deep breath. I have to get back out there to find something halfway good enough to replace my Gran Selzione. I have one picked out but it's not the most affordable coffee I know of. That is Jim's Sweet Love blend. Illy probably has something but I know that won't be affordable...

For now, it's goodbye Gran Selzione.

