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Friday, January 03, 2025

**UPDATE** 2025 Wish List (I Can Dream)

 These are things I'd like to see happen or become possible in 2025:

  • It would be nice if citizens could be more confident in accurate and fair voting results. No interference from inside or out. And, while we're at it, let's get back to election campaigns done with civility; sticking to verifiable facts and candidates addressing voter concerns instead of personal attacks on each other. 
  • Civility between citizens in general. People learning to disagree without violence and personal attacks. 
  • Let's reform the way corporations (and the people behind them) contribute to the national coffers. No employee should have to pay more in taxes than the employers. Tax the total income of the top dogs the same way that the workers bees are taxed.
  • If we want to revert to the past (you know, MAGA), let it be with a return to good manners; people having a general sense of public shame; and socializing in person rather than remotely.
  • Speaking of manners, let's get back to teaching those to children. Let's teach them to be polite, gracious, and kind to others.
  • Let's bring back courtship in relationships. Apparently, even the young people are getting tired of "hooking up", "Netflix and chilling", or whatever else you want to call not taking dating and marriage as seriously as we should.
  • **UPDATE:** Can we calm down with all the cursing? I think that cursing in public is such a rude behavior. You are assuming too much about the people who can hear you - mainly that they are a rude and language-insensitive as you are and that young ears need the audio assault... In some cases, I think that it affects how seriously you may be taken. I watch video compilations of people discussing various topics, and whenever someone can't speak for more than a few seconds without using foul language, I fast-forward past their part. (And can I also mention that I wish everyone would stop saying the following: bruh, bro, and, unless you were born with the accent to make it right, y'all because... ðŸ™„)
I have other things I'd like to add, but the list would be ridiculously long. The only other thing I feel I have to have listed is for a specific part of the population. Here it is:
  • Let's find a way to deal with churches (of all religions) hiding behind God (or whatever object of worship) to fleece congregants. If a pastor (or whatever) can own jets, mansions, and dress like the stars, they should be able to pay taxes. BUT - only of the "tech bros" and other Richie Riches have to pay their fair share of taxes.
Am I wishing for too much? Maybe, but I can dream.
