Diabetes runs on my mother's side of the family. I have 3 people in the family who currently live with diabetes. I was very interested when I saw a non-artificial sweetener that is also low glycemic.
Panela - or dehydrated sugar cane juice - is varied and called by many names such as jaggery, country sugar, molasses sugar, or (as I know it) unrefined cane sugar. I came across it in a round-about way.
A few years ago, I did a rant post about doctors and nurses not focusing enough on nutrition in patient care. In that post, I mentioned panela as one of the many types of sugars that some consumers might not recognize as a sugar when reading ingredient labels. Recently, I heard mention of "jaggery" as a sweetener. Curious, I looked into it and came around to wanting to try panela in place of table sugar or brown sugar. I'm glad now that I did.
Panela (which is similar to jaggery) is lower in calories than most of the sweeteners I've used. I tended to choose brown sugar, raw sugar, and cane sugar. Panela:
- Minimally processed
- Retains more vitamins/nutrients (iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, antioxidants)
- Has a caramel-like flavor (milder than molasses & less "sharp" than table sugar)
- While still high in sugar, has a lower glycemic index. (Note: there might be differences in nutrient content and glycemic factors from brand to brand. Read your labels!)
That last part is what really caught my attention - you know, with diabetes in the family. I bought two different brands of panela (with reasonable prices) and tried them. I really enjoy both and it has changed the way I drink my coffee...
I love that 4 teaspoons of panela is just 15 calories. Because of the interesting flavor, I have replaced my sweetened creamers with panela and evaporated milk or half-and-half. For once, when skipping the high calories creamer, I'm not missing out on flavor. It's been a game-changer for my coffee routine.
In addition to using panela in my coffee, I am using it in rice, hot cereals, and in some of my baking. I have never loved the taste of table sugar and never thought I would like anything better than brown sugar, but here I am.
I don't have diabetes (thank the Lord!), but I am struggling with my weight. I have put on just way too many pounds in the past 6 months without teeth (no excuse!) and I still have 3 more months to go before I have a full set again. Switching to panela and getting rid of the sweetened creamer is going to help as I try to get back to a better clothing size.
I won't vouch for one brand of panela over another because there are so many out there. I can tell you that I am using
this one and
this one so far and enjoy them both.
By the way, since I gave up my Italian Sweet Cream, I am using the following to make my own coffee creamer:
- Half-and-half (or evaporated milk)
- Panela
- Vanilla extract (and, when available, fresh vanilla bean)
I whip this up really well and store it in a mason jar. I only make about 3 cups at a time. If I am out of panela, I use a little bit of sweetened condensed milk. I know, I know...
use any sweetener you want |
I am being completely serious when I say I am shocked that I am doing fine without my store-bought creamer. I've tried to replace it before and that never lasted. I've been using that fatty creamer for years now. It's time. I need to be as healthy as I can, and at least this way doesn't hurt.
P.S.: I am still a little down in the mouth (tee hee) about the delay in getting my full dentures. The situation has motivated me to use this next 3 months to lose some weight and do a lot of praying about my general attitude. There are people who can't get their teeth replaced. Thanks to my family, I have been blessed, so I am going to stop grousing.
DISCLAIMER: I am not/will not be compensated in any way for the products mentioned in this post.