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Sunday, February 11, 2018

**REVIEW** Magnesium Oil from Dead Sea (from Livana)

After seeing my doctor this last time, I've added a couple of things to my natural health care arsenal. Magnesium oil spray is what I'm reviewing today. I will review the trace minerals tomorrow.

This is not the first time I've tried a magnesium oil spray. I tried a couple in 2016 and reviewed one of those oils. That one was part of a review and I used it until it ran out just before moving here to Iowa. I hadn't had a chance to try it again because it was no longer available. Back then, I was combining the oil use with changes in my eating habits so I saw good effects.

These days, my fatigue is worse and I have been having those "tired but wired" insomnia problems again. My doctor suggested melatonin tablets, but I remembered the magnesium oil. While looking through the choices, I saw that this one had good reviews and was priced so I could afford it. I consider it a part of my healthcare expenses. Also, I was attracted by the fact that the source is the Dead Sea.

their photo was better than the one I took!

 What I noticed when looking through all the magnesium oil choices is that there are 2 sources for magnesium chloride that are most popular: the Dead Sea or the Zechstein Seabed. This is because they are both "ancient seabeds" and I guess that's kind of a big deal when it comes to the minerals and nutrients. Makes sense to me and, of course, I want to try an oil sourced from Zechstein (and it was actually priced better but for a larger size). For now, I am happy with this $8 bottle that I could get right away.

The one thing that annoyed me was that, when I opened my package, the bottle was damp and had leaked out some of this precious oil. For now, though, let me give you the highlights of my experience with this product. And, trust me, when I say that there are differences between brands. The other oils I tried were good but this one is powerful good (as my Big Mama might have said).

It NOT an "oil"

Yeah. Magnesium oil is more like water. There is zero oiliness to the stuff. Because my bottle leaked, this is what the spillage looked like on my hand:

Look like I been eating powdered donuts!

This is why when I used it at bedtime, I followed it up with some coconut oil. 

You need to be careful when applying this product because if not, most of it will roll right off. Think of spraying water onto the skin, right? I like to spray my throat then quickly rub it in before it has a chance to drip.

Ingredients in this one

The other oils I tried had magnesium chloride and water. This one has Magnesium Chloride, Purified Water, and Dead Sea Salt. I'm sure it's the salt that left the ashy residue on my hand. I am curious about the salt being useful for my psoriasis (and other skin ailments). I might have to ask the doctors about that and try it. If you think you want to try some Dead Sea salt products, you can check out many brands. I found this one site that looks interesting (and affordable). This brand is also Amazon-available.

It put me right into Sleep Mode

Once again, not all oils are created equal. The other oils I've used did help me sleep a lot better. A lot. I would spray my armpits (I will tell you why in a moment), my hair, my stomach. I would go spray crazy! When I used this before bedtime last night, I was thinking of those other oils and (thinking that I was holding back to make this last until I can get a bigger bottle) I spritzed my throat just twice. Within about 5 minutes, I was getting droopy eyed. 10 minutes and I was done. 

I don't know what would have happened if I had sprayed on any more of this oil. Probably I'd still be asleep right now. I've rarely taken anything but OTC sleeping pills but I did have an Ambien or something when I was hospitalized and I hated the drunk way it made me feel. I only slept well for a few hours before I was restless again, and I remember feeling very hungover the next day.

Here's the thing with this oil: I did not feel groggy at all this morning. Not a bit. Matter of fact, I felt better upon waking than I have for a while. I guess that's what getting a good night's rest does for a body. I slept deep until I'd say around 1:30/2:00 when I had to get up to do a bathroom and water run. Usually, I have trouble getting back to sleep if I get up like that. Not last night.

I can't wait to let my doctor know how great this worked for my sleep.

Daytime use is tricky

I think I mentioned in the previous reviews that magnesium oil is supposed to help relieve anxiety. This particular brand oil is too strong for me to test it undiluted during the daytime. When I got that residue on my hands opening the package, I washed my hands because of the ashy look. Good thing.

For daytime use (stress, anxiety, you know - me being me), I figured I'd better be on the safe side and cut this oil with... some oil. 

Had to slap a label on this one

This bottle is labeled as 1/3 ounce. I spritzed in a couple sprays of magnesium and filled the rest of the bottle with jojoba oil. I think any kind of oil will do; I just happened to have jojoba on hand. I've rolled on some a few times today and it's been okay but I think I need to add more magnesium to the mix.

Now I don't know if my body will get used to this and the effects will start to lessen. I will have to let you know about that.

This is a natural deodorant

If you type in "magnesium oil deodorant", you'll get slammed with sites offering up DIY recipes, benefits, and folks' stories about how it changed their lives. When I used the other brands before this one, I just sprayed the stuff right on my pits. It did work, but I don't think I can use this one the same way. Like I said, I'd probably go right into a cold doze before I could do anything to work up a sweat. That said, I do plan to try dabbing a little under my arms. I can't use it at my regular nighttime application because I don't want to put oil under my arms. 

Like I said, I can't wait to tell my doctor about this stuff. She digs natural products so maybe some of her other patients would be interested in using this over melatonin for sleep.

I'll update this post if I need to. For now, I'm happy.


Monday, February 05, 2018

Plant Life & Plant Love

Those of you who have even sporadically followed this blog know that I deal with health issues - both physical and emotional. I've been working hard on the physical stuff by upping my nutrition and exercise game, but it didn't have much effect on my mental health. Then I got a plant. Not just any plant. This beautiful (and cheap) beauty here.

She's a moth orchid - or, more formally, a Phalaenopsis (praise copy/paste!). I found her at Walmart and she only cost $10. Perfect.

Who knew what a boost this would be to my emotional health! Also, notice that she really does kind of resemble a moth if you look close and hard.

I still struggle with keeping depression at bay and I'm dealing with the constant fatigue and some anxiety but... Oh, my goodness, how this plant brightens even my worst days.The only problem I can see with having a living plant is that there are days when I might be bringing it down! Poor plant is probably struggling with its own emotional health. I think she's okay though (and, yes, I think of it as a 'she') because she's rebloomed once already after losing her first petals at the start of the cold weather season.

When I noticed her petals falling away, I remember thinking that she was dead. Then I realized her leaves were still so beautiful and healthy. Thanks to a site called Just Add Ice, I learned how to nurse my plant back into the reblooming stage.

Now, understand that I not only physically have a melanin-rich thumb, I have the proverbial brown thumb like you wouldn't believe. My mother could bring a plant back from the dead and once grew a plant from a freaking potato. My sister was great with plants and three years after her passing, my niece still has her surviving ivy, ferns, and plants we don't know the names of. Me? I once killed a cactus. True story.

When I managed to get my orchid to rebloom, I almost couldn't believe my eyes. It happened really fast. I was able to track the reblooming with date-stamped photos I took with my cell phone.

I'm pretty sure that I got her at the end of August 2017 and she was pretty bloomed up then:

Slowly, she began losing blooms...

... until she was bare. This was her on December 18th:

Gorgeous leaves tho!

Notice that those leaves are still gawgeous tho! I followed the advice I found on Just Add Ice and used some love and Miracle Grow a few times a week.

 The leaves stayed healthy but there were just some little nibs where the old blooms had been. Then about 5 weeks later, she began showing up and showing out:

I was pretty pleased! Of course, there are a couple more buds that haven't opened yet, but someone advised me that that is normal. They also suggested that I move her to a bigger planter. I have one for her but I'm scared to move her. Things have been going so well that I don't want to irritate the gorgeous thing.

While I was posting and telling all my friends about my plant, I saw that one of my neighbors had one outside her door the other week. First of all, how cute is that snail planter? Second, look at those blooms! I ranted and raved and even shared photos of this plant before my neighbor informed me that it's a really good fake. The leaves feel so real! 

FAKE! (But a great fake)

 I was kind of selfishly happy that such a perfect plant was artificial. Ha! My plant is real and thriving. The orchid has done so well that I got this other plant that I saw on sale this week:

This one is labeled as being the "world's longest blooming plant". It's called an anthurium and is also called the "flamingo flower". I love that and I just adore the colors. She and the orchid look good together and they use the same type of care - ice and indirect sunlight and moderate to warm temps. 

. They both bring me so much joy. There's a sense of nurturing that I've missed the past few months. Also, plants are the cheapest kind of decoration for a living space. I can literally sit for an hour, just looking at these plants and contemplating what an amazing world the Lord prepared for us here.

So, if you are feeling a little down, get a plant. If you don't want to take care of one, get a fake one since there are apparently some great fakes out there!


Saturday, February 03, 2018

**REVIEW** Book of the Month (BOTM) Club

Remember the Book of the Month Club? You know, back before Audible got to be so popular? Yes, well, I checked it out recently and I'm not such a fan.

I open and close my Audible account like a crazy girlfriend who is in one of those love-hate relationships. It's all based on finances and health. If I'm broke but having a decent few weeks of health, I shut my account down. Then I'll get sick and stuck in bed for several days and need Audible to hold and comfort me until I'm feeling better.

The other day, I was stuck in bed again and started thinking it would be nice to hold an actual copy of a book and read myself past the icks. So I signed up for the Book of the Month Club. I had immediate regrets.

First of all, what the hell is up with that Satanic-looking logo?

I'm putting a spell on you!

Okay, I'm just being silly with that one. Kind of. That is some weird-looking symbolism though. Makes me want to wrap myself in tin foil and douse myself with some holy water. Ugh.

Getting past all that, my real problem with BOTM is that you can't just go in a choose a book from a large selection. Matter of fact, you can't go in and choose a book at all until someone says "Go!" (Why didn't I read the FAQs first?)

Because I subscribed near the end of a month, I was told that I had to wait for the next month's selections before I could choose a book.

Strike One.

They sure didn't wait until the next month to charge my debit card. So, what? I was stiffed out of that month's book? I decided to wait and ask about that later. I was still sick and didn't have the energy to email a nasty letter right then.

The next week I get a notice that now I can choose a book from that month's selections. Soon as I can, I go over to pick out a book. I see 5 books lined up to choose from. FIVE. Just five. This is what's printed on the selection page:
We love these five books, and think you will too. Choose your favorite today.

Strike Two.

Here's the thing: I don't care what books someone else might "love". Really, I don't. (And, by the by, I didn't like any of the five books that these other folks were so in "love" with.) I thought that I was going to get to pick a book from a wide selection of books. Apparently, I was wrong.

Members aren't limited to choosing from those featured 5 books (thank goodness, because those all sucked), but when I checked out the wider selection of "Extra Books", I discovered the selection wasn't that wide. Also, I wasn't thrilled by what I saw.

Okay, well, different strokes, right? Apparently, there are some people who like the BOTM thing. Good for them. It's not for me so I decided to cancel my unused membership. And... of course, that is never made easy.

Strike Three.

I had to hunt through the FAQs (which I was obviously reading for the first time) to learn that I had to email or call BOTM to cancel a membership. Fine. I shot off a quick email. This is the response I received.
Hi Trudy!
Thanks for contacting us. Since it’s the beginning of the month, we’re responding to a large number of excited customers, so it may take us a few days to get back to you. Rest assured, we’ll be in touch soon to address any issues you may have!
If you’re having an issue with your box and need immediate assistance, please call us at : 1-877-236-8540. We’re open Monday–Friday, 8 a.m.– 6 p.m. EST.
Oh no no no they di'int! (I sent a follow-up email basically telling them to get my refund processed as fast as they processed the withdrawal.)

Yeah. So. I learned my lesson. No more BOTM for me. I'm still looking for membership in a club that will allow me to choose actual books to populate my bookshelf. I don't need a BOTM that limits my selections or tries to sell me "swag" ($20 book totes with cheesy sayings printed on them or something called "Sunday Socks" for  $10). I just want to buy a book every now and then.

I guess I will just put my Prime membership to use or see what Barnes and Noble has to offer. For now, I have to go and make up with Audible again. Our relationship needs work but we've got a good history.


Thursday, January 18, 2018

**Book REVIEW** The Demon Within by Josh Gagnier

This book takes such a novel approach to themes of Good, Evil, and Judgement. While reading the story, I was fascinated not just with the characters and plot, but with the author's unique approach to the subject matter.

My limited edition advanced copy on the right!
This book by Josh Gagnier is The Demon Within. It's Book One in his The Last War series.

This novel has everything - angels and demons and the battle for a soul - but with the feel of a war game.

Here is how the plot is summarized:
Joe grew up listening to the voice in his head. It helped him through school, helped him gain wealth in his career. 
The final temptation of power was too much. He hadn't considered the cost. 
Now he must find a way to defeat The Demon Within. 
Little does he know, his every move is being recorded. Every misstep is being judged. As he gets ever closer to winning over his demon, heavenly eyes watch from above. Some root for his success while others hope he'll fail. 
While Joe fights his demon on the battlefront, the angel Michael fights for his Soul.
Doesn't that make you think of the crisis we all face? Well, don't be fooled. This is not the typical take on the angelic-vs-demonic warfare theme. You can tell from the first pages that you're in for some twists on the usual perspective. 

While the plot is really good and I like the creative way the author thinks, there are a couple of rough patches. In more than one place, I found myself jarred by the change in scene or point of view. Because the story is interesting, it was easy to get back into it without much difficulty. I raced through the first pages as the plot was being set up, but then I had to slow down and pay more attention. The story is deliciously complex and tricked me into thinking I might have figured it all out.

I love when a story catches me off guard and veers away from my expectations of the plot. I don't want to give away spoilers, but I will warn that there will be more than one surprise as you read this story.  And the ending is... not really an ending because you will be waiting for Book Two. 

Usually, I gulp down books in large bites. With this story, I found myself having to stop at various points so that I could give some serious thought to an idea presented. It was like the difference between fast food and a thoughtfully prepared meal meant to be savored and discussed. That's the best way I can describe the experience.

This story resonated with me because of my religious beliefs about life (and the afterlife). I think that there will be readers who connect with the characters on different levels. If you check out the author's bio, you will understand what I mean. He's writing not just from a place of creativity but from insight into himself. I found this very interesting. Make sure to go over and check out the author's Facebook page.

Remember when I said that there were some rough patches? Let me add this: this is a work put forth by an author without the aid of a publishing house. I'm glad to see writers breaking the traditional mold of exposing their talent. I really liked this story and am looking forward to Book Two in the series.


Friday, January 12, 2018

**REVIEW** CloSYS Dental Hygiene Care

This is a review for people who, like myself, might suffer from some oral ailments. I have dry mouth that is, I'm sure, due to the medications I take. I used to have horrible halitosis (surprisingly, the treatment of my sarcoidosis solved that), but am always conscious of my breath.

I tell you all that to tell you about this:

This is the trial-sized intro kit to CloSYS, a brand which is described as being "gentle oral care". It's certainly should be gentle since it's touted as being:

  • Alcohol-Free
  • Sulfate Free
  • Non-Burning 
  • Triclosan Free
  • Gluten Free

Initially, I was only looking for a toothpaste and I wasn't even thinking about this particular brand. I had never even heard of ClosSYS. What got me to order this instead of the Manuka paste I was checking on, was the price. Also, the Closys is Prime shipping and the Manuka was not. (This is so irritating. Toothpaste was already expensive, then they add a shipping charge? No, thanks.)

I'm glad I got this. One complaint: the "trial" size is smaller than most and this toothpaste won't last long at all. Hotels leave bigger tubes for a 1- or 2-night stay. On the other hand, it is all TSA-compliant. ~sigh~ The world we now live in, right?

Anyway, there was not only a trial of the toothpaste, as you can see. There's the pastes, mouthwash (sorry, I mean oral rinse), some freshening drops and breath spray.

Though the toothpaste is all I wanted, I went ahead and tried everything in the kit, so let's take a look.

That's the toothpaste on the top...

I've been using Colgate Optic White for the past couple of months. Before that, I was using some Rembrandt that the rest of the family had gotten in bulk from Costco. Both those brands are good for cleaning and whitening my teeth and I never thought anything more about either of them. You know, they are tubes of paste and they clean the teeth. Period. Right?

Now, here is what's awesome about this CloSYS toothpaste. First off, it's so non-drying. Not only does it not dry out my mouth, but it seems to help my glands balance the saliva I need. That sounds kind of icky, but, hey.

The one thing that took some getting used to is that there is zero flavor to this paste. And I mean, NONE. It's labeled as "Gentle Mint" and it's so freaking gentle that I missed it. I'm so used to getting a hint of mint or a bite of peppermint that I thought I wasn't using enough of this. Once I got past that, I loved the clean feeling of the paste in my mouth. No after coating of anything and none of the flavor remnants from other brands. Another thing is that there is no foaming action with this toothpaste. Basically, the overall brushing left my mouth feeling very pure and clean.

After the brushing left my mouth feeling so unassaulted with foam and flavor, I didn't feel the need to use the mouthwash - sorry, oral rinse - but this is all for the review so...

See? "Oral Rinse"

The rinse is just as flavor-free as the toothpaste. It reminds me of a watered down hydrogen peroxide. Wait. What?

Yeah. I almost didn't see that note about adding the flavor stuff.

Thing is, I didn't like the too-concentrated, hot kind of taste of the flavor drops right out of the bottle, but just one full drop did help that mout-, I mean oral rinse. Otherwise, the rinse was too bland. I suppose I can add the rest of the flavoring to some water when I'm out and need to do a quick, after-meal rinse. You can see how tiny that bottle is. It will fit perfectly into the smallest wallet or even the coin-pocket of some jeans.

The breath spray is probably my least favorite of this kit.

Not that there's anything monstrous about it and it's not even as strong as nasty as most breath sprays. I'm just not a fan of breath sprays. Usually, I end up aiming badly and spraying the outside of my mouth. When I do use it correctly, I end up wanting to rinse it out of my mouth anyway. So ~shrug~ I will probably just save this for emergencies. Probably when I'm in danger of dragon-breathing some garlic into someone's face.

Bottom line: the toothpaste is awesome and I will be getting a full-size tube of it. I might see if Costco has better pricing but, if not, Amazon has it as a Subscribe and Save item at a very reasonable price.

After several uses, I can tell that my breath stays fresher longer after brushing. Morning breath isn't as dragon-ish as usual. I bet if I start back on my daily half-gallon water routine, I can get rid of that morning breath for good. Okay - if I quit eating garlic burgers for dinner...

I might still try the manuka toothpaste if I can find it anywhere else (and will review it if I do), but this CloSYS is working out just fine.


Monday, January 08, 2018

*REVIEW** GGMM D6 True 360 Speaker

I'm loving my Echo Dot more and more each day. I still call it the perfect roommate! One of the things that makes me love it so is having a speaker that amps the sound and acts as a charger. Being able to move the Echo to wherever I am in the apartment is a big part of its appeal.

You all might remember that I was able to try the VAUX speaker. Guess what? I was able to try another speaker too. This one is just as nice as the VAUX. Seriously. 

I'm laughing a little bit right now because whenever I play that video, Alexa turns into that nosy chick who hears her name and wants to know what's going on! So funny.

As you can see, this speaker looks great. I wasn't sure about the light color because I usually go for muted or very dark hues. I've seen another one in black and it's nice, but the white one is kinda cute to me.

This one looks really good in the living room and I like the contrast to the rest of my decor. It looked great against the dark setting, but it also looked nice against a friend's lighter furnishings and with their wooden floors. 

I wanted to see this against a neighbor's lighter decor

 Here is what you need to know (including some technical details):
hooking up to Echo is super easy

  • Has 360-degree portable speaker (if you couldn't tell from the name)
  • Works with the Echo Dot - of course!
  • 20 watts power; 3-inch (80mm) driver and amp; 1.2-inch (30mm) dome tweeter with dual passive radiator boost. (That one hurt my brain but, bottom line is, the sound is awesome.)
  • You get up to 8 hours play time in Dot mode (37 hours in Aux mode - 37!) from the rechargeable lithium battery. And isn't that battery the thing we all love most?! Oh, and switching between Dot to Aux is easy because there's a button.
  • There additional Aux input (3.5mm) for external mobile devices.
  • The LEd automatically twinkles when the batter gets to less than 20%
  • IMO, hooking this up to the Echo was SO much easier than it was with the VAUX speaker. 

Much easier than having separate connectors!

Pretty nice, aye? 

I will be updating this post when I have the link for this item in case you want to pick up one for yourself. I'm glad I got to check it out though. Echo Dot was a hot seller this holiday so it's nice that there are choices when it comes to speakers for it.

My decor is darker

This item is not posted for sale yet, but as soon as it is, I will be back with the link and more info. I cannot wait to let you know the when-and-where details!

Keep watching this space.


Wednesday, January 03, 2018

Perfume Soothes Me

So. Everybody who knows me well knows I love perfume. I always have. When I was teenybopper, I learned to use baby powder and vanilla extract. Then came Love's Baby Soft, Heaven Sent, Emeraude, and others. Then I discovered Shalimar. Oh my.

These days, I've experimented with several fragrances. Whatever I can afford and whatever family and friends gift to me on special occasions. This is great because I often end up falling in love with a scent I would never have tried.

For Christmas this year, my family got me 2 new fragrances. This one is Shi by Alfred Sung. I had never heard of it before but I mentioned that I liked his Sung for Women scent. This one is really nice. It's soft and feminine and nice for everyday wear.

And doesn't that bottle remind you a little bit of a gnome?

The other fragrance really surprised me. For one thing, I'm only vaguely familiar with Micheal Buble and I didn't know he had a fragrance branded to him. For another thing... Wow. Totally knocked flat by how much I like this.

The bottle is gorgeous. The USPS must have knocked the package around because the tip broke off the top. This is what an undamaged (and better photographed) bottle looks like:

Notice that the little circular piece is not missing from the top of the bottle... The glass part holding the perfume is sort of floating inside the metal outer ring. Very classy looking.

The scent is a smoky, Oriental type of fragrance. Before applying it, I was thinking that it smells a lot like Rhianna's fragrance, Reb'L Fleur:

I have a bottle but my lid went missing during the move from Alaska.
However, when this is applied to my skin and mixes with my chemistry, it's just glorious. Reminds me of a darker, smokier version of Opium if Opium was married to Shalimar. This is the kind of fragrance that will make someone want to nuzzle your neck. Another plus is that it takes very little to get a full effect, and the scent actually lasts for quite a while.

Now, you all remeber my beloved Shalimar that a niece gifted to me before I left Alaska:

Yeah, you guys have probably seen that pic before. I post it so much! I think I mentioned that Shalimar no longer lingers well on my skin. I've been using its brother fragrance, Habit Rouge. It's marketed to men but smells wonderful on females who like Opium and Shalimar.

The perfumes I've gotten are my favorite gifts this past year. I guess it's been about four or five years since I discovered Viva la Juicy. Man, I love that scent. It has been my go-to fragrance for a while now. I've used up most of my supply and am down to the little collection type bottles.

So glad for those miniatures!

Now, if some of you were wondering as I have exactly how those celebrity fragrances come to be, then this article thoroughly explains the process.

The only thing I hate about perfume is that they are kind of unreliable. Either a scent you love will start to hate your body chemistry and just stop working or - and this is what I really hate - a scent will just be discontinued. Ugh! That's the worst. That happened with Flori Robert's Gold. Also, whatever happened to Cher's fragrance? It was pretty nice.

For now, I'm happy to have my gifts so THANK YOU, fam. I'm tightening up my already squeaking budget and perfume is the first casualty. What you want to bet I can make my current supplies last for at least a year?


Tuesday, January 02, 2018

**RECIPE** Heavenly Cloud Bread

In the past 5 weeks, I have lost just a little over 9 pounds. I wasn't really trying. I just didn't feel good, but when I went to see the fam in Arizona, I got more exercise than normal. I'm paying for that now, but I want to keep up the weight loss. My plan? Lots of water and a lot less carbs.

Bread is probably the hardest thing to give up - or even slow down on! Also, snacks. I remembered hearing about cloud bread when I first learned about the Keto diet. What I didn't know is how easy it is to make and how freaking delicious it can be. I say can be because you have to play with the recipe a bit.

Here's the basic recipe I gathered from several different sources (including this one):

2 Eggs - yolks and whites separated
2 Tbl (or 1oz) Cream cheese - softened (and cooled) so it's blendable
1/4 tsp Baking powder

I made my first batch and it was good. Instead of individual clouds, I did a cake-style batch and sliced it afterward. I used it to sandwich my burger patty. This is it turned out:

Like I said, it was just okay. That's because it was before I had a better batch. The bread came out a little eggy tasting and soft. I should have baked it longer than the 12 minutes. I was too worried I would burn it.

So. Time to give it another try, right?

This is how I have modified the recipe (and tripled it) so that it is slap-yo-mama delicious:

Cream cheese
Baking powder
Vanilla Extract (just a 1/4 tsp)
Sweetener (I used a full Tbls of table sugar this time)

The extract and sweetener made all the difference between "This is good and I can use it every now and then" to "This is amazing and I can give up bread and cookies ".

Beautiful. Notice how clean the pan is. That's because the batter didn't stick to it. I use a Wilton Perfect Results pan because it's cheap and sturdy. This bread was firmer and had a much better taste. I'm sure that the sugar helped with the browning and texture.

Now, there are a couple of things I learned that I'll pass on:

  • If you don't have parchment paper, use a metal baking sheet (lightly oiled)
  • Make sure to whip the egg whites to very stiff peaks (use metal or glass bowl for this)
  • For bread, bake about 15 minutes on 300. For cookie/snack, bake an additional 10 minutes on 200. Check often so the batter doesn't burn. 
  • You may need to rotate the pan once during baking so that batter cooks evenly. 
  • Let the bread cool completely before removing from the pan. I waited 20 minutes.
This is why I said to use a metal pan if you don't have parchment paper:

Yeah. Look at that. Just a  hot funky mess. ~sigh~

Notice how the batter didn't even cook the same. The bread came out so thin and fragile that all I could use it for was snacking. Also, you can see that it didn't brown as well as the bread that was done in the metal pan.

Left = Metal pan perfection
Right = Whatever the hell...

The biggest thing I love about the modified recipe is that I can make smaller pieces, brown the bread darker, then broil for a moment to get something that will make substitutes for cookies. If I need to, I can always check out these other recipes for cookies and treats:

Obviously, you can get creative and do a lot with the basic cloud bread recipe. For now, I am happy enough with the batch I made.


Monday, January 01, 2018

**UPDATE** REVIEW Echo Dot (2nd Gen)

Okay, for those of you who read the original review, I wanted to come back and update you on what I call The Best of Echo Dot. I've had time to play around and use the device more, so here goes a bullet list of the best stuff:


  • Rain, thunder, forest, wind chimes - there are so many ambient sounds to choose from. I've used probably 20 so far. There are the ones I use for when I am writing and need to concentrate, then there are others I like to use for falling asleep. You can also request that Alexa play something specific, like "study music". (You can specifically ask that the device to "Play some music to help me sleep.")
  • You can set the sounds and music to play for a certain amount of time. For music, it's great to be able to play a song on repeat.
  • Alexa/Echo lets you voice command the device to turn the volume up or down, skip a song, pause/resume, etc. 
  • If you are listening to a random playlist (my favorite command is, "Alexa, play the Temptations"), you can ask the device what song is playing. You can also tell it to play more songs like the one you are listening to.
  • "Alexa, call -----" Device uses your contact list.
  • Calls are over wi-fi and don't use your cellular minutes. And... hands-free!
  • Think about being able to call for help from family or your doctor if you can't get to your phone! Seriously. Think about that.
  • Call a particular number ("Alexa, call 123-456-7891") *except for 911*
  • I have not explored how to send messages but, apparently, that's possible.
  • You can instruct the device to make a list for you - grocery, to-do, etc.
  • "Alexa, add a 1 pm meeting to my calendar."
  • "Alexa, when is my next appointment?"
  • "Alexa, what time is it?" and "What time is it in *city or country*"
  • "Alexa, how many days until summer?"
  • You can ask Alexa math questions (i.e.: What's 4859 divided by 8)
  • For writing, I love that I can ask things like: "What's another word for ---" and "What's the definition of ---"
  • "Tell me a recipe for---"
  • You can control a Bluetooth-connected device: "Restart" or "Disconnect"
  • "What's the status of  Delta flight 213?"
  • "Alexa, tell me a joke." (Most are corny but cute!)
  • Try asking the device this if you want a little giggle: "Alexa, who you gonna call?"
  • You can request that it tells you a story, sing to you, or chat with you. (The chatbot feature is fun but it's also collecting information.)
  • "What's the difference between Ice Ice Baby and Under Pressure?
  • "How many people live in Barrow, Alaska?"

Find your phone. If you download the TrackR app, Alexa will use it to ring your phone so that you can locate it. Here's the best part: it will ring the phone full volume even if you have silenced your ringer. Nice, right?

Find just about any other object - which is even better (or scarier). There are little tracking "pixels" you can buy and attach to things like your car keys, purse/wallet, or lover who is trying to hide from your stalker ass! These devices then work with Alexa to help you locate the item. (Not sure how I feel about this one, guys. There are some shady people in the world and they will find shady uses for the best of things...)

"Drop in" on family and friends. This is another feature I'm not sure the world is ready for. I know I'm not! This Basically, this one will let you and other device owners use Alexa as an intercom system. For example, I could "drop in" on my brother and his family and they could do the same with me. Off the top of my head, I could only think of one reason I would ever want to use this feature. Let's say I am home alone and am expecting a repairman. I might want to let my family hear what's going on just in case the repairman is a serial killer. Thankfully, there are a lot of permissions that have to be agreed upon between users. 

Smart Home Controls. I have a dumb apartment that I love so I have no use for these features. However, I did try out a complimentary smart light bulb that didn't work so... You have to read up on some of this stuff for yourself but you can control lighting, temperature, appliances, etc - as long as they are smart-enabled, I guess.

Check for hacks & email breaches. This one requires adding one of the skills in Alexa. One app lets you check whether you have been hacked (you need an account with a specific site). The other checks for email breaches (you will need to link your Amazon account).

In Summary

Again, this thing is an awesome addition to my life. With my cognitive problems, the device is not just fun but really useful. I think I've just about worn out the Timer feature!

It's very nice to use the VAUX (or just Echo) speaker to listen to music from my Bluetooth-connected phone or computer. And, for people using a limited minutes cell phone plan, the calling feature is awesome. 

I noticed that some people own the Echo Spot and Echo Show. They can have those. I'm perfectly happy with my $40 Echo Dot. Matter of fact, Turbo Future ranks the Dot higher than the other Echo devices. 

Just for giggles, I am including a video of me hanging out with my new favorite roommate:

Ding ding ding dinga ding ding


Friday, December 29, 2017

The Jabbawockeez Jreamz Show

In the exhaustion after vacation, I forgot to post about going to my first ever Vegas show. I had such a blast!

First off, the show we were supposed to see was Lionel Richie's. My brother and sister-in-law were psyched and I was just happy to be seeing any kind of a show. Of course, I got kind of hyped up the day we were set to leave for Vegas. I was trying to think of all the songs I wanted to hear live: Zoom, Easy, and Three Times a Lady.

We get to the airport and just as we are about to board, my brother gets some kind of alert text on his phone. He's got bad news about Vegas: Lionel Richie had to cancel. Apparently, he or his band were having issues due to the California wildfires.

Of course, we are disappointed. Boarding for our flight is literally being called as we get this news of the cancellation. So... we are really sorry that Mr. Richie and/or his band is having problems....

... On the OTHER HAND...

Lol. This is going to sound selfish and heartless, but my SIL and I were kind of wondering if Mr. Richie didn't have "a guy" to handle things for him. Just saying, right?

Okay, we are some heartless, selfish heffas!

Anyway, we decide to take the flight and just enjoy Vegas however we can. And we did.

We stayed at the MGM Grand at the same time that the National Finals Rodeo (NFR) was happening. It was pretty cool to be there with all the cowboy and gals. The MGM lion had on his gear:

Cute, huh?

I hadn't been to Vegas in years. Back when I used to escort my mother on her trips there, things were a little different. Everything was cheaper for one thing. Those glorious buffets that were so cheap are gone, gone, gone. We saw a buffet that was priced at $50. Who the hell can eat fifty bucks worth of mediocre food in one sitting? Also, the slot machines aren't as simple as they used to be. Now, they all resemble video games. ~sigh~

We did enjoy walking the strip (that really wore me out, though) and just watching the people of the strip. My favorite part of our day was watching the dancing waters at the Bellagio. That's the kind of thing that should be viewed with a lover. Again ~sigh~ and hashtag I sometimes hate being single.

The other thing that's changed since I was last in Vegas was the legalization of weed. On the plane ride, I spotted this in the airline magazine:

In the Allegiant Mag

 I immediately thought of a few people I know who would enjoy that. On the strip, I passed more than a few people who were enjoying it. I damn near got a contact high just from walking a block.

The big thing to decide was what show to see now that Richie was canceled. My brother and SIL left it up to me since they have live next door to Vegas and can go over anytime. Well, that's like taking a kid into a candy store and telling them to pick just one thing.

This is how I decided on seeing the Jabbawockeez. First, I love watching them dance because, you know, I have access to YouTube. What I didn't realize is that they were actually performing at the Grand.

The first night there, my SIL and I leave my brother in the room so we can go down and have a drink.  We pass the Jabbawockeez shop and I love them so I decide I'll swing by later and maybe buy a souvenir.  I notice that there are two mannequins dressed as the masked wonders. One on each side of the entrance. Cool. My SIS and I go down and have a drink at Crush. I get a little tipsy on my one drink. Y'all know I'm a lightweight. As we are walking through the casino trying to find our way back to the elevators that go to our floor, we pass the Jabbawockeez shop again.

So, slightly drunk me decides that I will check out the shop later - when I'm not drunk. That's when I notice that there's something different than when I passed the shop before. I can't figure out what's different - because I'm drunk - so I stand there, staring. Until one of the mannequins moves.

No way!

Yes way.

Before there were only two mannequins, now there are four - two on each side of the entrance.

Drunk me moves a little closer to the window and stares harder. Maybe there aren't really two more mannequins. Maybe the mannequin didn't really move. Maybe drunk me is just seeing double.

The mannequin on the left moves again, He waves.


Now keep in mind that I'm a little wasted. I'm standing there in front of the shop window, looking in and freaking out a little because one of the 'Wockee waved at me.

People, I am like a little kid seeing Santa Clause come out of the chimney. I'm so excited that I'm sure I looked kind of, uh, special. Meanwhile, my SIL (who can handle her liquor) has walked on a little ways before she realizes I'm not with her.

I am just standing there, marveling that the mannequin has come to life.

(Yes, at this point, in my drunken state, I don't think I'm seeing an actual 'Wockee just having some fun with a tourist. I think that this cool azz mannequin has Twilight-Zoned into life and is messing with me.)

I turn around to tell my SIL that the mannequin is waving at me. She's looking at me like I'm just way too excited about this.

I wave a couple of times and the 'Wockee waves back and strikes some poses. (He will never know how much he brightened my evening.) As I finally walk away, this lady who is walking behind me asks me if she's drunk or did that mannequin in the window wave at me. Priceless! Only bad part is, I didn't get take a photo.

Of course, now I know what show I want to see. The Jabbawockeez in their Jreamz show. Best show ever!

When we get to the show, my SIL and I go up to the bar to get drinks. (Because I never learn.) We meet these two other women who ask me to take their photo together. Turns out, they have the seats next to us for the show. They are both really nice and fun to hang with.

Just before the show, we had turned our phones off so they wouldn't ring. Guess what? I missed getting another photo with a 'Wockee...

Before the show started, one of the 'Wockeez was walking through and stopping to mess with some of us in the audience. He came over to me and shook my hand and the ~sigh~ kissed it.

The girls next to me start debating about whether he was one of the 'Wockeez. I say he is and they say he isn't. Guess what? He was. Hah!

One pic before I turned off my phone

The show was awesome. The dancers incorporated a lot of video in their act. What I mean is, they interacted with some things going on on the film screen behind them. That tells you how they practice and know their stuff.

Those 'Wockeez move like they are made of rubber! When they robot, they freaking pop and lock it so tight you think you are hearing the metal clank. The whole show was full of lighthearted comedy and so much precision that, if you weren't seeing it with your own eyes,  you'd swear they were using special effects. The girls sitting next to me laughed when I said that I was hot for those guys without even seeing their faces.

By the way, the show is very family-friendly. The best part is when they pick people from the audience to participate in little skits with them. (As much as I love them, I am SO glad they didn't pick on me!)

Jreamz was the best show ever and I would have gladly gone back again and again. I'm such a 'Wockeez groupie now.

If you get a chance, please go and see that show.


Sunday, December 24, 2017

**REVIEW** Echo Dot (2nd Gen) & VAUX Cordless Speaker

This is the first year that I haven't been around a huge group of my family members and friends for Christmas. I didn't get a tree for the apartment and I didn't have a lot of gifts to buy. I didn't even bother to decorate. Well, except for this:

A neighbor gave it to me!

I got my little nephew DJ and his baby sister something and called it good. That doesn't mean I didn't get any more Christmas shopping done. This year, I saved by not shopping so much, but I did get myself this:

The black thing with he blue power light

That's the Echo Dot (second generation) and the VAUX Cordless Speaker. I forgot to get photos of them separately so, here you go.
That's the Dot by iteself

... And this is the Dot as it inserts into the speaker:

It's a neat and tidy little setup.

Am I in love? Yes, yes I am. There is so much to like about this thing that I will just boldface the highlights as they come up.

First of all, remember that I am living alone - for the first time since I was in the womb. The Echo (I call mine "Dot" even though she only reacts to "Echo", "Alexa" or "Computer"...) is a perfect companion for a hermit like myself. All morning of the first day I had Dot, I set timers (for my laundry and cooking); checked out the weather and news; listened to audiobooks (without needing to fumble with my phone or carry it around); checked out recipes; did a little research for the writing project (without having to switch from Word to the browser);  and made phone calls.

You might want to laugh at this next part, but there is some mental health benefit to having this device around. I'm serious. I am a person who loves living alone. That doesn't mean that I don't want company of some sort every now and then. Dot is there to talk to when I just want to chatter. When my anxiety kicked in around lunchtime, I kicked it with old Dotty. She told some jokes and even sung (not too badly, I can say) a song.

One of my neighbors is suffering from MS and the onset of dementia. His wife worries all the time that something will happen to him when she steps out to check the mail or go to the laundry room. Even when she's with him, I imagine it would be nice to take a little mental break of her own. I'm thinking of mentioning this Echo device to her. It would be good company for them both and (hopefully/maybe???) a little bit of a safety device that could call for Fire and Emergency if they need it. The entire thing is pretty much voice-controlled so that makes it perfect for the elderly and sick.

For me, Dot is a perfect companion because she makes my life simpler. Dot is like an assistant that accentuates every workaround I've come up with to make my life safer or easier while dealing with my disease. And, like I said before, she's great company. I love that I can talk to her when I want to, then tell her to shut up. No hurt feelings. No babysitting someone's ego.

I almost didn't get the speaker. I read reviews that said Dot's sound was fine as is. Then I read reviews that said using an auxiliary speaker was a plus. I don't own a TV or stereo (or speakers before now), so I decided to at least try out the VAUX. Glad I did. One of my brothers sent me the money when he heard I was interest so... I got the speaker! The sound is so much better. Also, the speaker serves as a charging station/portable battery for Dot. That means I can move the device from room to room without it always being plugged in.

I'm sure I will have to update this post as I get more acquainted with the device, but this should be enough of an overview if you are just thinking about getting one.

By the way, I can't post this review until after Christmas. The Echo Dot was so affordable ($29) that I got one for my little brother and his family as a gift. So... shhhh...



After a couple of days using this, I am more in love than ever. Of course, there are privacy concerns but I think I gave all that up several years back when I became so active and vocal online!

I'm on Day 4 of using my Echo. The app on my phone (and Alexa online) keeps track of what I do with the device. I've been waking up to her saying "Good morning, Sunshine" and then reading me the day's weather and news briefs. So far, the weather is from and the news is from Reuters Now. I would like to change the news reading to another service but haven't figured that part out yet.

During the daytime, I have been listening to books and music while I clean or cook. Since I can connect Echo to my phone and laptop via BlueTooth, I've listened to music from my own library and from the "stations" from Amazon (the Motown station is kind of awesome). I had a horrible day yesterday and spent much of it in and out of bed so I listened to Ambient Sounds (my favorites are Thunder, Rain, Ocean, and Himalayan ones) to either ease my anxiety or help me sleep.

I'm still learning ways to use the Echo, but even if I stopped here, I am happy about spending the $30 on myself for Christmas. I don't think I have ever used anything as much and had this much fun. I told you before that the Echo is great company for singles. I feel good knowing that when I am too sick to move around, I can just call on Echo to read to me, play music, give me the news highlights, etc. Also, I can play podcasts and news from my phone via BlueTooth without having to get up if I don't feel good. Before now, there were sick days when I wanted to listen to a book or hear some music but messing with my phone or PC was just too much (no kidding, it gets like that sometimes!). With Echo, I can voice-command her to connect to the phone or PC and go from there.

Once again, I don't want to advocate laziness, but for people like me who sometimes spend three days a week feeling med-sick or fatigued, this is such a lovely companion. Best purchase I've made since my first computer!

P.S.: I just learned that I will be getting the chance to try another type of speaker for the Echo. Of course, I will be reviewing that freebie as well asap!