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Wednesday, January 06, 2021

Nutrition Confusion

 Just wanted to post this in case someone can enlighten me.

I have 2 different brands of Pinto Beans. The cheaper, local store brand beans have a much higher fiber content and are darker in color. They also seem just a bit smaller. The other brand I got from Walmart has less fiber and are lighter in color.

Once I noticed the fiber, I looked closer and saw the there are wild differences in fat, sodium, calcium, and potassium. There are smaller differences in some of the other listings.

1/4 cup serving size for both

The color difference is seriously obvious

I did read somewhere a while back that darker beans are "older". Still, I couldn't find anything on the nutritional differences. I have put out feelers on Reddit.

If anyone can clear this up for me, please do. It's times like this when I really miss Google Plus. There were such helpful people in the communities there. Facebook is more... ya know, self-centered.

