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Saturday, June 01, 2024

I'm Finally Doing This...

~Folks, I am going to be losing some weight because I am having these 'toofies' of mine taken care of!~

For a long while now, I have been having dental problems. In general, I started having bone problems a while before my Sarcoidosis diagnosis. I cracked a rib sneezing once and didn't think much about it. I was told that it does happen. Once I was diagnosed. my doctors scheduled regular bone density scans - I think it was every other year at first, but I will be having one soon after a three-year lag.

I always told people that my bone and teeth issues were from one of the medicines I take. I was completely wrong. The bone problems are from the sarcoidosis. Aside from every other horrible thing about this disease, it causes bone loss. 

My dental issues started over a year after the diagnosis. I cracked a front tooth and had to have a crown put in. The dentist mentioned the bone loss in my jaw and said I would have to think about doing something about it at some point. At the time, all my other teeth seemed okay. Fast forward to about 4 years ago and, yeah, the problem got worse.

At first, my canines were just a little loose. Then some of the teeth on the side got weak. I was at a family barbecue and when I took a bit of meat, I felt one of my bottom side teeth shift and when I released the meat the tooth lifted up a bit. Good Lord! 

I slowly started losing teeth until I couldn't even smile at people without wanting to cringe. When I finally saw a dentist, the skies opened and I heard harps. My insurance would cover everything - removals and replacements. I was thrilled for 2 days. Then I got the call that this particular dentist wouldn't be able to treat me because of my sarcoidosis. He worked in a community clinic and was concerned about liability.

That was 2 years ago. I felt like I was being punished or something. Some other people were going to the clinic and having their dental work done. A neighbor of mine had her extractions and dentures done within a few weeks.

I wasn't being punished, I was being blessed. Had I been treated by that first dentist, I might be doing what my neighbor is doing: not wearing her dentures and complaining about the work that was done in her mouth. 

As I have learned to do in my older age, I prayed about the situation. I found another dentist but they were a few hours away and I didn't feel good about the practice. Then, one day, my little brother noticed a dental office right down the street from where I live. The practice is well-spoken of around town and the staff was lovely. The dentist is a young dude (I joke that "he's ten!") and happens to be a Christian.

On Wednesday, I'm having all of my upper teeth removed.  We are doing things in stages so I have time to heal after each appointment.

I am anxious, excited, nervous, and happy. Thanks to my family, I don't have to worry about anything my insurance doesn't cover. When I tell people I'm blessed, they think I'm just saying it, the way people say "Have a nice day". When I say I'm blessed, I'm giving my testimony. 

I will end this now and try to come back to update you on the process.

