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Friday, June 28, 2024

Something's Blocking the Sunshine

 The past couple of days have been a bit rough. I'm so fatigued and blue that I can't believe there's a sun shining outside my windows.

It's so weird how the mind and the brain work. You can be so happy and energized on a dark and cloudy day, yet so sad and gloomy feeling on a day filled with sunshine. I could hear my neighbors out on the front patio today, chirping and chattering away like little birds while they soaked up some of the good weather. I was actually a little annoyed. Why can't I feel like that today? 

I thought that getting out into the sunshine air outdoor air would blow away some of the blues. I walked over the the neighborhood store for some pudding and soda. It's the only place nearby that carries Cokes made with real sugar.  I did feel a little bit better for a minute, but then all I wanted was to get back home and rest. I was positively worn OUT by that short little stroll. Insane,

Of course, I know that part of this is sarcoidosis. Knowing that doesn't make me feel better. Just thinking about it now makes me feel tired. As a matter of fact, I am forcing myself to write this post before the fatigue hits me again.

Tomorrow, I am going to get back to reading the Bible. That usually does make me feel better. I haven't spent as much time as I'd like reading Scripture since I finished the last full read-through. Maybe I need to get back in the habit of reading a little before bed or listening to the audio version as I fall asleep.

Next week, I have family coming into town. That should make me feel SO much better. In the meantime, for those of you who believe, keep me in your prayers.

