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Wednesday, May 22, 2024

**REVIEW** Good Chop Meat Subscription

 I tried Good Chop, you guys. Here are the pros and cons of my experience:


  1. Sign-up was easy & with LifeMart, I got a good discount of $170 over the first 4 boxes.
  2. It was easy to choose my box size, delivery frequency, and which items I wanted in my box.
  3. The website makes it easy to change the choices for each box.
  4. The website gives detailed information about each type of meat or seafood.
  5. Choices include beef, chicken, pork, and seafood. There were also a few desserts.
  6. The delivery is very controlled to make sure the meat stays frozen until it reaches you.
  7. The box and the packing are all of recyclable materials.
  8. Each meat selection was very securely sealed and labeled.
  9. The website has chat and phone call options for you to contact help.
  10. The delivered box lists the contents on one of the inner flaps (though not the weight or piece count).
  11. For the quality and the healthy aspects of the meats, the price was fair.
  12. You "send a 'free box'" to friends and family via their email addresses. (I sent out 4, I think, and still had more to go.)
  1. The website needs work, IMO.
  2. You can only reach help via chat or phone during certain hours.
  3. I did not get a promised tracking number - even after I contacted them about this and was told I would be given a tracking number via email.
  4. The chat reps were very nice but not all that helpful. They don't seem to be that knowledgeable. I got some bad/useless info.
  5. There is no phone app for the service (even though I was told via chat that I would be able to make changes via "mobile").
  6. I could not figure out how to "pause" my service. I ended up deactivating the service (which then put it into "pause" mode. Weird).
  7. The LifeMart discount did not include the free-for-life option (free packet of chicken or bacon for the life of the account).
  8. I had to screenshot my order. There was no other way (that I could see) to keep track of what I'd ordered before the shipment arrived.
  9. Finally, it pays to check this out on Truth in Advertising before making a decision. You will learn more about the Hello Fresh controversy and about those  "free for life" chicken wings, so...
What I wish I'd known:
  • Good Chop is owned by Hello Fresh (and there has been some concerning controversy with them...). You can Google up quite a few articles on the subject.
  • That the customer service was so... iffy.
  • That I'd have to "cancel" just to "pause".
  • That there are quite a few reviews out there - good and otherwise. Of course, everyone's opinion might not seem so legit. (One guy complained about "missing info" on the products when he could have contacted them or Googled the info. Most of the info was right on the website so I'm not sure why he overlooked it.)
  • I wish I'd known someone who used the service. (This is why I was the guinea pig for my family!)
That's the short take. Despite all the negative aspects, I plan to sign back up for the service when my dental work is finished. Here's why:
  • I am determined to eat better, even if it means eating less because of my budget.
  • Every single thing in my box was DELICIOUS. The meat and seafood were gorgeous, filling, and so tasty!
  • Buying the same meat locally with the same qualities is almost as much as what the box costs. Sometimes, depending on the availability of seafood, the box selection is cheaper. (For instance, jumbo shrimp bought locally is also non-GMO, etc, etc., but it's no larger than what I got in the box. Also, the pink shrimp in the box is wild-caught and has a better taste and texture. (But shout out to Walmart for having a decent selection of jumbo shrimp for around $9/lb.) I priced out similar local selections of what was in my box and it would have cost me around $170. Also, I would have to go to 3 different stores. The sockeye salmon was only available at the butcher's and did not have all the options of what came in my box.
  • The delivery schedule options are 4, 6, or 8 weeks. You can also skip a box if needed. I would only have to order 1 box about every 12 weeks - versus buying locally. Again, I would have to shop in more than one place to get the same options.
  • It's convenient to get my different meat types delivered in one box. 
  • I can change my selection from box to box. (Since I will have all my teeth the next time I order, I will probably try the baby back ribs!)
Here are some photos and comments about the box:

This is the opened box, It is well-insulated & all my items were 
          still frozen rock-solid. I am in Iowa & the box shipped from Kansas.

These are the contents of the box. I got the "medium" box (there is no "small") and it includes 6 items of my choosing: Sockeye Salmon, Florida Pink Shrimp, Uncured Bacon, Mild Italian Sausage, Chicken Wings, and Ground Beef.

This is the bacon. I loved it but will probably only order it in every other box.

It's 12 ounces & cooks up deliciously but not quite as crisp as I like.

This is the ground beef. It is AMAZING. I will be ordering more. It cooked nicely with almost no water noticeable.

The wings are good but I wished I'd gotten more of the winglet than the leglet, if that makes sense. This bag was around 20% leglet, which I could do without.

I am still raving to my brother about the sausage. It did NOT shrink at all during 
cooking.  They are so plump and juicy that I went through them too fast!

The salmon reminded me of home a little. It didn't take long
to bake and it absorbed the seasonings really well.

You can see that I got some nice cuts. Some didn't look the same
weight but I have a scale. They were pretty even, with some
just bit thicker or thinner than the others.

I've never had this type of shrimp. It
better than any I've had here in Iowa but not as
tasty as some I had in Alaska.

Because they aren't shelled, I had to either thaw & shell them
or cook them shell-on. I found them not to be as 
"sweet" as I like & I won't rush to order more.

And this was on top of the contents.

So, yeah, I like it. For future boxes (I'll have my teeth fixed then, the Lord willing), I want to try the scallops, ribs, pork chops, and halibut. I thought about the crab legs but they are fully cooked. At any rate, I am a fan of the box and selections I've tried.

Initially, I thought the price was a bit high. It does seem pricey at the outset, especially for someone on a small budget. However, there are always coupons and discounts. (I see that now there is a promo on the boxes. The smallest box (called "Medium") which is normally $149 ($108 with the LifeMart promo I used) is currently $99. Not bad at all! The most important thing is whether it is worth it to eat more healthfully and I know that it is.

Once I decided to work the box into my budget, I talked it over with my family. My brother, SIL, and my niece and her family considered going in together on the Large box ($269 regularly or $219 with the current promo as I write this). The problem there was choosing meat options! We are all so picky. Going family by family is what we decided on - with me as the guinea pig.

When I was trying to compare shopping locally for everything in the box, it got tricky. For instance, Walmart has a lot of the same things but I would have to hit the butcher's, Hyvee, and Aldi to get the complete list. Also, local availability can be iffy. What I can get this week, might not be available the next time I shop.

Again, I really do like the convenience, the quality, and the selection of products. I cannot wait until all my chompers are in working order! I might eat nothing but meat and hard apples for weeks. 

Do I recommend the subscription based on my experience? I can only say that I will definitely be using them again - when I get my chompers! Perhaps someone you know can send you an invite for the "free box".

By the way, I checked with my brother. I gave their email to Good Chop for the "free box". It was free (but they had to pay the $15 or $16 for shipping). They were able to select 3 meat or seafood cuts. I think they chose the chicken wings, ground beef, and bacon. I will try to update this post when they get their box and I hear their feedback.


DISCLAIMER: I am not/will not be compensated in any way for this review. I have no affiliation with Good Chop or its parent company except as a paying customer.

Sunday, May 05, 2024

I Am Such A Boomer (When It Comes to TikTok)

I have developed a habit. Whenever I have to be down for a couple of days to recuperate (and I'm not proud of this)... I love watching YouTubers react to TikTok videos. And as a Boomer, I can be so stereotypically critical. 

TikTok is so full of self-styled experts on almost everything. One guy talking about space not being real proclaimed himself (with all earnestness) to be an "investigative journalist".

There are the Tokkers (is that what they are?) who talk a lot about UFOs, the Annunaki, and the other "fallen" entities or even underwater worlds; there are the ones who love to look beautiful (or handsome) while they point upwards at someone else's content (one girl's false eyelashes were so huge they could have fanned and cooled a whole house; and then, there are the ones who never fail to annoy me with their constant exclamations of  "Y'all", "bro" (or "bruhhhh") and so on. There is one guy who I've come to dislike so much that I can identify him by voice. I can be going into a deep doze, but as soon as I hear his annoying "Y'all. Yawl!" I can't fast-forward past his segment quickly enough.

Not only does the Boomer in me get tired of the Y'all-ing and bro-ing, but I really hate the way Tokkers curse as if they just became grown enough to do so yesterday. I miss a lot of content because I can wear out the L on my keyboard fast-forwarding through all the ridiculous and needless cursing. It's almost as if some people cannot articulate a thought without using some foul word or phrase. 

Another thing my inner Boomer hates is the sheer ignorance of some of the Tokkers. I'm not being high-minded here. I know that I am not the brightest person around, but... I have listened to grown Tokkers - some of them at least in their late 20s and older - show a complete lack of knowledge about some very basic things. Some of them don't know about major world events of the last 15 or 25 years. One person was puzzled by some general political history - so general that I have 13-year-old relatives who are aware of the information.

watching some creator "content"
"The strangest thing about the ignorance I've seen is that a lot of the Tokkers (in these examples) claim to be college-educated.

Now - to be clear, when I say I'm not the brightest person around, I'm serious. I remember feeling overwhelmingly embarrassed once when I (as a not-so-young adult) was in the company of some much younger European-educated kids. They knew more about American politics, geography, and even our economic policies than I ever learned about while in school. It was then that I decided to clean up some of my knowledge shortcomings.

I do get secondhand embarrassed for the folks who seem not to have mastered even middle school language skills. It's my opinion that young people (and some of them not so young) are educated by their social media use and have forgotten skills they were taught in school. I have heard content creators string together words in ways that make my brain cringe. Sometimes, they are so confident in their use of bad grammar that I question if they said anything incorrectly!


The other thing I notice about these videos is that it's weird in the first place that someone's content is just them reacting to another content creator. What gets weirder is when the situation multiplies... That's happened more than once. I will be watching YouTuber 1 responding to a video of TikTokker1 who happens to be playing the content of TikTokker 2. It can be like wandering into a digital hall of mirrors.

 Of course, while I'm doing all this criticizing, I am subscribed to at least half a dozen of these reaction channels. Sometimes, I do chores while watching them on the television. That's much better than seeing the videos on a smaller computer screen.

One of my favorite things while watching these reaction videos is to keep another tab open on a search site. I will pause the video to go over and Google topics like "Who is Billy Carson and why is he so annoying?" Once, feeling like a complete idiot, I Googled "Was there really a nuclear emergency warning recently?" Yeah, I really did that.

Not all Tokkers are full of crap. Some of them do talk about interesting things. I've seen a couple of Toks (again, is that a thing?) showing feel-good content. One was about a homeless kid who got his life together and is now helping others. 

Not all Tokkers are full of crap but a lot of them are sure full of themselves. They like to create new conspiracy theories or inflate old ones. Some of them are just pure entertainers who have a cool schtick. One guy is so personable that I enjoy watching him talk his nonsense. 

After all the videos (Toks?) I've watched, I still don't understand the pointy-finger madness...

I point to look... smart???

One day, I'm going to find a reaction video full of Toks that are totally believable. In the meantime, it's going to be my guilty pleasure to hear Tokkers go on ranting about their collective consciousness or some special vibration they follow, and so on. It's not always a bad way to spend some sick time.



P.S.: Well, y'all, I hope this post is fairly error-free. It's been a rough weekend. Peace!

Saturday, May 04, 2024

**UPDATE #2** My Personal Food Revolution (and Good Chop)

UPDATE #2 I'm just going to let this sit here and amaze everyone...

This is the SOURCE LINK


First, I have to say that I am not the only one feeling revolutionary over here! LOL. I just discovered a site called Food Revolution. As it happens, it is not my cup of tea since it seems to be profit-driven. However, it's nice to know there are other Hueys out there...

Not too many days after writing this post the first time, I came across a couple of videos that I want to share. I'd seen one a while back and had forgotten. Both of these videos help strengthen my resolve to eat better.

I can only show trailer cuts for this one. 

You can see more on the YouTube channel here. The full video can be found at conspryre.TV.

Watching that one makes me wonder if I didn't develop my sarcoidosis because of the foods I was eating. I also wonder if changing my diet will help my condition. I am slowly working toward better/cleaner eating habits so I can't wait to see!

This is the one I'd seen a while back. I watch the creators' channel all the time. 

That one also made me mad. The creators have content over at Conspyre also and I saw this video. Had to add to my list of rant-worthy things...

So if I was on a path before - to eat better, even if doing so means eating less because of budget constraints - I am even more determined. I have been feeling too sick, too fat, too unhealthy for too long. As Fannie Lou Hamer put it: I am sick and tired of being sick and tired.


I posted not long ago that "We Need a Food Revolution". The truth is, every man is his own revolutionary. I believe I need to be more careful about what I eat and drink and put on my hair and skin. I believe that my health has been much more impacted by past decisions than I realized. 

Sometimes, when I think about this weird autoimmune disease I struggle with, I wonder if it came from things I was eating and drinking. I wonder if years of eating processed foods and drinking beverages with substitute sugars, artificial flavorings, and food coloring just caught up with me. Maybe. Probably.

I am pretty sure that if my lifelong dietary habits were not the cause of the sarcoidosis, it certainly didn't help. Maybe if I'd had a better diet all along, my body could handle the sarcoidosis better.

At any rate, I decided that it's never too late to start doing better. So I started a few months back. My biggest frustration for me has been researching ingredients. The sarcoidosis stilts my brain power sometimes so researching anything is a huge challenge. 

I started with the most common things I tend to consume: meat, eggs, bread, coffee, and juice.


I am almost ready to give up on all meat. Everything has antibiotics, or are GMO, or are... maybe not even meat at all...

I decided to stick mainly with seafood and eggs for protein. That doesn't mean I gave up bacon or pork sausage, but I do limit those things and I do try to be more careful about sourcing. This is why I am so glad that I found Good Chop (which, my health insurance offers a discount for).

Good Chop is where I can get meat and seafood that is safer and healthier. I don't have to worry about the ingredients. This is what I love about the meat and seafood:

  • wild-caught or US-farm-raised seafood
  • US-born/bred meat
  • no additives, hormones, antibiotics
  • grass-fed beef
  • pork that is "fed a 100% vegetarian diet (aside from milk protein)"
  • chicken that is fed a vegetarian diet
  • seafood that is "MSC- or ASC-certified"
In other words, this is meat and seafood the way it should be. When you think about the fact that it is a bit more expensive (not really), it's better to think about what healthcare costs. At least, that's my attitude.

Bread, desserts, beverages:

Bread is my lifelong love. When I was younger, I could live on a bag of Wonderbread and peanut butter. That's when I had a working metabolism! In recent years, I started baking my own bread to control the ingredients. That was great until I started having slight issues. Suddenly, I would bloat if I ate more than a slice of bread. I'd bloat and put on 10 pounds (or so it seemed!). So, I was ready to dang near give it up. But then...

... I randomly heard about bread made with French flour. What I heard was that Americans found it to be less problematic for their diet. Apparently, it didn't cause the uncomfortable bloating. Better yet, it didn't cause as much weight gain. WHAT?

Of course, I needed to see if this was true. I scoured the internet for more information. Then I tried to find some of this flour to use in my own baking. At some point, I will do a post about French flour and its use. For now, just know that there is truth (for me) in the rumors about the bloating and weight gain.

(When I do the post about my trial runs baking with French flour, I'll go into more detail. For now, let me just say that I do prefer the taste and texture of the bread I baked using the flour.)

I'm not as big on dessert as I used to be. I do love the occasional Rhodes cinnamon roll (I am learning to make my own version using French flour), and I like some plain vanilla bean ice cream every now and then. Mostly, these days, I stick to Greek yogurt with honey. I can't wait to learn to make the cinnamon rolls though!

When I want ice cream and don't want to drag out the Ninja Creami, I will buy the Premium vanilla ice cream from Aldi. It has really good ingredients, is affordable, and tastes like sweet clouds of joy.

As for beverages, I do like water and sometimes, I jazz it up by drinking a cold Pellegrino water. When I want a soda - which happens about once or twice every couple of months, I will opt for a "Mexican Coke" (made with cane sugar) or one of the other sodas that use cane sugar and not high fructose corn syrup or some other "bad" sweetener. There is a brand I can find at my corner store called Spring Grove. The brand is from Minnesota (don't ya know?) and is pretty tasty. They are not as expensive as some cane sugar sodas. 

The one thing I am still in pursuit of is a coffee creamer that is healthier than the sweet types I love... I will have to keep working on that!

In General:

When I shop now, my goal is to avoid GMOs, antibiotics, lab-grown products, and basically anything unnatural. This is a time when even vegetarians will have to watch where their plant-based foods come from.

When I look at ingredients in consumables, I am really trying to avoid fake sugar, "bad" sugars, colorings, and weird flavorings. 

As for my personal budget, when I looked at what the GoodChop box cost me, I realized that because I only get one every 8 weeks (and can skip when I want or need to), I am not spending any more than I was at the grocery stores. Here's what one order looked like.  

This is under $110 including S&H 
(with the discount)
That box will last me for-ever - or at least almost forever. I do know that I am going to need longer than 8 weeks in between boxes.

At any rate, I know that we can't change everything in life all at once, but we have to start somewhere. If you are interested, I suggest you research ingredients. Also, shop around when you do find products you like. Here are some tips from my personal experience:

  • I got my T55 French flour from Amazon but I do plan to visit the supplier's store (they are a state over from me) to buy some in bulk since the flour there is sometimes up to 40% cheaper that way. See if you have a store near you. I have been using the Francine brand. The T45 flour is a bit cheaper (and I can add some wheat gluten to raise the protein levels).  Someone told me that Italian flour is just as good, but I find it costs more than the French brands. BTW, I will explain the different numbers of flour when I do the post on French flour.
  • Aldi's Simply Nature brand has non-GMO juice that is 100% juice not from concentrate. Best of all, they were affordable - under $5 for 34-ounce bottles. Walmart (and sometimes elsewhere but for a higher price) carries the Antioxidant Solutions brand juice that is as good as the Simply Nature brand. I got a quart of blueberry juice for about $5. Both brands have various flavors or flavor combos.
  • For condiments, I use Simply Ketchup and recently found a sweet and sour sauce that I like. It has no HFCS, artificial flavors, or dyes. And it's affordable.
  • Some sodas that don't use HFCS are Stewarts, Spring Grove, "Mexican" Coke, and Pepsi, this Malta beverage (?), Jarrito tends to have a lot of colorants but this one is a bit better, IBC Black Cherry Cola (if you like that) isn't awful-sounding, and Reed's ginger beer sounds amazing...  BTW, Jones soda used to be all cane sugar but now they use "invert cane sugar" and I am avoiding that until I know more. I don't like that Jones shows "Cane Sugar" in big letters but the fine print shows invert sugar. and it also has a "modified food starch". Again, what???
  • If you can't find a product to your liking, look for copycat recipes with healthier ingredients. That's what I did with aioli sauce when I was making pizza. 
  • Just read the ingredients. If you don't know what an ingredient is, look for a definition.
  • Find a list of sneaky names for ingredients. Salt and sugar have all kinds of names for them. 
  • Watch for your personal health. What's "healthy" for one person might not be for another. For instance, there are many healthy things that I have to watch out for. One example is greens (collards and spinach for two). I can't have all the collards or spinach I want because I have CKD.
This is my first loaf of bread made with T55 flour:
My SIL says it was "like manna"

Anyway, I hope this was somewhat interesting and perhaps helpful. I am NOT a professional and have no training in diet, nutrition, or medicine of any kind. Do your own research. Talk with your care team. And just try to be a little healthier today than you were yesterday.


P.S.: Forgive any sloppiness with grammar or typing. It's been a rough week and I threw this post together as quick as I could before I get too tired. - Peace

DISCLAIMER: I was not and will not be compensated in any way for anything mentioned in this post. I have no medical trainer nor am I qualified in any way to advise on diet and nutrition. This post is about my personal experiences.

Monday, April 22, 2024

**UPDATE** Ojon Oil vs Batana Oil (vs Palm Kernel). Sheesh!

**UPDATE** (My "verdict"):

If you want to, buy the Ojon oil, but (in my opinion) it's frivolous. I have tried the Ojon (which would have cost me $25 for an ounce), Batana (which cost $10.30 per ounce), and red palm oil ($0.44 per ounce). The only benefit that the Ojon has over the palm oil is that it smells slightly better and doesn't stain as much. The Batana oil smelled lovely but is still kind of pricey. 

I'm not saying that people aren't seeing results with the Ojon oil. I have no idea if it lives up to the hype or not. I do know that using anything consistently is bound to show some results. Ojon, Batana and palm oils are very similar in their origins. Since my goals are to nourish and moisturize my hair, the palm oil is what I choose. 

If you are undecided about whether or not Ojon (or even Batana) is worth the price. I challenge you to try to research the differences in origin. Ojon does apparently have some properties that Batana and palm oil lack but how much difference does that make? I don't know but I'm not going to spend the extra dollars to find out!

There was something else I noticed when I was looking into this. A few years back (before the Ojon/Batana craze), I bought 2 jars of Nutivia palm oil. I don't remember what I paid (I believe I bought them at Walmart) but I am pretty sure I didn't pay more than 12 or o13 dollars. Currently, 2 jars of Nutivia is between $27 and $30-plus on Amazon. Walmart's prices are not much cheaper. The Juka brand is (on Walmart) a bit more affordable. Apparently, sellers know something...

I guess all I'm saying is not to follow hype or emotion when choosing products. Get what you can afford and get what works. Personally, I'm going to stick with "affordable".

(BTW - I almost didn't want to add this part because I can't remember the forum I found it in, but... In a discussion about Ojon vs Batana vs palm, one woman from Belize who mocked the Ojon craze. In her opinion, red palm oil is just as good.  In my own opinion, I think the Ojon hype started (most likely) with TikTok. TikTok drives a lot of trends these days. Take that for what it's worth - just my humble opinion.)


 In a previous post, I spoke about Batana oil as if it were the same as Ojon oil. As I look deeper, I realize there are some differences. At first, the differences seem minor but I do think I should point them out. Since I opened my big mouth in the first place.

As much as I worry about AI taking over the world, I have to admit that it was by using ChatGPT that I learned about the difference between these oils. This is the "conversation" I had with ChatGPT.

I wanted to know what Ojon oil is (since it's not the exact same as Batana oil). The answer:

Ojon oil is derived from the nut of the American palm tree, scientifically known as Elaeis oleifera. Similar to batana oil, it originates from Central America, particularly the rainforests of Honduras. The oil has been traditionally used by the indigenous people, including the Miskito Indians of Honduras, for its moisturizing and hair-strengthening properties.

Ojon oil is rich in essential fatty acids, such as oleic acid and linoleic acid, as well as antioxidants like vitamin E. These nutrients make it beneficial for nourishing and hydrating both the hair and skin. In hair care, it's prized for its ability to moisturize dry, damaged hair, promote shine, and reduce frizz. It's also believed to strengthen hair strands and protect against environmental damage.

In recent years, ojon oil has gained popularity in the beauty industry and is often used as a key ingredient in hair care products such as shampoos, conditioners, and hair treatments. Its rich, emollient properties make it a favorite among those seeking natural solutions for hair and scalp health.

In answer to my next question, "So it is not the same as Batana oil?", I got:

Correct, ojon oil and batana oil are not the same, although they are similar in some ways. Both oils are derived from the nuts of palm trees native to Central America, specifically the American palm tree (Elaeis oleifera). However, they come from different palm tree species within the same geographical region.

Batana oil comes from the nut of the American palm tree and has been traditionally used by indigenous groups like the Garifuna people for hair and skin care. It's known for its moisturizing and nourishing properties.

Ojon oil, on the other hand, also comes from the nut of the American palm tree but is derived from a different species. Like batana oil, it's known for its moisturizing and hair-strengthening properties and has been traditionally used by indigenous groups in Central America.

While they share some similarities due to their origins and composition, they are distinct oils with their own unique properties and benefits.

Now I wanted to know more about the differences between the 2 oils "as far as their properties and benefits". The answer (I've added blue text to Batana and orange to Ojon):

Batana oil and ojon oil, though derived from similar sources, have some differences in their properties and benefits:

Geographical Origin: Batana oil primarily comes from Honduras, where it has been used for generations by indigenous groups like the Garifuna people. Ojon oil is often associated with the Miskito Indians of Honduras and other Central American regions like Nicaragua.

Botanical Species: Batana oil typically comes from the nut of the American palm tree (Elaeis oleifera), while ojon oil also originates from a species within the same genus, but potentially from a different palm species.

Composition: While both oils contain beneficial fatty acids and antioxidants, the exact composition may vary. Batana oil is known for its high levels of oleic acid, which is a moisturizing fatty acid, while ojon oil is also rich in similar nutrients like oleic acid and vitamin E.

Traditional Use: Both oils have been traditionally used by indigenous communities for hair and skin care. Batana oil is often used to moisturize and nourish dry, damaged hair, promote hair growth, and improve scalp health. Ojon oil is prized for its ability to strengthen hair, add shine, and reduce frizz.

Availability: Batana oil may be more widely available from specific regions in Honduras where it's traditionally produced. Ojon oil, on the other hand, has gained popularity in the beauty industry and may be found in various hair care products marketed globally.

In summary, while both batana oil and ojon oil share similarities due to their origins and traditional uses, there may be slight differences in their composition and specific benefits. Ultimately, the choice between the two may depend on personal preference and individual hair or skin needs.

To make things even more fun, both of these oils are related to the cheaper and more available palm kernel oil. When you look at the botanical names for all three, you start to wonder... Good heavens!

So there are differences - subtle but there - and I think that has something to do with the pricing I've seen. Ojon typically seems to cost quite a bit more than Batana. 

In my previous post, when I talked about all the hype around Batana oil, I didn't know about these differences. I am thinking that people heard about the expensive Ojon oil treatments (there are a lot of shampoos, conditioners, and "special" applications) and realized that Batana is cheaper. I still don't know if either of these oils lives up to the hype. I have a price alert up on Amazon and eBay for some Ojon oil. If I get my hands on any, I will update this.

For now, I think it's best to stick to what you can afford. If palm kernel or Batana works for you, go for it. There are other really good oils that work as well or better (IMO), regardless of price. The beauty industry (including haircare) is driven by trends. Once people get used to Batana and Ojon, they will be on to the next hot "it" product. 



Saturday, April 20, 2024

**CORRECTION** The Batana (Ojon) Oil Trend & the Hype

I included some bad information here. Ojon oil is not the same as Batana oil. They are similar and come from the nuts of palm trees, Ojon is derived from a different species of tree. So they are different oils. And this doesn't seem to be a minor difference. 

When searching anywhere for Ojon oil, results almost always include those for Batana oil (and that's where I got confused), so make sure of what you are getting. Also, Ojon oil is apparently (from what I'm seeing) quite a bit more expensive than Batana oil. I typically see prices of about $40 per half ounce - even on eBay. I am trying to get my hands on some (even if just a sample) and when I do, I will update this post.


 I did not know that Batana (aka Ojon) oil was a TikTok trend. I heard about it on a hair forum a while back. 

Although I've been cutting back on hair and skincare products, I decided to use my Amazon Shopper Panel gift card to get some. Actually, I got 2 - one is a liquid and the other is a solid.

This is Morstar brand liquid

This is the AIPILER cream

more paste than cream

liquid vs cream

Of course, once something becomes trendy, you have to be wary of imposter products. When I looked further into the brands of the 2 products I tried, I felt okay about one but had questions about the other. More on that later. 

Here are some of the supposed and hyped benefits of Batana oil (and I see it described as "Batana" more often than I do "Ojon"):

  • Helps stimulate hair growth
  • Prevent hair loss & reverse hair loss
  • Nourishes the hair, skin, and scalp
  • Improve elasticity of the hair
Now, people... We all know that when something starts trending online, exaggerations begin to pop up all over. As my mother used to say, "People start bucking their eyes and flapping their lips." What I learned from reading user reviews and articles is that you have to first make sure you are getting an authentic product. Even then, only some of the hype is worthy and none of the hype is exclusive to Batana oil.

I listed some of the hype, but here are some of my criticisms:
  • It's difficult for the novice user to know if they are getting the authentic oil. Going by look or smell, the results are all over the place.
  • I've seen various pricing and claims for products that look completely different from each other.
  • There doesn't seem to be a lot of (or any) science-backed evidence for the claims being made.
  • It's too hard to weed out reliable and trustworthy sellers. Right now, everybody and their first cousin is promoting their Batana oil.
  • Finally, it's trending because of TikTok. I don't have a problem with TikTok but I've seen some of the other trends that originated there...
As I said, I feel better about one of the products I got than I do about the other. The Morstar product (which smells too good)  comes from their Amazon storefront and is from a distributor with a track record of sorts. The Aipiler product (which has the strong coffee scent associated with Batana oil) is from a "brand" that seems to sell only massage guns when I look anywhere but Amazon. On the Amazon site, they don't have a storefront but sell a few beauty-related items at inflated prices.

So, basically, I'm just hoping I have products with at least some Batana oil in them. Personally, I also prefer the Morstar product because it's a fractionated oil that is easier to apply to my skin and hair.

I won't be able to say anything about the hyped benefits for hair until I've given both products a fair trial. I can say that, for now, I like them both for how they make my skin feel. 

The Aipiler brand is too strong for my face but I have used it to moisturize the dry patches of psoriasis on my feet. It does seem to help keep the area moisturized for longer than regular lotions and oils. 

The Morstar brand works beautifully to supplement my face cream. It absorbs really well without leaving an oily feel and it makes my skin feel really supple. Honestly, though, I can't tell if it's any better than some of the other oils I've used in the past, such as Marula, sweet almond, or especially emu oil or black castor oil. I am using this on my scalp a few times a week both as a pre-poo and a leave-in to moisturize my hair. However, I have a problem with this brand because of their odd pricing. This one (labeled as "pure Batana oil") today costs $7.35 per ounce. They have a solid form that sells for over $20 per ounce. By the way, that one has a lower review rating on Amazon, if that means anything. One review claims the seller said this one was the "rawest" form. I wonder what raw or rawest has to do with it being the "pure" product. So, yeah.

In General...

My opinion as a regular person is that unless time shows differently, this is just another oil that could be beneficial. It is quite moisturizing to my damp hair and works well as a sealer. My skin loves it but my skin also loves Abyssinian oil, marula oil, pumpkin seed oil, and at least 5 others. Oh, and those all also work well on my hair and scalp.

Batana oil is good and it is the trending favorite for a lot of people. Next month, there will be some other "hot" product - an oil, cream, or lotion that trends. People may be seeing results in their hair and skin because of their consistent use. At least, that is my humble opinion. Using anything consistently can bring about some improvement. 

My Takeaway?

If you notice, because Batana is trending, prices are all over the place. I think the lower price is around $5 per ounce. Also, there are a ton of brands and sellers popping up every day. 

I will finish using the Batana oils I have and, if there are any amazing results, I will update this post. For now, I go back to my opinion that people are seeing results mostly because of consistency in their routines. If I stay on a good routine of haircare of any kind, my hair responds by growing and looking better. I don't have high expectations for this Batana oil. And, again, maybe I just don't have the right brands...


Wednesday, April 17, 2024

We Need a Food Revolution

 When I started thinking about food ingredients and how to be healthier, I was kind of half-stepping. That was when I learned that there was such a difference in what's allowed in our (American) foods vs what's allowed (or rather not allowed) in European foods. I was a little mad about that. However, when I learned the other day that a large amount of the chicken sold to me as a consumer is bleached... That just left me stunned.

... And speaking of foods and the differences in ingredients, I will be sharing some of the pics. The trend started with Food Babe, and how I appreciate her!

Go check out the rest of the pics on her page

That's not true, so let me back up and say that when I first heard that chicken was bleached, I thought that was a lie. The info came via a reaction to a TikTok video. I'm not a huge TikTok fan because too many of the users I've seen come across as annoying know-it-alls with zero credentials. However, I wondered enough about the chlorinated chicken enough to dig a bit deeper. And here is what is from the FDA's "Guidance for Industry" PDF :

And, that's when I got mad. 

I've already been upset that I can find a high fructose corn syrup-free ketchup at the local stores - right next to the ketchup with HFCS. That really frustrates me because the producer is basically saying that they can make a healthier version of ketchup but, hey, let's leave the unhealthier version out there. 

Now I can get pretty easily find (and afford) healthier condiments, cereals, bread, and beverages, but when it comes to meat, that's tricky.

By the way,  I do understand the FDA wanting to combat instances of salmonella and other bacterial problems in the meat industry. My anger comes from the fact that greed is apparently getting in the way of other measures to combat the problem. For one thing, having safer ways of raising chickens (and cows, and pigs) in the first place would be better for all of us. For another thing, educating consumers (who don't already know) about the safe prep and cooking of foods should be standard. I was taught to cook foods to a safe temperature.

I also realize that implementing these changes might raise the cost of groceries. I'm okay with that. And I'm not sure how much the costs would go up. Apparently, back in the day, cola producers started using HFCS in place of cane sugar to cut costs. Is that still necessary? And, as with cigarettes (and other "luxury" or non-vital items) shouldn't we consumers be willing to pay the higher price? People are still buying cigarettes and liquor...

Back to the main topic. When talking with my family and friends about alternatives to buying what I call "bleached chicken", a few ideas came up - but just a few:

  • Raising your own chickens. That way you get chickens and eggs. (I live in an apartment so that's not an option.) We do have friends who have chickens and are thinking about working with them.
  • Checking with local butchers and meat shops. We do have a local butcher and I plan to see what their situation is.
  • Finding a coop.
When I was looking around online, I learned of a process where chicken is air-chilled rather than chlorinated. Several suppliers use the method. So far, I found that these places or meat producers that do:
Luckily, I live in the Midwest. There are some places that are nearby where I can find farm-to-table meat. To find places near your location, do a search on farm-to-table food suppliers. 

I am not sure how current it is but this article on some worthy brands is, well, worth checking out.

Of course, cost is important but so is my health. I am thinking that I can go in on a package of meat with my family to save on shipping costs. And we can get some eggs from our friend. Until there are some changes made, I guess we have to be our own advocates. And to encourage you, here is yet another look at the problem. You can see from the images I've posted here, that Food Babe and others have been all over this issue for a while...

By the way, when looking up info for this post, I saw that the FDA is/was requiring changes to food labeling - as long ago as 2016 (?) but there have been updates such as this one. I didn't dive too deep but I recommend you do. I am going to start with the following:
And in the interest of sharing as much info as possible, I found these links that should be of interest:

NOTE: This has been a shaky week for me. Forgive any glaring typing or editing errors.

Saturday, April 06, 2024

Combatting My Hair Problems (UPDATE)

UPDATE: After all the talk about limiting my hair products, I am back to admit to trying something new. In addition to the products I mentioned previously, I will be trying out some Ojon (or Batana) oil. Apparently, it's hot among the TikTik squad but I found it by looking at lists of herbal remedies for hair loss. I will, of course, follow up with results when I've had time to let this work. I have an oil version (that I will use for my scalp daily) and a solid version (that I will use as a pre-poo rinse-out).

I'd like to be able to say that, with maturity, I have become less vain. I'd like to say that, but I prefer being honest. It's my hair, folks. I'm only vain about my hair but that's because I've lost my once beautiful smile and Lord knows, this body is not in its best shape. Even my skin color has started to dull with the years.


However, I'm not a tenth as vain and silly as I was in my younger days, and I do love growing older. Still, the medications I am on have been like a wrecking crew. One issue is bone loss - which includes the jaw. I am going to have to have all my teeth replaced. I don't mind that. I always had a pretty smile but now I just want to be able to eat and to talk to people in public without looking like a meth addict. In the meantime, I wish masks were still mandatory.

So, while I am fine about getting my teeth replaced (when I can find a dentist who will treat me and not charge me like I'm wealthy), and having to be careful not to fall and break any bones, I have had trouble dealing with the hair situation. I can't comb my hair without running a vacuum for the next 2 days. So much of it comes out that I wonder how I still have so much on my head. And when I say it comes out, I don't mean just when combing it. Every time I walk into the bathroom, I have to sweep the floor. Anytime I look into the mirror, I find not just strands but tufts that are hanging loose. I no longer go into the kitchen or near food without either wearing one of my scarves or checking to make sure no hairs are falling loose...

And this is all because of the fact that one of my meds (the same one that messes with my bones) hates my hair. For years, I have had to work hard to keep my tresses healthy. With age, that started to get more difficult. Yay. However, I think I have found a care routine that is working very well. I'm not recommending this because I am not a professional. I will just tell you what's working for me.

  • The first step is to not over-wash and dry out my hair. I was never bad about this but I did sometimes wash my hair three or four times in a month. That was to get rid of product buildup. Now I try to limit the products I use so that I don't have to wash as often - maybe twice a month.
  • I have started using 100% cotton flour sack towels for drying my hair. (At least I never use a hair dryer but my towels probably weren't the best for my hair.)
  • Next, as I said, I have stopped using so many products. At one point, I was using a leave-in conditioner, a curl cream, a secondary moisturizer, and some kind of glossing product. That's a lot. These days, I am down to the 3 products I will talk about in a moment.
  • For months, I had been wearing a protective style a lot of the time, but I do so now almost 90% of the time. I really only leave my hair loose when I'm in the mood to girl it up. (I will tell you why I want to keep my hair if I don't wear it down!)
  • I am more careful these days about what I eat and drink. You might know from the blog that I am limiting or avoiding certain ingredients. 
Now, as to why I care about saving hair that I don't wear down. One reason is that I see my hair as a sign of my femininity. I love being a woman and I do see my hair as a "crown". That's no shade on women who have lost their hair or like to wear it short. For me, it's just a very personal thing. If I lose it, I lose it, but I want whatever is left of it to be healthy.

One good thing about changing my haircare routine is that I am saving money. This is a box of just some of the products I am giving to someone else in the family. I won't be buying these anymore.

And this is not the only box...
And when I say that it is only some of the products, I am not kidding. Remember, I am doing the Great Cabinet Cleanup...

Here are the 3 products I am down to these days - 4 if I include water:
They have Dax & Murray's beeswax products in clear. Kocatah is always black

Actually, I lied. I do sometimes use Blue Magic for my scalp if I am out of the Kocatah. And I still use shea butter for additional moisture.  Also, I really only use the Murray's when I am wearing my hair down since it's great for controlling the edges and loose hair.

So I use the Kocatah on my scalp, the Dax beeswax on my hair, and the Murray's for taming and controlling. Murray's is very stiff and can be used to "wave" the hair.

The 4th ingredient - water - is the base for everything else. I always apply the Dax beeswax to damp hair. This has replaced the leave-in conditioners I once used because the Dax not only seals the moisture in but also softens my hair. If I am wearing a protective style (usually twists), I don't need to worry about my hair drying out in between washes. If I am wearing my hair down, the moisture lasts for at least 4 days.

(By the way, Dax products are varied and not just for "afro" hair types. Murray's is too thick for use on fine hair - except as an edge hold. Though all are black in color, they are not opaque enough to notice on darker hair colors. The Murrays and the Dax beeswax products do come in lighter/clear shades.)

Of course, neither Dax nor Murray's are pure beeswax. The first ingredient in both products is petrolatum and the second is beeswax (cera alba). Here are the labels for all the products in my routine:
Dax magnified


Kocatah magnified

You can see how similar the ingredients are (for all three) but the Murray's has a thicker and a really stiff texture. That's why I say it works best as an edge cream or for the very ends of twists to lock them in.

Once I wash my hair and moisturize it, then twist it for protection, I'm pretty much done. 

As for the flour sack towels, I started out using one from my kitchen that had gotten lightly stained. I heard about using the towels from women back in the day but was recently reminded when reading something in a hair forum. Then Walmart had a sale on some of the large-sized Aunt Martha's towels (I love the towels from Aunt Martha or Utopia).  It's not often you see good towels at such a deep discount (I paid $6.22 instead of $15.28 for a set of 2).  It's so much larger than my old kitchen towel.

I do suggest doing a wash and dry on the towels before the first use. They will soften up a bit and who knows what chemicals are on them fresh out of the wrapping...

When I've been on this routine for a while, I hope to remember to do an update post. I have plenty of pics of my hair in all stages of damage and health to compare to.


DISCLAIMER - I was not compensated in any way for this post. I wish...