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Monday, May 18, 2009

The Devil Is A Liar!

That's a saying from the old folks in the church. You know, something gets on your nerves, or someone does something they ought to be ashamed of, and old Sister Hattie would proclaim, "The Devil is a liar!" ***

My mother, though, was one of those people who didn't believe in blaming everything on the Devil. She'd remind me when something didn't go the way I'd planned, the Devil had nothing to do with it. "That was you being hard-headed," she'd tell me. "Hard head makes a soft behind." Then I'd get a lecture about using more common sense when making important decisions. Once, when I got my first credit card, I bought some kind of expensive purse. Just had to have it. Couldn't live without it. It had cute initials on it and "everybody" who was "anybody" had one. Mama watched me loading all my stuff into the purse and said, "Got everything in there but money, don't ya?" About a month or two later, I was in between paychecks and a little bit broke. Went to Mama for a loan. She gave me the money and held my purse for collateral. I joked that the Devil had tempted me to buy the purse. Mama shook her head. "Don't blame that on the Devil. This was between you and the Joneses." Trying to keep up is what she meant.

So, Mama's right, the Devil is not to blame for a lot of stuff, but I know he should get at least partial credit for some. Has to be him whispering into the ears of some people to make them do things. Folks have just got to figure out when not to listen to that lying little voice at times. The Devil does lie and I know people who believed him:
  • To the lady with 20 extra pounds right around her middle. the Devil lied when he said you'd look good wearing the low-rise jeans with the high-rise top.
  • If you are over 25, you do not look cute with Kool-Aid-colored hair cut into a funky style.
  • Old or young, if you are not in decent shape, you do not look cute in really short shorts, going bra-less or wearing a wife-beater in public. Even if you have a body like the latest supermodel, certain clothes are not meant to be worn outside the privacy of your bedroom. I'm talking to the chicks wearing the cootchie-cutter shorts or the peek-a-boo skirts sans underwear. That's your business, please don't share it with me.
  • Rudeness is not cute. You don't have to smile to make my day, but walking around looking like we all ticked you off does not help you along in life.
  • Public affection is holding hands or a little lip-smacking every now and then. That's cute. Sucking tongues or masturbating your partner in the grocery store is simply not acceptable behavior. Get a web cam and a PayPal account and leave us non-paying folks out of it.
  • Young folk: cussing and acting thuggish does not make you look grown. It makes you look unemployable and worrisome. It either frightens or disgust the rest of us.
  • Rudeness and impatience does not make you look important, no matter what kind of suit you wear or designer bag you carry. You just look like a well-dressed jerk. You make the rest of us wonder how bad your "good life" must be treating you.
  • Playing your music at top volume and thumping the bass is annoying. I might want to listen to my own music or hear myself think. I might be off my meds and decide to jump out at a red light and take a hammer to your stereo. People are living in stressful times these days... I'm just saying.
  • If you are a store clerk, don't be impatient with me because you had a bad day. You have a job. Be thankful.
  • Single folks: If you are a really good-looking person with a really stinky attitude, you start to look like a really stinky person. Approachable works better than cute any day.
  • Married folks: Courtship does not end at the altar.
  • Christians: You are not the Lord; you are His children and the "sinners" of the world are your brothers and sisters. I think God wants us to love our family. Love does not equal agreement on everything, but it still means LOVE. (And, by the way, your sins of lying or greed are no less or greater in God's eyes than someone's else sexual sins or sins of murder.)
  • Non-Christians: Some Christians get the "love" thing.
The Devil does not want us to recognize truth - in big things or in small things.


*** I recently noticed that someone landed on my page by searching for the origins of the saying "The Devil is a liar". I'm no scholar but, as far as in my home, the saying came from John 8:44 (You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father's ...When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.)

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Lessons Learned Watching Haunted Stories

I love watching those shows on TV about people living in haunted houses. I’m the stereotypical chick when those shows come on cause I’m talking to the television like the people on the show can hear me: “Don’t go in there, you idiot!” and “Oooh, you’re crazy. I wouldn’t be walking around trying to find where that noise is coming from!”

Here’s the basic outline of what happens on one of these shows:

A husband and wife find the perfect house (or one that the wife loves but the husband hates or vice versa). They move in and are really happy for about 2 minutes.

At the 2.01 mark, something weird happens. There’s an unexplained smell or sound. Maybe a door or window won’t open or stay shut, or else it opens and shuts on it’s own. Maybe one of the family starts to hear footsteps they can’t explain. (No matter what, this is never enough to scare them off.)

Give it a little time and enough strange stuff happens to where one person tells the other. And no matter HOW convinced the one person is, the person they tell either doesn’t believe them or else tries to explain away what’s been happening.

Give it a little more time and the second person starts noticing strange stuff too. (Although in some cases, it takes something really convincing, like when the first person becomes slightly possessed!)

Once the second person starts getting a clue, the whole family is on guard. Not on guard enough to leave (because there are at least 3 more commercials to get through), but enough to know something is wrong. Dumbasses..

Now that everyone is aware that there was a reason they were able to rent or buy their dream house so cheaply, the haunting ramps up.

When someone starts speaking in ancient tongues or gets poked in the ass by their invisible guests, it’s time to call in a psychic or demonologist or “investigator.” Sometimes (depends on how hot the show is), you get all the bunch.

Now, this is important: the rescue crew has to have certain “It” factors. Either they are young and good-looking or quirky and interesting or “world renowned.” And they are usually fearless. They will go into a house infested with demons or spirits and wander off into rooms by themselves. Oh. Wait – I forgot; there’s always a cameraperson along. Well, it LOOKS like they are alone and fearless and that’s what counts. Gives me something to yell at the television about.

Once the investigators have checked out the family (you know, making sure to extract juicy little bits of information about previous paranormal experiences or evidence of staunch skepticism), they call in the psychics and demon-hunters. Sometimes they call these people “Sensitives” or something else exotically odd. These are the people who will feel out the house itself.

Somehow, even though we are always reassured that the psychics and such have been “told nothing” about the house or the people (it’s really cool when they add the touch of a blindfold!), I’m always tickled to wonder how the person was flown or driven to an unknown location with all that secrecy…

And the minute they walk in… they can feel something not quite right. I've not seen ONE single episode of these shows where the “sensitive” person walks in and gets through the front door without “picking up” something. Don’t you think that a demon might be a little sneakier than this? You know, hide out for a minute so it can pop out and amp up the scare factor a little?  Wow, you might think these things have no sense of humor.

Anyway, once the sensitive person starts getting their feelings about the place, they don’t ever just try to get rid of whatever the haunting thing is right away. Nooooo… they have to TALK to it. They have to try to get acquainted. I don’t know about you, but if something has been scaring the hell out of me and the kids, throwing things around and going bump in the night, I’m not trying to understand WHY. I just want to get it the hell out of the house and out of my life. I don’t care if it’s hanging around because it’s misunderstood, pissed off, lonely – whatever. I just want it gone. But apparently, that’s just me.

Now that the spirit has been introduced, we can get to the part where it has to be sent on to where it never should have come from. This gets tricky. If it’s just a haunting spirit, apparently it needs to be guided to the light (whether that light comes from Heaven, the furnace of Hell or the one in the basement, I guess depends). Maybe some of these spirits missed the Dead Bus and need new transportation. I don’t know.

But if it’s a demon haunting the place, well, that thing has to be confronted. This is cool with me. If the trained experts are willing to do the confronting, well, go on and get down with your bad self. However, I notice that someone is always trying to encourage family participation. They say things like, “You must stand your ground” and “This is your house you are taking back from this thing.”

Yeah. Okay. I’d be the smart-ass client saying something back to them like, “You’re the one getting paid to make it go away.” (Because you know and I know that somebody is making money off this. It IS on television, people…)

Once they all confront or banish the Bad Thing, the air smells cleaner, the sky is brighter (or at least, if it’s raining, it seems like a cleansing rain). Sometimes, in the case of a haunting by a lonely child or sad widow, they will have a ceremony to help put the spirit at rest…

The End.

Now, let me tell you how the show would go with me:

We find a house. I get a bad feeling or Tim tells me he has a bad feeling.

We get back in the car and leave.

The End.

Or we don’t get a bad feeling right away. Let’s say we move in. Then at some point,  door slams by itself, we hear mysterious footsteps or we smell something we can’t explain. Whatever. I’m gone. With Tim or with him trying to jump in the car as I drive off.

Don’t let me hear a voice. If it says “Get...” I’m gone before the “...out.”

And I’m playing about Tim. He’s no coward, but he’s not stupid. We’d probably be driving off and down the street before we realized we were even in the car.

So, people. Don’t be stubborn. What are you proving by getting into a pissing contest with something dead or never alive? Here’s my advice about dealing with something haunted:

1 – When you hear unexplained footsteps and/or doors closing, DON’T go to check it out. Leave the damn house until you have someone with you to check together. And you are only checking long enough to get the keys to the car so you can leave faster than running.

2 – If you hear a disembodied voice or mysterious children’s laughter, DON’T hang around to figure it out. You know those aren’t your kids. The one thing worse than Bebe’s kids are the GHOSTS of Bebe’s kids.

3 – If dishes start flying around and cupboards start opening and closing, what the hell are you doing trying to duck and dodge? Just LEAVE. NOW.

4- If you wake up to a deep, growling voice yelling “GET OUT!” Obey.

5 – If your once sweet and loving spouse starts acting like Bela Lugosi with the old organ previous tenants left behind, leave the spouse in the house and GET OUT! You can send Pastor Roy back to get the spouse. Maybe the church can pray that demon out of him.

6 – If your kid tells you that something unseen is shaking his bed or snatching off the covers in the middle of the night, this is NOT a phase they are going through. Listen to them while y’all are packing some clean drawers to take to the motel.

7 – If the hairs stand up on the back of your neck only when you go in certain parts of your home, that’s not a static electricity problem. Think “Bounce!” and I don’t mean the dryer sheets. Something is trying to tell you something!

8 – When shadows and mists tend to float around your house in the night, don’t tell me about how you can’t leave & lose your investment. Choice: be bankrupt or be possessed.

9 – If you start having nightmares that don’t end when you wake up, it’s time to go.

10 – Those mysterious stains that appear and disappear on the ceiling? That’s probably not normal. Especially if you’ve already heard voices and seen shadows. Maybe the ghosts or demons are pissing on your ceilings. Who knows? Don't stick around to find out.

Don’t be stupid, people. Don’t wait until furniture starts levitating to call in a priest. Call the priest, the pastor, Ghost Busters… Hose down the lawn with holy water if you have to. You’ve watched the shows, you’ve heard the stories. You’ve seen “The Exorcist.” You cannot be serious about hanging out in a house that has a haunting. Unless you’re just trying to get yourself on a show with a medium or “paranormal researcher.” Personally, I’d rather burn that bitch to the ground and collect the insurance! I wanna meet Chip Coffey because I think he’s cool as heck, but I can hit him up on Twitter. I don’t need a haunting to start that conversation.


With A Child's Heart

From my bedroom window I can watch the street in front of the house. In the mornings I like to watch the kids who walk to the school up the street.

Have you ever really watched kids? Their expressions, the way the interact with each other? The way the shy ones kind of hang back from the others? The way the bolder ones test and flaunt their confidence? The way they all know how to hide their feelings behind clothes and makeup and attitude?

One of the kids I see every school morning is a boy, about 12 years old. He's that kid with the glasses and non-descript clothes, the kid none of the other kids really pay attention to. They don't seem to notice him even when he's walking right behind them. It's like he's invisible. I almost think that's his super-power: invisibility.

I never really noticed himself myself until three or four weeks ago. He was walking by the house and dropped a bag he was carrying. I saw the way he stumbled when he leaned over to pick up the bag. Saw the way the way that little inconvenience seemed to be almost too much for him. He picked up the bag and then just stood there for a couple of seconds, trying to deal with a frustration. I wondered what was going through his mind. I had to wonder what his life is like to make him seem so weary at such a young age.

This kid always looks like he's got things on his mind. When he looks at the other kids - the ones who laugh and joke and play around on the way to school - I can't name the expression on his face. It's as if he's just suffering through, moment to moment, getting by. Waiting. Surviving the passing of time.

Is he a book-smart kid, I wonder? Will he get through school and have a better life as an adult? Look back on these years and be stronger for having dealt with this childhood?

I wonder if anyone in his family understands what it is to be him during this growing-up time. I hope that someone is encouraging him and giving him something to be glad about in his heart. I hope there is a really good and caring teacher who recognizes the child this boy is. A mentor, a lifeline. I hope that life doesn't wear him down before he can find a place to fit in this world.

The other kid I notice is this girl who tries too hard to be hard. I hate to say it, but I look at her and I see her a couple of years from now being too grown, too hard, too much. She's not a pretty girl. There's nothing pre-woman cute about her. She's already tough, mad, irritated. One day I watched her reach out and just shove another kid as hard as she could. When the kid stumbled and dropped all of his things on the ground, the girl laughed and swaggered away. I guess she is a tough girl. A mad girl. Sad and bitter.

These kids are so young, but not young like when I was around 12. These kids are young and stale already, as if life wears on them harder than it did on kids when I was young.

When I was 12, 13, 14, I was still playing with dolls. I can't even recall when I quit making cakes in one of those little ovens with the lightbulb for baking... I remember being 12 and still being in awe of a cousin who was 16. I remember feeling young and feeling protected by my youth. When I was young there was still so much mystery about what it meant to be "grown."

These kids I see today understand being grown before they get there. Their eyes and hearts and souls are already old and worn out. Or at least that's what it seems like to me.

At my niece's graduation barbecue last weekend, one of the guests was a school friend of hers. This child is 16 and has one infant child and is pregnant with another. She's not scared, she's not overwhelmed. She's five or six months pregnant and so nonchalant about it. She came to the bbq with her boyfriend and her mother. She wore tight knit capris and a tight, form-fitting tee. She seemed unaware that I was just fascinated by her situation. She's 16 and, to me, she seemed so old and seasoned. Nothing is a big deal to young people today.

I told my sister recently that I can't imagine being a young person in today's world. I wouldn't feel safe or protected. There are a lot of things I complained about when I was young, but I'm glad I grew up in a time and with a family that allowed me to be young. I'm glad that when I was a child, society made it okay for me to be a child, act like, think like and dream like a child. (And I grew up in a world where there wasn't even the idea of having a black president. I grew up when women and other minorities didn't have the comfort of the freedoms they have now. I can remember driving with my family through small towns where blacks were not safe after dark.)

Somehow, while we've made so much progress as a society, we've lost as much as we've gained. What good have we done by giving children so much when we've taken away the freedom and desire to be children?


Thursday, May 14, 2009

Checking In

Just checking in because I feel like I've been neglecting the blogs! Mostly I've been on Twitter, but I did have other things going on the last couple of days.

I woke up the other day with a story in my head. Felt nice. Even nicer, I put down what amounts to damn near a full outline.

I'd forgotten what it felt like to have that spark. I've been so mired down in life that I forgot one of my favorite tricks for fanning the spark. Wanna know what the trick is? If you are a budding writer you do! Here it is: Any time you run into an interesting situation, just ask the question "What if?" You don't even have to wait for an interesting situation to arrive. If you're bored and find your mind wandering, let it wander productively. "What if?..."

Anyway, at least I haven't been away doing nothing!

The Twitter addiction is a loving monkey on my back, arms around my neck, teeth snatching me back to TwitZap if I walk away for more than a couple of hours.

It's a good addiction. I get all kinds of news, encouragement, random and fun conversation... I feel like I almost personally know some of the people I've run into on Twitter. Of course, I have my favorites. There's LilianChisca and JimQuillen and this so-sweet lady, ViolaJaynes, and so many others that I start to miss if I don't see their avatar popping up in the timeline. And I've got SoSoulfull and bustabitch, not to mention the other poets, writers, workers, lovers, artists, jokesters and just straight up cool folk.

Now that I'm getting to be a Twitter vet, I've gotten wiser about not only who I follow, but even who I'll let follow me. No kidding. There are people who pop up as new followers & when I go to check out a profile, I get something like a link to some porn or something. Damn people. You've already got my Spam folder full! Give me a break. Or - and I think this is even lamer: they won't have anything in their bio. Or they have thousands of followers and 10 updates (or none!). Come on. Why are you here??? And, by the way, don't follow me if when I check your profile I'm gonna have to see your naked ass. I'm not into you, porn chicks & guys. If I want to look at naked bodies, I have a mirror and a husband. If we get bored, we'll figure out. Don't you try to handle that without at least asking me first. Please and damn.

Some Twitter-ers are sneaky. They have a bunch of cool updates - quotes, maybe - but then for hours all you see are, basically, ads. They want to sell you something or get you to their site or tell you about their friend's site... Shameless. Today was one of the very few times I linked to one of my sites. (And that's only cause I finally updated it with some new jokes!)

And other than Twitter? Well, I've been watching dang near back-to-back episodes of all my fave shows: American Dad, Family Guy, Paranormal State, A Haunting, Frasier.

Been dealing with the family life thing. My sis, after finally getting both leg prosthetics, finds out her dialysis port is going goofy. So... probably back to peritoneal dialysis. Some pros and cons to that situation. Just hoping it's not like Arizona where she had an infection every time we had a dust storm or rain... I don't know. She's a strong, strong woman. I tease about it, but I feel so serious: if it were me - after all the surgeries, the hassle, the amputations, the hassle, the not being able to drive myself, the being stuck in a damn wheelchair for almost 2 years - I just don't know. My sis? She just reminds me every day of how good God has been. Tell me she doesn't have a reserved seat at a feast in Heaven.

On my end of things? Still struggling with the marriage, the finances and the separation. Still having the anxiety attacks and insomnia. Still have days where I wake up and make real sure to check if God is there for me.

Couple of good things (other than waking up, breathing on my own and not being as bad off as so many other people are!): I made the coolest friend via the blogs. Busta is one hella cool chick. This woman CALLED me to encourage me and lend me some sisterly strength. There are people I've done for who haven't done anything that beautiful. I mean, I have the best fam and some solid friends, but this woman and I just vibed. To think that someone out there has a heart this good... Does the spirit well.

So that's the latest. When I work out the new story (at least through a few chapters and a finished outline), I'm going to take a deep breath and think about submitting. (Do I know how to commit or what???)

Keep smiling. Keep being a little as good or better than the best around you.


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

"Color-Struck" Folk

I don't know how many people outside the Black community understand the term "color struck," but I met some people yesterday who need their pick in some dictionary next to the words.

Color struck people are those who have a sort of self-hate for their blackness. It's not hard to spot these folk. They are the ones who shuck and grin the minute they see someone white, light-skinned or with "good" hair. Put them in a crowd with 40 intelligent, friendly, decent people and they will only gravitate toward the ones lighter than themselves. Usually they make fools of themselves.

Yesterday, we had a h.s. grad party for one of my nieces. My niece is bi-racial (Native Alaskan and African-American) and she is light-brown skinned with long, straight hair. She's cute. What can I say? All my nieces and nephews are cuties - the dark and lighter ones - and I never think much about their racial heritage. Until I meet a color struck Negro like the one I met yesterday.

This woman walks in (late) to the party. We are scattered around the house and yard with kids and adults all having a great time. I'm sitting there on the deck with a family friend (white), my sis-in-law (Inupiat), my nephew (black), one niece (bi-racial), and the graduating niece (bi-racial) is standing right at my shoulder.

This woman's daughters were already at the party. Nice girls. Beautiful girls. I mean, these girls could be models. I teased them about being such "pretty girls." Their brother - a nice-looking and sweet-natured young guy - dates my niece (the bi-racial niece) and is out of the state for a while. Their dad was there. Nice guy, mingled and seemed to be enjoying himself discussing grill techniques with my brother and my nephew, teasing my niece about her drink-making skills. Having fun with everyone.

The woman shows up & I'd never met her before. I noticed though that she resembled the cute young sisters of my niece's boo. I smiled and welcomed her by introducing myself as "T's" auntie. "You must be ___'s mom," I said. My sis-in-law, sitting next to me confirms this and tells the mom my name and then introduces my other niece and my nephew.

This woman looks PAST me, PAST my nephew (who is the host, by the way), and just about KILLS herself raving over my older niece. "Oh! I saw you at the graduation ceremony! Your hair was different so I almost didn't recognize you..." (She's touching my niece's hair as she says this.)

I glance over at my sis-in-law who is just smiling and watching this like, WTF?...But, no biggie. I sat there another couple of moments while this woman skinned and grinned at all my bi-racial family members and never once again looked at me or my nephew.


I got up and wandered back into the dining room and mouthed to my sister and a friend (both black, of course), "Color-struck alert.) The dining room has a view of the deck so they'd already noticed.

After a couple of minutes, Miss Thang eventually made her way to the dining room where we had the food set up. I couldn't be rude, so I pointed out where the paper plates and all were. "Help yourself," I said.

Still being polite, I then offered to introduce her to the rest of the table. She told me her name and I did the intros. She started fixing a plate and I left that woman a.l.o.n.e.


It's been a long time since I've seen such ignorance. And this is a woman with grown children. This is a woman from the South. This is a woman with cornrowed hair and skin as dark as mine. This is a woman with a job and life experience.

I told my sister that now we know why this family had kind of glommed onto my niece from the get-go. I mean, taking her on family vacations, buying her expensive gifts and acting like their world will end if she ever breaks up with their son... I guess they have hopes the kids will marry and pro-create and bleed some of the darkness out of the family blood.

Good thing I was too tired to care as much. I'd had a long night before and that day was long enough. I made my excuses and took my tired behind up to catch a nap. Two Pina Colada's and a dose of Black Ignorance will do that to ya!

**smh** and **singing**: "We shall overcome... some day...."


Saturday, May 09, 2009

Condi Rice & That Mess

Because she is a woman and a "minority," I always had great respect for Condoleeza Rice and her acheivements. Until the other day when I saw this video on YouTube. (Go to the 5.0 mark or so to get right to the "clowning" moment...)

When I got notice of this video (on Twitter), the subject was something like "Watch Condi clown this student." The way I see it, Condi, clowned herself. This educated (I won't say "intelligent") and accomplished woman struck out at a student in such a mean way that I felt stunned. First of all, people usually only react with mean-ness when they feel on the defensive. If you really believe in your opinion, you don't have to be mean about it. Second of all, did anyone else notice that she never answered the question about whether SHE believed water boarding is torture? Meanest of all, I thought, is when she had already crushed this student and still had to keep up the bullying. Notice how she snidely informed him that another student mentioning "the Court" was talking about the Supreme Court. That was an unneccessary blow to someone who'd already been put down by her.

I give that student a lot of credit. At least he had the guts to admit he couldn't answer her question. And I do believe that took guts. He could have been more like her and gotten nasty about it.

So I hope "Condi" feels good about herself. If you're going to be a nasty bitch, be real about it, don't masquerade as a woman who has it all together. Way to go and be encouraging to a student, Miz Rice. When someone does something you don't like, you don't have to be an adult about it when you can just be nasty. Nasty is easier. And while we're being nasty, do you think George Bush could have answered your question? Probably not. After all, that's what he had your little smart ass around for.


Friday, May 08, 2009

Never Stop Laughing

I'm so thankful to my family. No matter how crappy life gets, they never let me forget to laugh. I can't even GET a pity pot to sit on. I start complaining about something & somebody in my family will have me laughing about it in seconds...

I was bitching about marital problems to "K," and since my own are never enough (or I don't want to single myself out), I had to bring up what was going on with a friend and her situation. I joked that I was sure she wished her old man would just drop dead. (This guy of hers is a real and total jerk, no kidding.) K joked back that the worse a man is, the longer he lives. "Look at that damn Mister in The Color Purple." Of course, after that, we had to list all the really rotten men we ever knew or heard about. Sure enough, those jerks all seem like they are going to live forever.

When I complained to "C" about how lazy men can be (okay, I was talking about MY man), she had to one-up me. Told me about how lazy her husband is & the day she was determined to be more stubborn than he is lazy. Guess they ran out of toothpaste. First, he was too lazy to stop and pick some up on the way home from work, so she did. Then, when she left the two new tubes in the bag downstairs, he was too lazy to bring them up to their bathroom (even though he was sitting right next to the bag for a few hours before bed...). She got up to brush her teeth the next morning, realized he'd not brought up the toothpaste. Wondering if he was SO lazy that he hadn't brushed his teeth. No.... Instead of going down and getting the brand new tubes of paste, this dude took the old and empty tube on the bathroom counter and - get this - somehow cut it open and scraped out enough to brush his teeth. She was so mad. She said she wondered if he realized that it would have taken less effort (and been more considerate) to just get the new tubes of paste. I guess not.

I know that we women tend to gripe about a lot of things, but little things make big piles. And then our men wonder why we laugh the hardest when Chris Rock does his routine on "If you have ever been in love, you have contemplated homicide..."

And, still, we love these guys. Damn. We need therapy, but I guess that's what the laughter is for.


Thursday, May 07, 2009

Learning to Be Free

Soon, I am going to be making a new start. I mean, a complete new start: new place, new job, new everything. The scary thing is that I might have to do it alone.

When I think of this, it frightens and exhilarates me. It's frightening because it's so overwhelming. It's overwhelming because I'm talking about starting from scratch. It's exhilarating because it means breathing again.

I've been living the past year in a sort of limbo. Holding my breath and waiting, waiting for things to right themselves. Now I've realized that nothing is going to "right itself." I have to set things right. I have to take a step, make a move. And that brings me all the way back around to being frightened.

The only part of my plan that is sure is that I know where I want to live. I just have to take a deep breath and pull everything else together.





Sunday, May 03, 2009

Hopeless (Not me. Not yet.)

Align CenterMusic has always been my therapy. Last night, while the kids were giggling and life was going on as normal around me, I was in a funk. I was listening to Arrested Development (remember those guys?) and then realized one of the group had broken out a long while back and done a song I just love: "Hopeless" by Dionne Farris. The words are powerful & really speaking to me lately. The song's up there on my playlist now & here is the video and lyrics:

Hello Morning, Now when does the fun begin?
Goodbye Morning, Sorry it had to end
But see I cried just a little too long
Now it's time for me to be strong

Hello Morning, I sure missed you last night
Goodbye Morning, You just won't do me right, ight, ight
I stayed just a little too long
Now it's time for me to move on

They say I'm hopeless (hmmmm mmmmm)
As a penny with a hole in it (penny with a, penny with a hole in it yeaaaaaah)
They say I'm no less (no less, no less, no less, no less)
Than up to my head in it
Ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba
Hey hey hey yea yea

Hello Yesterday, I sure need you now
Goodbye Yesterday, I just can't stay around
You see I cried just a little too long
And now it's time for me to be strong

Hello Yesterday, Remember how it used to be?
Goodbye Yesterday yea, I can't take you with me - no, no, no, I can't
You see I stayed just a little too long
And now it's time for me to move on

They say I'm hopeless (hopeless, hopeless yeah)
As a penny with a with a hole in it (ooou ouu whooo ouu ouu)
They say I'm no less (no less, no less, no less, no less, no less)
Than up to my head in it (oh yea yeah)
They say I'm hopeless (they say I'm hopeless, hopeless yeaaa yea yea yea)
As a penny with a hole in it (penny penny penny with a hole in it, hole in it, yea)
They say I'm no less (no less, no less, no less, no less)
Than up to my head in it (ummmmm ummm ummmm ummmm ummmmm)

Ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba
Hey hey hey hey eeeeeeaaaaae

This really is a time for me to be strong.



Saturday, May 02, 2009

By a Thread

I don't know how many other married people go through this (a lot, I am sure), but right now my marriage is hanging on by a thread. A very slim and frayed thread.

Divorce is so ugly. The separation has been rough enough, but divorce (even thinking about it) sounds brutally painful.

How do you deal with maybe having to walk away from a person you so wanted to spend all the rest of your life with? How do you grieve that kind of loss? And, even if you survive, how do you ever think about trusting someone new?

I'm almost to the point of wanting to live my life alone. I mean, I have family and friends, so why do I need heartache? Why do I need to place my love in the hands of someone who takes it for granted? Why not just live, laugh and enjoy each moment as it comes and don't expect anything special from one specific person?

Marriage. Separation. Divorce. Failure.

I feel a little bitter right now, and flawed. Other people make it work. What am I doing wrong? How can someone claim to love me and need me & yet keep letting me down time and time again. You can't be weak and love someone fully. Love takes strength - or love gives you the strength you need... I don't know anymore. I really just don't know. Maybe all the other married people aren't any happier than I am. Maybe they all just settle for "it is what it is." I don't know. I wish someone could tell me.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

REMINDER: Unite for World Hunger & Hope

Please go back and take a look at this post I did.

I realize that we all do a lot of talking about charity. We talk about feeling bad for the poor and sick and hungry. We talk about what we would do, "if only." We talk about how "there but for the grace of God..."

We see the billboards, ads on TV and in magazines. We look at the nice little logos bloggers have on their sites. We see, but don't see. We talk, but we don't do anything. We feel, but we don't put those feelings into actions.

I really hope that even one person today will DO something. While you talk about hunger, while you see the ads and news, while you feel so bad for those who are not eating as well as you do - take a moment to donate some money or food or time. Empty out your coin purses and change jars. Have your kids go around the house and collect loose change. Everyone take a look through your cabinets and cupboards. Is there anything to spare?

And while we are thinking about so many people who are hungry today, ask yourself how you would feel if it was YOUR child or parent or sister or brother who was missing meals. If you knew that someone you loved was going hungry, how would you feel about all the other people who TALK about the situation without every DOING anything about it.

So while we all go about our merry life, blogging and "social networking," taking meetings, getting together for lunch, or making a run out for a mocha or latte or breve, will it hurt us to take 10 minutes out of our day to find some food to donate or some change to put into a collection? Is it really so much to actually do some small or big or ANY thing?

Do me a favor. Take just this one moment and shut your eyes and think of what is in your refrigerator or cupboards that is not absolutely an essential thing to eat. What's there just because - just because you wanted to treat yourself, just because it's your favorite, just because you felt like splurging. What's there that you could live without? What's there that a hungry child or elder or homeless person would trade for just the most basic meal?

Now open your eyes. Open your heart. Do something.


Sunday, April 26, 2009

Ghost Hunters

I have this interest in people who chase after ghosts, spirits, demons - whatever you want to call it. There's a reason for my interest & I will explain that in another post coming up soon.

Right now I want to talk about the shows I like to watch. One is the show Paranormal State. This is all about a guy named Ryan and his team of "paranormal investigators." They seem to be seriously interested in examining the problems people have with paranormal disturbances. I also like that it seems they sincerely want to help the people who call on them. I do find it strange that while they are dabbling in the occult (one of the team members is a "pagan"), they often call on the "white light" of the Lord (Jesus) to protect them. In one episode, when the clients were born-again Christians, Ryan joked to the pagan team member to maybe put away her cauldron, etc. I thought that was so odd. It's like they are admitting that there are conflicts between what they do and what the Bible teaches, but they still use the Bible, priests (especially Catholic) and Church teachings in their combats... Strange.

The other show I've been checking out is Ghost Adventures. This one just cracks me up. These two guys take themselves seriously sometimes, but mostly, they seem to think that there is a lot of humor in what they do when investigating ghosts, etc. The one guy (he seems to be more of a camera operator) does not even pretend to be brave. Let something creak, whisper or groan in the dark & he goes into full panic mode. I love it when something weird happens and all you hear is him going, "Dude! Whoa! This is hardcore!" (Trust me, I'm laughing WITH him. I wouldn't even go into a creepy place on purpose, so I know I'd be screaming like a little girl if something spooked me.)

There's an old joke about black people and scary movies - you know, the movie would be over before it began because we wouldn't be hanging around after a voice told us to "GET OUT!!!" Well, usually stereotypes just piss me off, but I have noticed that I never see a black person on any of these shows. I know that even if I happened to be of another race, you wouldn't catch me creeping around some supposedly haunted place, taunting a spirit to come out and communicate. If something did show up, when I got through pissing on it and trampling everyone to "GET OUT," they wouldn't be able to show the film on TV.

Anyway, like I said, there's a reason I have this interest in spooky stuff. It has to do with something that happened right in my own family. I will talk about that later. For now, I'm going back to finish watching Ghost Hunters. I want to see if the ghost in the attic actually shows up and scares the crap out of that one dude...

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Bzz Campaign for L'Oreal

I got my Advanced Revitalift kit from BzzAgent today. If you've perused Trudy's Tracks you might have checked out BzzAgent under the category of Opinion Sites. If you haven't heard of opinion sites, you should seriously check them out now.

Back to my L'Oreal kit. I recieved a FREE, full-sized set of the SPF15 Day Lotion and Night Cream and a packet of samples of both to hand out to friends.

The way the Bzz campaigns work is, you try products & then spread the word. Between She Speaks & Bzz Agent, I've gotten to try (for FREE) everything from deodorant to chocolate to healthy snacks to cholestoral-lowering liquid nutrients. If you check their site, you will see that they have current campaigns for Pepsi, Clean & Clear, Neutrogena, and the GameWave entertainment system among many others...

I'm pretty excited about the L'Oreal product tryout because even though I have been blessed with great genes, I'm still about to hit 48 on birthday calendar. Just because I have great skin doesn't mean I don't like to baby it along! Every little bit helps...

So, here's the thing: I need to get a "before" pic so that I can do an "after" pic in 8 weeks. I have to do something in good, natural lighting to catch every nook & cranny! LOL I'm a dummy with my camera phone and with putting my pics online, but I am going to see if one of my techno-savvy nieces can hook me up. I will post the "before" pic here on the blog & (if I can manage it) either update every now and then or (definitely) get the "after" pic posted.

I'm telling you ladies (okay, guys too!) you need to get in on some of these opinion sites. This is a way to voice off about products you like (or not), and at least this way you get to try most of the stuff for free.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

So Very Sad

I got this in an email & at first, I wanted to laugh (there were a lot of humorous comments in the email), but then I started to feel so bad for whoever lived in this house. You can tell that it was a really cute apartment & that there was some nice stuff in it at some point. You have got to ask yourself what was the mental state of someone who could live like this. And why in the hell did no one get them some help - counseling, prayer, cleaning crew... something??? I mean, this is beyond filth. This is so ridiculous that there has to be a reason. I'm just speechless, and I pray that there were no children living in this environment. What the hell is going on in people's lives that they let things get to this point? (A big part of me is hoping that this will not check out on

I have to warn you that some of the pics are pretty gruesome. Also, in the email, it says that these pics were taken of a house in Houston after the evacuation for a hurricane - but BEFORE the actual storm hit. So, no, the storm is not the cause & that's obvious. And the cigarette debris... damn! I hope whoever lived there was able to get some serious help.

OK, here are the pics. Don't say I didn't warn you...

WARNING: The next pics are the super gross ones...

Doesn't that look like a kid's bed?

The more I think about this, I have to wonder if it's for real. I mean, I don't want to believe this of anyone.

That Dang Twitter

I know I keep talking about it, but I do love Twitter. I love being in the groove of what so many cool people are doing throughout their day. I love the little bits of inspiration, encouragement, news, gossip and insight that come in bursts of tweets.

That said, this morning I started weeding the hell out of the people I Follow. When I joined Twitter, I followed a lot of people kind of randomly. Now that I've been tweeting for a while, I realized I had to be more selective. I don't want to follow people who seem to have a) nothing to say, or b) just something to sell - either their services, themselves, or getting the most followers they can, or c) don't seem to be very interesting.

Now, I'm not implying that I am the most interesting person out there. I know I'm not. But I do try to be engaging. That's the whole reason I have tweet and have blogs. A lot of the people I was following didn't have anything interesting going on as far as their tweets and they didn't have anything going on on their sites. Some of the people I do follow don't have sites, but their tweets are so interesting. My biggest peeve is when folks try to disguise their tweet as something interesting & it turns out to be another "check this site where you can make big bucks!" deal. Ooooh - I hate that the most...

So I guess I'm about to get dumped by the folks I dumped. I guess I will at some point get dumped by people who don't like what I have to say. That's fine. That's life.

Anyway, back to tweeting. I'm using Twitzap now & I like it so much better than Tweet Deck or the other apps I've seen...


Monday, April 20, 2009

If You "Country" & You Know It

I was born in West Texas, but raised in Alaska. My husband was born in West Texas and raised there. My husband thinks I talk "white." That pisses me off because what he means is, not that I use the language correctly but that I don't sound flat, "country" and dusty-road raised. Or, worse yet, he thinks that to sound educated is something that only certain races can do. What about Asians and Hispanics and other with an accent?... In his defense, let me say that Tim doesn't really mean to be narrow-minded. I am working on him, trust me.

Now, having said that, I don't have a problem with other peoples accents. Matter of fact, I have the habit of mimicking people when I am around them for more than 20 minutes. I'm not as bad as my sister, who can be a little embarrassing when she does the same thing. When I lived in England, I had to damn near chew my tongue off to keep from doing a bad impersonation of Princess Di. When I get around my Texas-raised cousins, I start saying stuff like "over yonder," "soda water," I ain't studdin; (studying) y'all," and I might even slip in a "chill-run" or two if there are some kids around.

Mostly, though, I speak pretty much with what I think of as no accent at all. But my husband, with his country ass, calls that "talking like a Yankee." Hmmph. I'm so slow that, for a minute,  I thought he was talking about the baseball team! (I'm kidding.)

Whatever accent I speak with, I do know my behind is from the "country." I spent over 30 years of my 47 on this earth in Alaska, but I still have the ways of a country girl. The evidence?

  • I know what hot water cornbread is
  • I have used Vaseline, petroleum jelly - or whatever you want to call it - and olive oil as my primary weapon in the war against ashy-ness (and I use the word "ashy" to describe dry skin)
  • I have at times safety-pinned my money to my clothes
  • I have kept extra safety pins on me (usually pinned to my slip or the inside of a blouse or dress)
  • I have sat around the house after church in nothing but my slip and houseshoes
  • I do know how to "sop up" gravy with a biscuit
  • I was putting bleach in my dishwater before Dawn mixed it with their detergent
  • I like mint in my iced tea
  • I have put a piece of eggshell in coffee grinds before brewing
  • I know what fatback is
  • I have had homemade pork rinds
  • For a long time, baking soda was my toothpaste, deodorant and basic kitchen cleanser
  • To this day, I address folks older than me as Sir or Ma'am
  • I remember chewing tar for the health of my teeth
  • I know what "'Shine" is (hint: it's not for your hair or nails... It's hooch, people. 
  • Moonshine...)
  • I know you can "mark" a baby before it's born
  • I knew people who actually whittled while they sat on a porch
  • I can fix a single chicken to feed 10 people
  • I remember being able to buy dill pickles from a big barrel in a corner store
  • I know people that can fix fried chicken in a bag
  • I've had smokehouse meats - right out of somebody's smokehouse
So, yeah, no matter how I talk, I haven't lost anything about my early upbringing. I'm a country girl & I'm proud of it.

Cedric the Entertainer talks about what the "country" is. (And BTW, we didn't call people "gay" when I was growing up in the country; we called them "funny" and even though we called them that, didn't treat them like they were less than anybody else.)

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Things I THINK Men Want

Since I did a post on the things women want in a man, I feel like I have to do one on what men SEEM to want from women. I say "seem" because I can't get into the head of a man anymore than men can get into a woman's head. I'm basing this post on what I was taught by my mother and my own experiences. Here we go: What I think men want from a woman...

1 - No nagging. They heard you the first time you said something. If you asked them to do something & they still haven't done it after a while, find another way to ask. Don't just keep repeating yourself. That just gets on their nerves. My man actually said to me one time, "Damn, baby girl, I HEARD you!" And you guys know that this is one of those "contemplating homicide" times Chris Rock jokes about... If all else fails, start doing it yourself. This might get to them. (But don't let that get to be a habit or you might end up doing everything by yourself - in which case, why do you need them?)

2 - Keep yourself up. There was something about you that attracted your man in the first place. Whatever that was, keep it up. I'm not saying you have to try to keep up with Halle or some young thing, but do the best with whatever you've got. As a woman, I HATE to see another female looking raggedy. I hate to see a woman out in public with a sloppy attitude - you know, the hair's not combed, there's sleep crumbs in the corners of her eyes, and she didn't even bother to put some lotion on her ashy ankles... There's a big difference between vanity and giving a damn. (Right now, I look a little bit raggedy - hair messy, rip in the PJs... But my man is out of town at the moment. You better bet that if I thought he was coming up that driveway, I'd just about hurt myself getting to the mirror to fix this lazy Saturday morning look I have going on!)

3 - Food. I don't know if the way to a man's heart is through his stomach, but I know men like to be taken care of. Food is one of the basics. I didn't learn to really cook until I got married this last time, but I can tell you now that I DID learn. And it's not just for my man either. There is something beautiful about putting together a meal to nourish and satisfy your man. Even if you can't cook, you can learn. If you don't learn, you can try. I think men appreciate the effort.

4 - A clean home. This is basic, sisters. For one thing, I don't care if your man is the biggest slob on the planet, I don't think even he feels good about living in squalor. Besides, how can you feel good about yourself when your house is a wreck. I don't mean that we can all afford the best living quarters, but you can keep what you do have clean. (I used to know this one chick who was always complaining about her man not being "romantic" enough. What she meant was, she wasn't getting enough action in the bedroom. Well, hell, if you had SEEN this nasty apartment they were living in... I mean, dishes always piled up on the counter & in the sink. Clothes always about to be washed and folded, etc. Atmosphere does a lot for the senses. I like the idea of lighting a scented candle to set a mood, but I wouldn't have advised this sister to even light a match in her place. Might have torched the whole dang building...)

5 - Trust. Yes, men need us to trust that they are going to be there for us, that they are going to handle things. This one is hard sometimes. You know, when you're worried about that extra money y'all need to come up with to pay that unexpected bill... You might have to clench your jaws & grit your teeth, but you need to let him know that you know he's gonna handle it. (I admit, I might be doing some scrimping on my own just in case, but I'm not going to let him know that until I absolutely have to.) Trust your man at least until he gives you a reason not to.

6 - Sex. Yep. This is the biggie. Steve Harvey calls it "The Cookie." You can call it "quality time," "that special moment," or whatever you want to, but it comes down to keeping the man satisfied in a way that food, cleaning, trust, no-nagging & all that other stuff ain't going to get it. We women crave affection while men want sex. I try to be proactive & start with the affection before he has to ask for sex. That way, we both get what we want. (That doesn't always work, because I think men would take sex 24/7 if they could, but... Work with what you got.)

OK. That's it. I mean, I know there are a ton of other things that men can say they want, but as a woman, I think those 6 are the biggies.


P.S.: And I just couldn't resist doing this one more time:

Friday, April 17, 2009

Oh, It's ON Now!

This week has seen me reading two of the best books ever written. Ever, hear me.

First, I finished Kim McLarin's wonderful "Jump at the Sun." That book spoke to me in so many ways (as a woman, a wife & someone who chose not to have children) that I can't convey anything to you except: go get it & read it. Now. There were moments when I had to shut the book for a minute just to weep. I kept thinking how glad I was that someone was putting into words what so many of us have felt & could not express.

Second, my blog buddy, Bustabitch, was telling me about Steve Harvey's book, and she went one better. She sent me a copy in the mail (bless you!). Let me tell you something: This is THE book if you want to get into a man's head. Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man gets into the guts of why I want to go homicidal on my man sometimes (and why I shouldn't)! I'm not finished yet, but you know what I'm gonna be doing tonight. The only thing I'm mad about is that Steve & I are married - to different people, I mean. That is one fine brother there. But I wander off subject...

Anyway. There must be a "relationship moon" out or something. All my girlfriends (blog buddies & coffee buddies) and I have our relationships so on the brain for the past few weeks. Busta and I are coming at relationships from different perspectives, but we have so many of the same issues with men.

I just wanted to give a heads up on the books. And I need to say that I will be doing the post on the things we women need to be giving our men. (I kind of wish I hadn't read Mr. Harvey's book, though. I don't want his ideas to seep into what I meant to say.)

Last of all, I'm going to throw this in now because I just know I forgot to thank somebody for the Twitter "Follow Friday" mentions... Here are some folks I recommend if you Twitter:

Last, but not least: these young folk here are between 13-16 years old.
Look for them on Twitter & check out their site. When you don't know what you are doing on a PC, ask a young person; this is their world & we just stumble around in it! LOL

(And, dangit, I will have to update that list 'cos I KNOW I've forgotten somebody again...)

Thursday, April 16, 2009

6 Things Women (I) Want In A Man

Okay. I wasn't gonna do this, but I keep seeing all these tweets (on Twitter) about relationships: What a man needs to do to keep a woman. How a man's behavior affects relationships. Why men misread women. Of course, I see that most of is stuff is coming from men.

How is a MAN going to tell another man what it takes to understand a WOMAN?

If you want to know something about science, you go to a scientist. If you want to understand a recipe, you go to a cook. You want to know about women, damnit, go to a woman. C'mon, people. This is not hard. I just told y'all about the comedian (a woman) who gives some of the best advice ever about relationships... So, as a woman, I am going to tell you men that there are basically 6 things most women need from a man (OK, so this list is about ME, but if any of the sisterhood want to join in, go 'head!):
  1. Pride - Your own, not hers. Not saying that we want an egomaniac, but pride is multi-faceted. It's pride that makes a man dig ditches if that's the best or only job he can find. It's pride that makes a man back down from a losing fight. It's pride that makes a man stick by his woman & his kids when he could do like so many others & just walk away. Pride will let you be a man without being a bully. Pride will let you take charge without taking someone else's dignity. (And, let's face it, women dig men with at least a little swagger!)
  2. Respect - For others. If you respect others, that shows that you respect yourself. Most of all, you should respect your woman, your responsibilities, your vows, your parenthood, your role as a son, as a employee and as a child of God. (Wives, take not: if you don't give him a reason to stay, your man will and should leave.)
  3. The ability to listen - Not just to what your woman says, but to so many of the things that are left unsaid. You should "listen" to her eyes when you might have said or done the wrong thing. You should "listen" to her heart when the life and duty of just being a woman is weighing her down. You should "listen" to her body when it's trying to let you know how she wants and needs to be desired.
  4. The ability to to talk - With more than your mouth. The same as with listening, you need to learn to speak to all the parts of your woman and your relationship with her. You should learn the way she "hears" you so that you both grow together in that special communication that the best lovers have mastered. I have to say that I have never found a man with this ability.
  5. Masculinity - Being tall or well-muscled does not make you truly masculine. For me, the most masculine man is the one who understands what the role of a man in the relationship. I can feel just as safe in skinny arms that won't reach out to hit me as I can in the strong arms of an abuser. I can look "up" to a short man who loves me the best he knows how as well as I can to the tall & handsome man who has no clue what real love is. I'd rather go to sleep at night in a hovel next to a GOOD man than lounge in the finest luxury with a man who is only waiting for the next version of me.
  6. Hope of a future - If you love your woman, be willing to take care of yourself so that you will be around as long as possible. She's not nagging you about eating right and getting enough exercise and rest because she doesn't love you. She's doing it because she does. (If she didn't love you, she'd put some insurance on your ass and buy you the big bags of chips!)
Six things. That's it. Like anything else, if you have the basics, the rest will work itself out.

And, yes - I WILL be doing a post for the ladies.


Monday, April 13, 2009

What Dreams Are Made Of

This woman right here, she's really got talent. Too bad people weren't ready to see how beautiful she is until she opened her mouth to sing. This is why you don't judge people by their looks.

I thought that damn Simon was going to swallow that pen he's always twirling around!

And the thing that really surprised me: Ms. Boyle didn't seem to realize just how blown away everyone was; she was walking off the stage as if to hurry and avoid the criticism.

Damn. Go somewhere and sit your little hot azz down, Beyonce! Susan Boyle is all up in henh!
