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Monday, May 15, 2023

**CROSS POST** What Christianity Is and Is Not

 So many people who are not Christian have a such bad view of Christianity. In most cases, this may be because of how they see our faith being represented by people who only call themselves "Christian".  I myself sometimes find it hard to separate the Christian faith from some of the poor examples I see. But as with anything, people can adopt any label they like but the proof is in their living.

Why are there so many poor examples of the Christian faith? I think it most often comes down to ignorance. Someone may be just have been born into a tradition that they don't understand or they got caught up in a cult or a fad. And for a lot of people, it's that they are under teachers of false doctrines.

Many people (like myself) can end up in Christian churches that are not good for them so they don't even know what it is to truly be a Christian. Maybe the person is not yet a Christian and doesn't know better. Maybe they are Christians who don't study their Bible - and so they don't know better. Maybe (and I think this is the most common reason) they put too much faith in the leader(s) of their church.

I'm no scholar but I am growing in my faith. I want to point out some signs of churches and "Christians" to avoid. Along the way, I hope you learn something about the faith - the true faith that is Christianity. By the way, when I use the term "true Christian", I mean one who is earnestly wanting to learn what Christianity is and is not. I will start with churches.

Avoid a church that...

  •  Is affiliated with the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR). The lovely hosts of the Long For Truth YouTube channel have a series of videos about the NAR and point to this webpage of NAR-connected ministries and this page of NAR terminology.
  • Uses something in addition to or instead of the Bible as an authority,
  • or that teaches from "Bibles" that don't aren't actual or accurate translations - such as The Message - which may or may not be fine for casual reading. (Because there are several translations, here is one guide that I've used. By the way, I currently use the eSword to access several, including the KJV, NKJV, and NASB. I also recently got a copy of the TRB, which I love for casual reading before bed.)
  • Has "prophets" with failed prophecies.
  • Has leaders who are always getting a "fresh revelation" or are hearing from God. 
  • Teaches that "you are god" too.
  • Aligns with the teachings of any pastor who doesn't follow the teachings of the Bible.
  • Teaches that Jesus was just a good man or teacher but doesn't recognize his divine nature.
  • Focuses on your feelingswealth, and health instead of your salvation.
  • Welcomes sin with open arms instead of welcoming sinners with reasons to change.
  • Loves the sin more than they love the sinner.
  • Strives to entertain rather than to instruct.
  • Cares more about what people think about the church rather than what Jesus thinks about the people.
  • Teaches ecumenism and tolerance rather than truth and instruction. This is a current trend today with the LGBTQ community clashing with biblical teaching.
  • Worries more about ruling this world and kingdoms here on earth than the King and kingdom to come.
  • Teach from the minds of the pastors rather than from the Word of God.
  • Teaches tithing as a requirement rather than as from personal willingness.
  • Allows women pastors.
  • Does not carefully monitor what is done with its resources.
  • Does not have a good church structure and oversight of leaders.
  • Encourages/approves of practices such as yoga ("holy" or otherwise), the Enneagram, mysticism, and other unbiblical teachings.
  • Is based more on the personality of the pastor than the teachings of the Bible.
  • Is a "charismatic" church. (By the way, I spent my pre-teens in a charismatic church much like those of today.)
Avoid a church that doesn't...
Any church that is okay with...
Look for a church...
  • With a pastor and leaders who adhere to biblical guidelines for their positions.
  • That worship with order and reverence.
  • Where the Bible is the final authority and focuses on teaching from the Bible about salvation and the gospel.
  • That isn't concerned with trying to "help" God rule in this earthly kingdom.
  • Who helps members grow in their faith and prayer life and discernment.
  • That equips members in building and keeping their "Armour of God" in the best shape.
Even as a Christian who is still learning and growing in my relationship with the Lord, I am often shocked at what goes on in so many churches. When I see a service where people are running around, speaking gibberish, and being "slain" by someone breathing on them or tapping them on the forehead... A lot of services are unruly and chaotic. That is completely unbiblical.

Many so-called pastors, leaders, and teachers have made theirs a ministry of money. They have private jets and lavish homes. Seeing all the Joyce Meyers, Benny Hinns, Creflo Dollars, etc. reminds me of rock stars and celebrities - not the Apostles. Those and many other false teachers are truly living the "love of money" sin.

And the problems are not limited to the big-name deceivers. There are many individuals with sizeable numbers of YouTube followers who are just as bad. Every time I see a channel creator with "Apostle", "Prophet/Prophetess", "The Divine", "Reverend Mother", or some such thing attached to their name, I cringe. This current generation is one that thrives on social media and other internet interactions for almost everything in their lives. Where better for charlatans and ego-greedy people to find an audience?

For anyone who professes a belief in God and salvation through Jesus, please get to know the Bible. Read, study, and pray for discernment. Be like the Bereans and question the authenticity of what you are hearing in church. Is it biblical, is it edifying, is it leading you more toward the Lord than to worldly things. 

The Bible teaches what we need to know about the church, church leaders, and the Christian life. In the TRB version of the Bible, I find it easy to locate such teaching and it might be helpful for the new Christian. For example, in Ephesians, there are directions given to us.

All you need to know to live your life for the Lord is taught in the Bible. As I have within most of this post, I will share articles from for some starting points that I myself find easy to read and understand and that will lead you to further study. 
Understand that if you have accepted the gift of salvation, it doesn't guarantee you health, wealth, or a problem-free existence. It does mean that you are eternally secure. When you accepted Jesus's gift, you were justified, you are sanctified, and when you die, you will be glorified

If you want salvation, it's a free gift.
